Members of the White House Communications Agency, which provides a range of communications support to US presidents, created and issued a commemorative coin featuring Trump and Kim's likeness with the words "PEACE TALKS" above them.

纪念币(commemorative coin)的一面是特朗普与金正恩的侧脸,分别以两国国旗为背景;“和谈(peace talk)”两侧是两国国名,the United States of America以及Democratic People's Republic of Korea;两人侧脸头像的外围印有双方领导人的称谓,特朗普为President Donald J. Trump,金正恩为Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un;另一面是特朗普专机空军一号以及白宫的画面。

The coin -- which members of the White House Communications Agency create for every presidential trip abroad -- was not created or approved by the White House nor was it paid for using government funds.
白宫副发言人拉吉·沙赫(White House deputy press secretary Raj Shah)表示:
"Since 2003, White House Communications Agency members have ordered a limited number of commercially designed and manufactured souvenir travel coins for purchase," Shah said. "These coins are designed, manufactured and made by an American coin manufacturer. These souvenir coins are only ordered after a trip has been publicly announced. The White House did not have any input into the design and manufacture of the coin."