Barely a week after Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that the trade war was “on hold” and that tariffs would be suspended as negotiations continued, the White House issued a statement saying the United States would move ahead with its plan to impose 25 percent tariffs on $50 billion worth of imported Chinese goods within the next month.
不到一周前,美国财政部长史蒂文·努钦(Steven Mnuchin)表示,贸易战“暂停”,并在谈判继续进行期间搁置关税提议。到了周二,白宫发表声明称,美国将在下个月内继续执行对500亿美元中国进口商品征收25%关税的计划。
Mr. Trump’s reversal was yet another twist in a long-running ideological battle in the West Wing between economic nationalists, who channel Mr. Trump’s protectionist instincts, and more mainstream advisers like Mr. Mnuchin, who worry that tariffs and investment restrictions will hurt the stock market and hobble long-term growth.
The nationalists seem to have won this round. While Mr. Trump is sending Wilbur Ross, the commerce secretary, to Beijing this weekend to try again to resolve the dispute, people briefed on the talks said Mr. Trump was frustrated with the first round of trade negotiations and wary of giving Democrats an opening on one of his core issues.
这一轮似乎是民族主义者赢了。虽然特朗普派商务部长威尔伯·罗斯(Wilbur Ross)本周末前往北京,再次尝试解决争端,但知情人士表示,特朗普对第一轮贸易谈判感到沮丧,担心在核心问题之一中给民主党提供了一个批评他的把柄。
The trade offensive comes at a sensitive moment, days after Mr. Trump pulled out of his planned June 12 meeting with the North’s leader, Kim Jong-un, after suggesting that China played a role in derailing the encounter. But the president has since expressed more optimism about the meeting, and negotiators from Washington and Pyongyang have scrambled to reinstate it, giving Mr. Trump a freer hand to resume his tough approach to America’s greatest economic adversary.
此次贸易攻势发生在一个敏感的时刻,此前几天,特朗普取消了6月12日与朝鲜领导人金正恩(Kim Jong-un)会面的计划。此前,他曾表示,中国在破坏这次会晤中起了作用。但后来,总统对会晤表达了更乐观的态度,华盛顿和平壤的谈判代表也在仓促地恢复计划,特朗普因此得以放手恢复对美国最大的经济对手的强硬态度。
In addition to the renewed trade threat, the United States has hardened its military posture toward China, canceling an invitation for the Chinese to take part in a large Pacific naval exercise and sailing two Navy warships past a handful of disputed islands in the South China Sea. The administration is pushing back against China’s installation of military facilities in the heavily trafficked waterway.
“On every issue, the balance of power in this administration leans toward a more hostile and adversarial relationship with China,” said Jeffrey A. Bader, a former top China adviser to President Barack Obama.
“在所有问题上,本届政府的权力平衡倾向于对中国采取更敌对的态度,”贝拉克·奥巴马总统的前中国高级顾问杰弗里·A·贝德(Jeffrey A. Bader)表示。
But Mr. Bader cautioned that Mr. Trump’s threat of tariffs could still be a purely tactical move and a cudgel to force concessions from China, similar to the approach he has used with several of America’s closest trading partners.
“To me, it is not at all clear that Trump has turned his back on a deal,” he said.
Last week, the administration announced a sweeping new investigation that could result in tariffs on imported automobiles — a move trade experts said was designed to ramp up pressure on Mexico and Canada in negotiations over the North American Free Trade Agreement.
上周,特朗普政府宣布要进行一项全面的新调查,可能导致对进口汽车征收关税。贸易专家们表示,此举意图在《北美自由贸易协定》(North American Free Trade Agreement)谈判中增加对墨西哥和加拿大的压力。
On Friday, temporary exemptions to steel and aluminum tariffs that the White House granted to the European Union, Canada and Mexico are set to expire, raising the question of whether the countries will fold to Mr. Trump’s trade requests or retaliate.
Hours after the tariffs on China were announced, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce accused the White House of going back on its word, even as it hinted that Beijing expected such a reversal.
“We feel surprised by the tactical statement issued by the White House, and yet it was also unsurprising,” a statement from the ministry said, adding that China would “defend the interests of the Chinese people and core national interests.”
“This is clearly contrary to the consensus that China and the U.S. reached not long ago in Washington,” the statement said.
The last round of trade talks ended on May 19 with the two sides issuing an upbeat but vague joint statement that revealed little progress toward resolving a long list of complaints from the American negotiators. Mr. Trump, who made getting tough on China a centerpiece of his campaign, has often talked about challenging what he believes are its unfair trade practices.
But his advisers are deeply divided over how best to do it. Some, like Mr. Mnuchin and Mr. Ross, are focused on a compromise deal that would require China to buy huge amounts of American products to reduce its trade surplus, while still forestalling the possibility of a trade war.
Others like Peter Navarro, a top White House trade adviser, and Robert Lighthizer, the United States trade representative, have pushed for tougher action. They want China to undertake radical reforms, ending the subsidies it provides to developing industries and allowing American companies equal access in the Chinese market.
其他人——比如白宫高级贸易顾问彼得·纳瓦罗(Peter Navarro)和美国贸易代表罗伯特·莱特希泽(Robert Lighthizer),则推行更为强硬的措施。他们希望中国进行彻底的改革,停止对发展中产业提供补贴,并允许美国公司平等进入中国市场。
Hours after Mr. Mnuchin said a trade war was on hold, Mr. Lighthizer, who has been leading the investigation into China’s trade practices, issued a statement that was viewed as a repudiation of his colleague. He said that “real work” still needed to be done to make changes in the Chinese system, and that the United States would use “all of its legal tools to protect our technology through tariffs, investment restrictions and export regulations.”
Mr. Trump’s handling of a Chinese telecom company, ZTE, became another flash point. On Friday, he said he had reached a deal that would allow the firm, which was recently banned from buying American components as punishment for violating United States sanctions, to remain in business. That prompted a slew of criticism from lawmakers that he was backing off his tougher promises on trade and letting a Chinese telecom company that did business with Iran and North Korea off the hook.
“Yes they have a deal in mind. It is a great deal... for #ZTE & China,” Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, said in a tweet.
“他们是在考虑一个协议。是个不错的协议……对#中兴 和中国而言,”佛罗里达州共和党参议员马尔科·鲁比奥(Marco Rubio)发推说。
Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, tweeted, “If the administration goes through with this reported deal, President Trump would be helping make China great again.”
纽约州参议员、民主党领袖查克·舒默(Chuck Schumer)发推说,“如果政府通过了这份传闻的协议,特朗普就是在帮助中国恢复伟大荣光了。”
Those swipes rankled Mr. Trump, according to current and former White House officials. In a midterm election year, they said, the president does not want to leave an opening to Democrats on trade. Mr. Trump expressed his unhappiness to Mr. Mnuchin, who had urged him to settle the ZTE issue and seek a trade truce with Beijing.
“There may be some momentary confusion, but his default position is, you’ll never get to the right of him on China,” said Stephen K. Bannon, who served as Mr. Trump’s chief strategist and is a leader of the nationalist movement.
“可能会有一时的混乱,但他的默认立场是,你们永远都不会在中国问题上看清他的道理,”曾任特朗普首席战略师、民族主义运动领袖斯蒂芬·K·班农(Stephen K. Bannon)说。
In April, the administration detailed a list of Chinese goods that would be subject to tariffs, including flat-screen TVs and medical devices. It then held a series of hearings on the tariffs, giving the public a chance to influence the targeted products.
On Tuesday, White House officials said that they would issue the final list of goods subject to the tariffs by June 15, and impose the duties shortly after that. Mr. Trump has also threatened additional tariffs on $100 billion of Chinese products that, for now, will not go into effect.
China’s explosive rise was a shock to the global trading system. For decades, Western economies like the United States have struggled with the growth of this economic powerhouse.Published OnMay 15, 2018CreditImage by Doug Mills/The New York Times
The White House also said it would move forward with restrictions on Chinese investment and with stronger export controls to limit the access that Chinese people and companies have to American technology — a measure the administration said was for national security purposes.
Those restrictions will be announced by June 30 and adopted soon after that, the administration said, adding that the United States would also continue to pursue a trade case it filed against China at the World Trade Organization involving intellectual property rights.
Mr. Schumer offered the president highly conditional praise. “This outline represents the kind of actions we have needed to take for a long time, but the president must stick with it and not bargain it away,” he said in a statement.
Representative Richard E. Neal, Democrat of Massachusetts, said the administration was merely trying to save face “by rattling its saber with new deadlines,” after having undermined American national security interests by easing penalties on ZTE.
马萨诸塞州民主党议员理查德·E·尼尔(Richard E. Neal)表示,政府无非是在撤销了对中兴的惩罚、破坏了美国国家安全利益之后,“通过新的最后期限吓唬人,”以挽回颜面。
“Without a coherent strategy,” he said, “it’s hard to see the renewed commitment to threatening tariffs and investment restrictions as anything but more bluster and chaos.”
Mr. Trump’s willingness to cut a deal on ZTE also raised questions about his motives, given that days before he said he would help the company, China granted his daughter, Ivanka Trump, seven new trademarks across a broad collection of businesses, including books, housewares and cushions.
Mr. Trump’s latest trade moves have provoked retaliation from China, which has promised its own potential tariffs on $50 billion in American goods. Chinese officials say they do not dismiss anything as an idle threat.
“We have to consider this seriously — we have to listen to his words and watch his actions,” Li Gang, the vice president of the Commerce Ministry’s research and training institute, said in a recent interview in Beijing.