The electric rail has been embedded in a public road near Stockholm, linking Stockholm Arlanda airport to a nearby logistics site over a stretch of 2 km.
This electrified road is an important step forward in Sweden's long-term energy strategy and its efforts to combat climate change.
The road transfers electricity from an underground rail into the batteries of cars through a flexible arm attached to the charging vehicle.
Each kilometer of electrified road currently costs roughly 1 million euros, 50 times cheaper than installing an overhead tram line over the same distance.
目前,充电公路每公里约耗资100万欧元, 比安装等距的有轨电车轨道便宜了50倍。
The e-roads are divided into 50 meter-long (164 feet) segments, which are individually powered -- and only when a car is running on that segment. To keep extra safe, power will be cut when a vehicle stops.