Wuhan University of Technology in Hubei provincereduced its quota by 77.8 percent — from 450 lastyear to 100 in 2019 — and Central South Universityin Changsha, Hunan province reduced its quota from420 in 2018 to 120 this year.
A total of 90 universities have the right to enroll high school students through their own examsand sets of standards, with 77 enrolling these students from across the country and 13 enrolling students from within their provinces, regions or municipalities.

This year, universities have stipulated students holding patents or papers in fields were notqualified for independent enrollment, but awards at provincial level or above in subject-specific competitions would be recognized. Universities have paid attention to the physicalconditions of students this year, as a physical examination is a must and the results are addedto the total score.
Jin Ge, an official from Suzhou University in Jiangsu province, said the physical examinationresults are being added to guide students to realize they have to study well but still stayhealthy.
The national college entrance exam, or gaokao, has been a highly competitive and stressfultest deciding the fate of high school students for many a year. In 2003, some universities wereallowed to enroll students in specialties independently.
As universities enlarged their independent enrollment quotas in recent years, problemsappeared, such as faking papers and other issues.
Earlier this year, the Ministry of Education asked universities to adopt stricter rules forindependent enrollment; to avoid overreliance on criteria such as research papers, patentsand competition results; and to limit the number of disciplines open for independentstudents.