Boeing had to stop running load tests on its new 777X aircraft following reports of a faulty cargo door, officials said.
“During final load testing on the 777X static test airplane, the team encountered an issue that required suspension of the test,” Boeing spokesman Paul Bergman explained in a statement Saturday.
A report in The Seattle Times on Friday had outlined an issue with one of the plane’s cargo doors — which reportedly exploded outward during a recent certification test for the Federal Aviation Administration.
《西雅图时报》周五的一篇报道指出,这架飞机的一扇货舱门存在问题——据报道,在联邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)最近的一次认证测试中,货舱门向外爆炸。
The 777X program had already been delayed to to a problem with its GE-9X engine and wasn’t expected to be rolled out into sometime next year. Experts expect the latest development to push things back even further. However, Boeing insists that “overall testing is continuing.”
“The testing conditions were well beyond any load expected in commercial service,” Bergman said of the failed certification test, which was run on a “static test” plane intended for ground testing only and no actual flights. “The event is under review and the team is working to understand root cause.”
The 777X was introduced back in March as the longest passenger jet in existence. The record-breaking plane — which measures 252 feet from nose to tail — was supposed to be a major PR boost for Boeing following the fatal Ethiopian Airlines crash and grounding of its 737 Max 8 aircraft.
777X于今年3月推出,当时是世界上最长的客机。这架破纪录的飞机从机头到机尾长252英尺,在埃塞俄比亚航空公司737 Max 8飞机坠毁并停飞后,本应成为波音公司公关上的一大亮点。