A doctor in New York asked for help to alleviate the shortage of personal protective equipment for health care workers on the front lines of the coronavirus fight.
A librarian stepped in to help.
Now Madiha Choksi, a research technologist at the Columbia University Libraries, is a key member of a group of partners and volunteers that have made over 7.500 protective face shields to distribute to New York City-area hospitals.
She received an email from Dr. Pierre Elias, a fellow at Columbia, telling her about the lack of adequate PPE for health care workers at New York Presbyterian Hospital.
"I think early on in this crisis we wanted to be prepared," Elias told CNN. "And what we were realizing is with the rate of patients that were coming to the hospitals and the supplies that we had, we were really concerned about if supply could meet demand."
“我认为,在这场危机的早期,我们希望做好准备,” 埃利亚斯告诉CNN。“我们考虑到来医院就诊的病人的比例以及我们拥有的供应,我们真的很担心供应是否能满足需求。”
Elias said 3D printing is helpful in the short term because "it allows for rapid prototyping, and you're not dependent on supply chains."
The librarian started to work right away. She spent all night researching various models, and got permission from her bosses to bring two 3D printers from the library back to her apartment, since the campus had already closed and she was working remotely.
Choksi made a few changes to an open source face shield model from 3D printing company Budmen Industries, including making the file about 8% smaller to reduce the printing time of the visor to around an hour. An elastic band, foam band, and sheet of transparent plastic complete the face shield.
库克斯对3D打印公司Budmen Industries的开源面罩模型做了一些修改,包括将文件缩小约8%,以将面罩的打印时间缩短到一小时左右。面罩由一条弹性带、泡沫带和透明塑料片构成。
Two days after the initial help request, Choksi presented Elias with five reusable face shields. The next day Elias asked her if she could do about a thousand of them.
Elias said Choksi "really took up" the call to help health care workers.
"The amount of care that she has for health workers in New York City is immense. She just has a deep passion for trying to help," Elias added.
Volunteering while social distancing
Choksi said she used social media to spread the word about her effort, and soon after, she landed the help of two 3D printing companies, MakerBot and Tangible Creative. The partnership also includes Columbia Libraries, which is helping with the rest of the materials. Her library colleagues and volunteers started to assemble the face shields.
库克斯说,她利用社交媒体来宣传自己的努力,不久之后,她得到了两家3D打印公司MakerBot和Tangible Creative的帮助。合作伙伴还包括哥伦比亚图书馆,它正在帮助提供其余的资料。她在图书馆的同事和志愿者们开始组装面罩。
Through a friend, Choksi found a space at 92nd Street Y in Manhattan, and very quickly an assembly line was formed -- it takes only a couple minutes to assemble the face shield -- that has helped them make over 7.500 face shields since they started at Choksi's apartment. The shields have all been donated to hospitals.
"I feel a responsibility to do all that I can as someone who is a technologist," Choksi said. "We have to do all we can for the true heroes on the front lines, our medical professionals."
Why face shields are important
The reusable face shield is meant for health care workers to use as an extra layer of protection over N95 masks. It covers the forehead and eyes, going ear to ear and all the way down to the bottom of the neck.
Elias said a face shield is especially helpful when a patient is producing aerosolizing particles.
Across the US, people have taken the do-it-yourself approach to help with the PPE shortage. From printing businesses to schools to doctors, all have responded to the urgent call from hospitals and care centers.