Nokia declined to comment on Thursday on a media report saying it was working with an investment bank to defend itself from a hostile takeover — the news of which sent its shares flying.
“Nokia does not comment on market rumors,” said a Nokia spokesman.
Earlier on Thursday shares in Nokia surged 12.5 percent with traders pointing to a report by online newspaper TMT Finance that said Nokia was working to defend itself from a hostile takeover bid for parts of its business or the whole company.
周四早些时候,诺基亚股价上涨12.5% ,交易员指出,在线报纸 TMT Finance 的一篇报道称,诺基亚正在努力保护自己免受对其部分业务或整个公司的敌意收购。
诺基亚(Nokia Corporation)是一家总部位于芬兰埃斯波 ,主要从事移动通信产品生产的跨国公司。诺基亚成立于1865年,当时以造纸为主业,后来逐步向胶鞋、轮胎、电缆等领域扩展,最后发展成为一家手机制造商。自1996年以来,诺基亚连续14年占据市场份额第一。面对新操作系统的智能手机的崛起,诺基亚全球手机销量第一的地位在2011年第二季被苹果及三星双双超越。