Laisenia Qarase, the former Fijian Prime Minister who was overthrown by Frank Bainimarama’s military coup of 2006 has died this morning.
被2006年Frank Bainimarama军事政变推翻的斐济前总理莱塞尼亚·恩加拉塞今早去世。
Mr Qarase, 79, was appointed as Prime Minister in July 2000 after the George Speight coup.
现年79岁的恩加拉塞在2000年7月乔治•斯帕特(George Speight)政变后被任命为总理。
He won two elections but was forcibly removed from power in December 2006 by the military.
His policies and proposed legislation championing indigenous Fijian rights were condemned at the time by then military commander Frank Bainimarama.
他的政策和支持斐济原住民权利的立法提案,遭到当时的军事指挥官Frank Bainimarama的谴责。
In 2010 he was charged by the military led government of abusing his office and was sentenced to a year in prison.
Mr Qarase died this morning at a private hospital in Suva after a short illness.