Although the coronavirus lockdown has temporarily cleared the skies, it has done nothing to cool the climate, which needs deeper, longer-term measures, the scientists say.
Heat records have been broken from the Antarctic to Greenland since January, which has surprised many scientists because this is not an El Niño year, the phenomenon usually associated with high temperatures.
The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration calculates there is a 75% chance that 2020 will be the hottest year since measurements began.
美国国家海洋和大气管理局(National ocean and Atmospheric Administration)估计,2020年有75%的可能性成为自测量开始以来最热的一年。
The US agency said trends were closely tracking the current record of 2016, when temperatures soared early in the year due to an unusually intense El Niño and then came down.
The US agency said there was a 99.9% likelihood that 2020 will be one of the top five years for temperatures on record.
A separate calculation by Gavin Schmidt, the director of the Nasa Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, found a 60% chance this year will set a record.
美国宇航局戈达德空间研究所(Nasa Goddard Institute for Space Studies)主任加文•施密特(Gavin Schmidt)的另一项计算发现,今年有60%的几率创下纪录。
The Met Office is more cautious, estimating a 50% likelihood that 2020 will set a new record, though the UK institution says this year will extend the run of warm years since 2015, which is the hottest period on record.
Abnormal weather is increasingly the norm as temperature records fall year after year, and month after month.
This January was the hottest on record, leaving many Arctic nations without snow in their capital cities. In February, a research base in the Antarctic registered a temperature of more than 20C (68F) for the first time on the southern continent. At the other end of the world Qaanaaq, in Greenland, set an April record of 6C on Sunday.
In the first quarter, the heating was most pronounced in eastern Europe and Asia, where temperatures were 3C above average. In recent weeks, large parts of the US have sweltered. Last Friday, downtown Los Angeles hit an April high of 34C, according to the National Weather Service. Western Australia has also experienced record heat.
今年第一季度,东欧和亚洲的供暖最为明显,那里的气温比平均气温高3摄氏度。最近几周,美国大部分地区都闷热难耐。据美国国家气象局(National Weather Service)的数据,上周五,洛杉矶市中心达到4月份的最高气温34摄氏度。西澳大利亚州也经历了创纪录的高温。
In the UK, the trend is less pronounced. The daily maximum UK temperature for April so far is 3.1C above average, with records set in Cornwall, Dyfed and Gwynedd.
Karsten Haustein, a climate scientist at the University of Oxford, said global warming was nudging closer to 1.2C above pre-industrial levels. He said his online tracker showed a relatively conservative level of 1.14C of warming due to gaps in the data, but that this could rise to 1.17C or higher once the latest figures were incorporated.
牛津大学气候学家卡斯滕·豪斯坦(Karsten Haustein)表示,全球变暖正接近工业化前水平的1.2C。他说,由于数据中的空白,他的在线跟踪器显示相对较保守的1.14C变暖水平,但是一旦结合了最新数据,这一温度可能上升到1.17C或更高。
Although the pandemic has at least temporarily reduced the amount of new emissions, he said the build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere remains a huge concern.