The wealthiest American households are keeping a tight grip on their purse strings even as their lower income counterparts are spending a lot more freely when they emerge from weeks of lockdown. That decline in spending by the wealthy could limit the whole country's economic recovery.
Researchers based at Harvard have been tracking spending patterns using credit card data. They found that people at the bottom of the income ladder are now spending nearly as much as they did before the coronavirus pandemic.
"When the stimulus checks went out, you see that spending by lower-income households went up a lot," said Nathan Hendren, a Harvard economist and co-founder of the Opportunity Insights research team.
哈佛大学经济学家、Opportunity Insights研究团队的联合创始人内森·亨德伦说:“当刺激计划发出支票时,你会看到低收入家庭的支出大幅增加。”
However, the wealthy are not matching them. "For higher-income individuals, that spending is still way far off from where it was prior to COVID and it has not recovered as much," Hendren said.
不过,富人并不符合他们的要求。“对于高收入的个人来说,这一支出仍远未达到COVID之前的水平,而且还没有恢复到原来的水平。” 亨德伦说。
That's potentially crippling because consumer spending is a huge driver of economic activity. In fact, so much of the country's economy depends on shopping by the top income bracket, that the lack of spending by 25% of the wealthiest Americans made up fully two-thirds of the total decline in spending since January.
The wealthy aren't holding back because they don't have the money. By and large, they have lost fewer jobs and aren't the ones who are worried about making rent.
They have a lot of discretionary income and before the pandemic, were spending a significant chunk of that going to nice restaurants, the theater, or traveling and staying in nice hotels. Those are precisely the things that have been off limits since the coronavirus hit.
That makes this very different from an ordinary recessiony. And those experiences are usually a lot more expensive than food and other essential items, which the rich and poor alike have continued to spend on.
Hendren and his colleagues found that businesses that deliver in-person services in wealthy neighborhoods have seen the biggest drop in sales and are struggling to recover, while a retail store or take-out restaurant in a poorer neighborhood might have seen some decline but they're starting to come back now.
Many of those jobs may not be coming back any time soon. The usual tools the government might use to fight a recession are not terribly helpful here.