Prince William has enjoyed a pint at his local pub and asked the landlords if they are worried about people "getting a bit out of hand", as bars and restaurants prepare to reopen for the first time in three months.
The Duke of Cambridge visited the Rose and Crown in the Norfolk village of Snettisham to show his support for Britain's hospitality industry on the eve of customers returning.
After sanitising his hands with gel near the bar, he asked the pub's landlords: "Can I have a pint of cider please?" William took a seat in the pub's garden with some of their staff and when his drink and food arrived he joked: "I don't know where I pay, I'll do that before I leave, I promise."
The royal and his family have previously visited the 600-year-old pub, hotel and restaurant, which is a few miles from their home of Anmer Hall.
Pubs in England will be allowed to open from 6 am on Saturday as bars and restaurants open their doors after the government announced a further easing of lockdown measures.
But concerns have been raised about pubs and bars reopening on what has been dubbed "Super Saturday", rather than a weekday, and Prime Minister Boris Johnson has already appealed to drinkers to show restraint.
William quizzed the landlords about their expectations for the weekend when they welcome customers on Saturday.
"It could end up with everyone at the pub, because people just want a change of scene, being at home for so long," he said.
"Are you worried about people getting a bit out of hand this weekend? I guess it's more of a problem with the larger pub chains."
Landlord Anthony Goodrich admitted: "We are a bit concerned but we are ready for it."
He told the duke that it was part of the business to be prepared for rowdy behaviour.
"The only real worry is if we have 100 people in the garden and it rains," Mr Goodrich said. "But we'll have to deal with that."
William replied: "I am sure people will want to get out and explore locally. I don't think they'll want to go far afield."
Anthony and Jeannette Goodrich have owned the pub for 25 years and had to close their premises and furlough more than 25 full-time employees, who are bolstered by another 10 or 15 temporary weekend workers, when the outbreak struck.
They were able to reopen partially a couple of weeks ago and start selling takeaway drinks.
Some parts of the pub will remain closed on health and safety advice including a popular children's play area set up like a galleon.
William revealed his own children love the pub's play area.