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    China's top economic planner on Monday unveiled plans for a modern distribution system over the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025).


    By 2025, China expects distribution costs to decrease and for the modern distribution system to become more efficient, meaning the sector will play a significantly larger role in the economy, according to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). The plan will facilitate improvements to the flow of goods and resource factors; commercial and logistics facilities; domestic and international distribution networks and service systems; transportation capacity; financial support; emergency response; and green development.

    The modern distribution system is projected to be completed by 2035.

    The plan outlines key tasks in six areas, including deepening market reform for modern distribution, perfecting the modern commercial distribution system, and accelerating the development of a modern logistics system.

      上一篇:人民币成第四大活跃货币 下一篇:2021年生态环境质量持续改善

