Situation 9:
Going to Lunch
Wow,that went pretty well.Mr.Barnes was easy today.
Easy on you maybe,I don't think he likes me.
Don't be ridiculous.He likes you,but he's a businessman
like me and so I know how to talk to him.
I'm not so sure.
Well,I'm sure that I'm hungry.Why don't we continue
talking over lunch?
That sounds great;I'm starving (They walk outside the
building to a restaurant.)
Do you like Italian food? This place is terrific.
Like it?I love it.Let's go in.(They sit down and
look at the menu for a while,then the waitress comes.)
What are your specials today?
Today we have roasted lamb and vegetable lasagna.
I highly recommend the lasagna.
The lasagna sounds good;I'll have that.
And you,sir?
No.No vegetables for me,I want some meat.I'll try the lamb,
Also an excellent choice.Would you care for anything
to drink?
Yes,I'll have a double martini.
Steve,what about the meeting?
Oh.Yes.Better make that a mineral water.
I'll have some lemonade,please.And could you bring us
some bread to start?
Of course,I'll be right back with that.
I like this place.They have really good service.
Just follow me and you won't go wrong.
Not with restaurants,at least.
Going to Lunch
Wow,that went pretty well.Mr.Barnes was easy today.
Easy on you maybe,I don't think he likes me.
Don't be ridiculous.He likes you,but he's a businessman
like me and so I know how to talk to him.
I'm not so sure.
Well,I'm sure that I'm hungry.Why don't we continue
talking over lunch?
That sounds great;I'm starving (They walk outside the
building to a restaurant.)
Do you like Italian food? This place is terrific.
Like it?I love it.Let's go in.(They sit down and
look at the menu for a while,then the waitress comes.)
What are your specials today?
Today we have roasted lamb and vegetable lasagna.
I highly recommend the lasagna.
The lasagna sounds good;I'll have that.
And you,sir?
No.No vegetables for me,I want some meat.I'll try the lamb,
Also an excellent choice.Would you care for anything
to drink?
Yes,I'll have a double martini.
Steve,what about the meeting?
Oh.Yes.Better make that a mineral water.
I'll have some lemonade,please.And could you bring us
some bread to start?
Of course,I'll be right back with that.
I like this place.They have really good service.
Just follow me and you won't go wrong.
Not with restaurants,at least.