Situation 14:
In a Bar
What can I get for you gentlemen
I'd like a gin and tonic,please.
Make mine a double scotch,straight up.
Did you have a rough day?
I don't want to talk about it,but let's just say you
should keep the bottle close at hand.
I understand
Hey,where's my gin and tonic?
Okay,okay.Just give me a second here.
(Bartender goes to make the drinks.)
Man,I just wanted to apologize again for....
(Cutting Steve off.) Stop.We're at a
bar now,not at the office,and I don't want to
talk about work.I said it was okay and I
meant it.If it's really still bothering you we can
talk about it on Monday.
You're right.I'll shut up now.
(Returning with a drink in each hand.)
Here's a gin and tonic for you,and a double
scotch,straight up,for my friend who had
the hard day.I hope this helps.
You know it will.James,a toast to
your coming promotion.
No,you're getting ahead of yourself.First,let's drink to
our successful deal today.Cheers.
(They touch glasses.)
In a Bar
What can I get for you gentlemen
I'd like a gin and tonic,please.
Make mine a double scotch,straight up.
Did you have a rough day?
I don't want to talk about it,but let's just say you
should keep the bottle close at hand.
I understand
Hey,where's my gin and tonic?
Okay,okay.Just give me a second here.
(Bartender goes to make the drinks.)
Man,I just wanted to apologize again for....
(Cutting Steve off.) Stop.We're at a
bar now,not at the office,and I don't want to
talk about work.I said it was okay and I
meant it.If it's really still bothering you we can
talk about it on Monday.
You're right.I'll shut up now.
(Returning with a drink in each hand.)
Here's a gin and tonic for you,and a double
scotch,straight up,for my friend who had
the hard day.I hope this helps.
You know it will.James,a toast to
your coming promotion.
No,you're getting ahead of yourself.First,let's drink to
our successful deal today.Cheers.
(They touch glasses.)