Situation 17:
Are two eggs going to be enough?
Plenty.I wouldn't mind another
cup of coffee,though.
You should eat a little more.It looks like you are
going to have a big day at the office.
You may be right But I can't really
think of food right now.I've got too many
other things on my mind.
I just don't want you to run out of
energy today.
Don't worry,I'll stop off on the way to
the office at Dunkin Donutsand pick up a few
donuts in case I get hungry between now
and lunch.
Oh,James!Donuts? Why don't you eat a more nutritious
breakfast?You are not a college kid anymore.
You're right,but the fact is I love
donuts;always have, always will.Well,I should get
going.I want to get to the office a little
early today.I have to figure out a way to smooth things
out between Steve and Mr. Barnes.
Okay,honey. Have a good day.What time will you be home?
I have a feeling Mr.Barnes is planning to take us out to
dinner tonightto celebrate yesterday's deal.
Would it do any good for me to ask
you not to drink too muchat the dinner tonight?
Probably not.
I didn't think so,but you know I had to ask anyway.
Don't worry honey,if I drink tonight I'll take a
taxi home.
Okay,have a good day.I'll see you tonight.
See you tonight.
Are two eggs going to be enough?
Plenty.I wouldn't mind another
cup of coffee,though.
You should eat a little more.It looks like you are
going to have a big day at the office.
You may be right But I can't really
think of food right now.I've got too many
other things on my mind.
I just don't want you to run out of
energy today.
Don't worry,I'll stop off on the way to
the office at Dunkin Donutsand pick up a few
donuts in case I get hungry between now
and lunch.
Oh,James!Donuts? Why don't you eat a more nutritious
breakfast?You are not a college kid anymore.
You're right,but the fact is I love
donuts;always have, always will.Well,I should get
going.I want to get to the office a little
early today.I have to figure out a way to smooth things
out between Steve and Mr. Barnes.
Okay,honey. Have a good day.What time will you be home?
I have a feeling Mr.Barnes is planning to take us out to
dinner tonightto celebrate yesterday's deal.
Would it do any good for me to ask
you not to drink too muchat the dinner tonight?
Probably not.
I didn't think so,but you know I had to ask anyway.
Don't worry honey,if I drink tonight I'll take a
taxi home.
Okay,have a good day.I'll see you tonight.
See you tonight.