Situation 11:
Mike Introduces Charles to Bill
(Bill arrives at the dormitory to drive
Mike and Charles to the party.He knocks on their door.)
Who is it?
It's Bill.Is Mike in?
Yeah,Bill,I'm right here.
Game on in.
(Bill comes into the room.)
Bill,how are you? I'd like you to meet my
(Reaching out to shake Charles' hand.)
Nice to meet you,Charles.My name's Bill
Hi,my name's Charles Malizewski.
Nice to meet you too.
What year are you,Charles?
I'm a junior.How about you?
I'm a freshman.Mike and I entered together.
What's your major?
I'm majoring in English literature,and you?
Engineering,even though I'm terrible at math and science.
I'm just the opposite.Math and science are
easy for me but I really like English
lit.But I'm really not very good at it.
Well,you can't be good at everything.
I guess not.
Are you girls done chatting yet?
We're going to be late.
Very funny.And don't worry,it's only six twenty.We've got
plenty of time.You just keep getting ready;I'm enjoying
talking to Charles.So,Charles,where are you from?
Delaware,have you ever been there?
Sure,I'm from Pennsylvania,but my grandparents live in
Delaware.I go there every summer.It's great.
Where in Pennsylvania are you from?
A little town outside of Philadelphia,you've probably never
heard of it.
Probably not.But I do know Philadelphia.
Charles,everyone knows Philadelphia.Let's get going.
You're right.It's always good to arrive a bit early.Let's go.
Mike Introduces Charles to Bill
(Bill arrives at the dormitory to drive
Mike and Charles to the party.He knocks on their door.)
Who is it?
It's Bill.Is Mike in?
Yeah,Bill,I'm right here.
Game on in.
(Bill comes into the room.)
Bill,how are you? I'd like you to meet my
(Reaching out to shake Charles' hand.)
Nice to meet you,Charles.My name's Bill
Hi,my name's Charles Malizewski.
Nice to meet you too.
What year are you,Charles?
I'm a junior.How about you?
I'm a freshman.Mike and I entered together.
What's your major?
I'm majoring in English literature,and you?
Engineering,even though I'm terrible at math and science.
I'm just the opposite.Math and science are
easy for me but I really like English
lit.But I'm really not very good at it.
Well,you can't be good at everything.
I guess not.
Are you girls done chatting yet?
We're going to be late.
Very funny.And don't worry,it's only six twenty.We've got
plenty of time.You just keep getting ready;I'm enjoying
talking to Charles.So,Charles,where are you from?
Delaware,have you ever been there?
Sure,I'm from Pennsylvania,but my grandparents live in
Delaware.I go there every summer.It's great.
Where in Pennsylvania are you from?
A little town outside of Philadelphia,you've probably never
heard of it.
Probably not.But I do know Philadelphia.
Charles,everyone knows Philadelphia.Let's get going.
You're right.It's always good to arrive a bit early.Let's go.