Situation 6:
Buying a Shirt
Charles,you're on the list for tonight,
but we have to wear suits.
No problem,I've got plenty of suits.
I know but I don't.I only have one and it's not the
greatest.Still, it'll pass.The real problem is I have
no shirt or tie.
I've got plenty of those too.
I know Charles,but you're five-seven and I'm six-two;
I hardly think I'll be wearing any of your clothes.
I see what you mean.But you could borrow one of my ties,right?
True,but that still leaves me shirtless.I've got to
go get one.
(Mike goes outside,catches a taxi,and heads for a local
men's clothing store.)
May I help you find something?
Please.I need a dress shirt for tonight.
Did you have any particular style in mind?
No,just something plain.What do you have in a white oxford
clothwith button down collars?
We have a very nice shirt from Ralph Lauren,
but it has the Polo mark on it.Is that okay?
What size are you?
I'm not sure.My mom buys all my clothes.
But I think I'm about a sixteen inch neck
and thirty - three inch sleeve.Does that sound about right?
Probably for the neck,but you're pretty tall.Let's try a thirty-
five inch sleeve.
You're the pro,whatever you say.
Buying a Shirt
Charles,you're on the list for tonight,
but we have to wear suits.
No problem,I've got plenty of suits.
I know but I don't.I only have one and it's not the
greatest.Still, it'll pass.The real problem is I have
no shirt or tie.
I've got plenty of those too.
I know Charles,but you're five-seven and I'm six-two;
I hardly think I'll be wearing any of your clothes.
I see what you mean.But you could borrow one of my ties,right?
True,but that still leaves me shirtless.I've got to
go get one.
(Mike goes outside,catches a taxi,and heads for a local
men's clothing store.)
May I help you find something?
Please.I need a dress shirt for tonight.
Did you have any particular style in mind?
No,just something plain.What do you have in a white oxford
clothwith button down collars?
We have a very nice shirt from Ralph Lauren,
but it has the Polo mark on it.Is that okay?
What size are you?
I'm not sure.My mom buys all my clothes.
But I think I'm about a sixteen inch neck
and thirty - three inch sleeve.Does that sound about right?
Probably for the neck,but you're pretty tall.Let's try a thirty-
five inch sleeve.
You're the pro,whatever you say.