Situation 19:
Sociology Class
(Mike arrives early and takes a seat near the front.)
Hey,Mike,you're never early,what's up?
I know,but I was having a terrible discussion on politics
with my roommate Charles and I just had
to run away.I just can't discuss politics in the morming.
I know what you mean.I hate talking about politics.I can't believe
Charles would do that.
Yeah, it's really rude,isn't it? Well,
that's why I'm early.
(The professor comes in and sits at a table at the front of the room. )
Good afternoon.Last week we were discussing the theory
of functionalism.This theory, in brief,
states that all peopleare in a certain socio-economic position
for a reason.It further states that each of these
positions serves a functionand so should naturally be
preserved.Although such a theory seems valid at first
glance,there are many problems with it.Today,I would like to
discuss some of the weak points of the theory of functionalism.
One of these,for example,is that it does not
explain the great difference in opportunities given to
the richas opposed to the poor,Rather,it
assumes that the poor have no money because this is their
natural condition.Can anyone think of any more shortcomings
of functionalism?
Well,it's not only money that they don't have.If they don't have
money,that also limits their chances for
education,medical care,and other important services.
Excellent point.
Would anyone like to add something?
I think it is all the fault of dishonest politicians.
( Looking confused )Interesting.I'm not sure I unders-
tand what you mean,but yes,many politicians are corrupt.
They sure are.Like my roommate's dad....
Sociology Class
(Mike arrives early and takes a seat near the front.)
Hey,Mike,you're never early,what's up?
I know,but I was having a terrible discussion on politics
with my roommate Charles and I just had
to run away.I just can't discuss politics in the morming.
I know what you mean.I hate talking about politics.I can't believe
Charles would do that.
Yeah, it's really rude,isn't it? Well,
that's why I'm early.
(The professor comes in and sits at a table at the front of the room. )
Good afternoon.Last week we were discussing the theory
of functionalism.This theory, in brief,
states that all peopleare in a certain socio-economic position
for a reason.It further states that each of these
positions serves a functionand so should naturally be
preserved.Although such a theory seems valid at first
glance,there are many problems with it.Today,I would like to
discuss some of the weak points of the theory of functionalism.
One of these,for example,is that it does not
explain the great difference in opportunities given to
the richas opposed to the poor,Rather,it
assumes that the poor have no money because this is their
natural condition.Can anyone think of any more shortcomings
of functionalism?
Well,it's not only money that they don't have.If they don't have
money,that also limits their chances for
education,medical care,and other important services.
Excellent point.
Would anyone like to add something?
I think it is all the fault of dishonest politicians.
( Looking confused )Interesting.I'm not sure I unders-
tand what you mean,but yes,many politicians are corrupt.
They sure are.Like my roommate's dad....