John was going to leave the psychiatric hospital at last.His treat-went had been long and painful. He had been getting injections together with electric shocks,and had bravely endured many cold showers. Now all this was going to come to an end provided he passed the final test.
A:Sit down,please,John.
B:But I am rather nervous for I have no idea what the test is going to be like.
A:Now,my dear fellow,suppose I'll just tell you what happened in one of the streets of London last Sunday and you will tell me what's wrong with my story I
A:A motor-cyclist crashed into a bus,was knocked off his seat and lay unconscious in the roadway. A tram that happened to be passing cut his head off. A member of the Salvation Army who~sorry for the fellow picked up his head and the body too, took them to a chemist's,bought some adhesive plaster, stuck the head in its place, put the plaster round the fellow's neck and the two chaps went to a club for a game of billiards.
B:I got you there,Lhat's sheer nonsense!
A:(Happily ) 1-Iow do you know
B:Chemist's and all other shops are shut on Sundays,aren't they?