52 It's rather personal 实在是个人隐私
I was in a gynecologist's busy waiting room when a cell phone rang. A woman answered it, and for the next few minutes, she explained to her caller in intimate detail her symptoms and what she suspected might be wrong. Suddenly the conversation shifted, and the woman said, “Him? That's over.” Then she added, “Can we talk about this later? It's rather personal, and I'm in a room full of people.”我在妇产科医生拥挤的候诊室里听到手机响了。一个妇女接电话。她用好几分钟时间向对方详细介绍她的症状,以及她怀疑是什么毛病。突然,话题转了。她说:“他?结束了。”她接着说:“我们能不能以后再谈。这实在是个人隐私。我这里满屋子都是人。”