86 A burglar can't find me either 盗匪也找不到我
My brother got a call from a security firm that offered him a promotional burglar alarm at no charge. Happy to get something for free, he gave the caller directions to his farm. But no one showed up. The next morning the supplier called him to say that he was lost. “I'll try again to find you,” he said. “Never mind,” said my brother. “If you can't find me, I don't expect a burglar can either.”我弟弟接到保安公司的促销电话,说要给他一个免费的防盗警报系统。他听说有免费的东西,就高高兴兴地告诉那人,去他的农场怎么走法。但是没有人来。第二天早上,那人来电话说他头一天走迷路了。他说:“我会再试一次。”我弟弟说:“不用了。如果你找不到我,我想盗匪也找不到我。”