107 Leave the color 把彩色留下
Years ago, people rented phones from the telephone company. If you pay a one-time fee, you can have a color model. One customer, who had had his phone for some time, forgot how this worked. When I was disconnecting his service, he objected to my leaving with his phone. “That's mine,” he said angrily. “I paid for it.” “No, sir, you paid for the color, not the phone,” I explained. “Okay, take the phone,” he said calmly, “but leave the color.”多年以前,人们是从电话公司租用电话机。你如果付一笔一次性的费用,还可以租到一台彩色的电话机。有一个顾客,他用电话已经很久,忘记当时是怎么回事了。当我去给他拆线的时候,他反对我把电话机拿走。他生气地说:“这是我的电话机,我付了钱的。”我向他解释说:“先生,不是这样。你付的是彩色的钱,而不是电话机的钱。”他平静地说:“那好吧。把电话机拿走,把彩色留下。”