133 An Amateur Mom 外行妈妈
I was sitting behind an enthusiastic mom at my son's little league game. Her boy was pitching for the opposing team and she cheered as he threw one wild pitch after another. The poor kid walked every batter. It was only the first inning and the score was 14—0. Then one batter finally smacked the ball. “Oh no,” the mom wailed. “There goes his no-hitter.”在观看我儿子的小棒球队比赛的时候,坐在我前面的是一位热情的妈妈。她的儿子是对方队的投手。她不断地为她儿子一个接一个投出的坏球欢呼。这个可怜的孩子让每一个击球手都走进下一个垒。才第一局,比分就已经是14比0。终于有一个击球手打到了球。这位妈妈大声哭叫说:“啊呀!他打不中的记录没保住!”