134 Good luck 祝你好运
I had just gotten off the subway when a ragged-looking street person came walking up to me and asked, “Excuse me. Do you have a dollar?” Ordinarily I'm a soft touch, but I hadn't been able to get to an ATM that day and my purse was practically empty. “I'm sorry. I don't.” I apologized. “Here you go.” he said, handing me a single. “Good luck.”我刚从地铁下来,一个衣着破旧的流浪汉走到我跟前问我:“请问,你有一块钱吗?”通常我是个富有同情心的人,但是那天我没能去自动提款机,我的钱包实在已经空了。我道歉说:“对不起,我没有。”他递过来一块钱,说:“给你,祝你好运。”