135 The Most Hideous Thing 最丑陋的东西
I installed a night light in a conch shell I found on the beach. My wife took an instant dislike to it, and at the next yard sale it was the first thing she put out. I felt vindicated when a woman kept coming back to check it out, then finally bought it. “That will look great in your home,” I said. “Oh, it's not for me.” she explained. “My bridge club is having a charity auction and we were asked to bring the most hideous thing we can find. What I've got here is a winner.”我用我在海滩捡到的一个海螺壳做了一个夜间灯。我太太一看见就不喜欢。之后,她在门前出售旧货时,这是她第一个拿出去卖的东西。当一个妇女一次又一次回来看它,并最后把它买下来的时候,我觉得报了仇。我说:“它放在你家里会很好看的。”她解释说:“哦,不是我要。我们桥牌俱乐部要举行一次慈善拍卖。要求我们拿我们可以找得到的最丑陋的东西去。我在这里买到的东西一定能赢。”