192 Light Bulb Jokes 灯泡笑话
Light bulb jokes are an innocent way to poke fun. Working as a sound technician, I asked an electrician: “How many teamsters does it take to change a light bulb?” (I expected the classic answer: “Twelve. You got a problem with that?”) But he replied in all seriousness, “None. Teamsters shouldn't be touching light bulbs.”灯泡笑话是一种没有恶意的嘲弄。我是音响技师。有一次我问一个电工:“换一个灯泡要几个卡车司机?”我期待他用经典的方式回答:“12个。有疑问吗?”然而他却一脸严肃地说:“一个也没有。卡车司机不应该碰灯泡。”