203 Good News and Bad News 好消息和坏消息
The pastor of my church hates to plead for money. But when the coffers were running low, he had no choice. “There's good news and there's bad news,” he told the congregation. “The good news is that we have more than enough money for all the current and future needs of the parish. The bad news is, it's still in your pockets.”我们教会的牧师羞于开口要钱。但是,到了捉襟见肘的时候他就非开口不可了。他告诉会众说:“我有一个好消息,也有一个坏消息。好消息是我们的钱超过我们教区目前的和将来的需要。坏消息是这些钱还在你们的口袋里。”