977 Crow and Raven 乌鸦和渡鸦
During a hike with my friend I noticed a black bird roosting in a nearby tree. “I've always wondered what the difference is between a crow and a raven,” I said. “You have to count the pinion feathers on the wings,” my friend explained. “If there are four, it's a crow. If it's five, it's a raven.” “Really?” I said, although I knew he didn't have a clue what he was talking about. “Oh yes,” he replied, “it's just a matter of a pinion.”
我和朋友在一起远足,看见一只黑鸟栖息在附近一棵树上。我说:“我一直搞不清乌鸦和渡鸦之间有什么区别。”我的朋友解释说:“你要数翅膀上的大毛。如果是四根毛,就是乌鸦。如果是五根毛,就是渡鸦。”虽然我知道他是在胡说八道,我还是说:“真的吗?”他说:“对呀,这只是一种大毛(观点)。”(a pinion(大毛)和opinion(观点)同音。)