988 Another PMS 另一个经前综合症
Every year, each employee at my company meets with his or her supervisor to review whether past goals have been met. A woman in the cubicle next to mine received an appointment time for her “Performance Management Schedule,” as it's called, and highlighted it on her desktop calendar. “Wow! I guess everyone knows when to avoid you,” said a colleague who was passing by. Puzzled, my neighbor glanced at the calendar. She'd written: “PMS 1:00.”
在我们公司,每个雇员每年都要和他的上司面谈一次,评估在过去一年里是不是达到了预期目标,称为“业绩管理时间表”。我隔壁小间的女同事接到她上司通知的面谈时间,就写在她的台历上。一个从旁边经过的同事说:“哇,我想每个人都知道什么时候不要惹你。”我这位邻居有点发懵,直到她看见自己在台历上写的PMS 1:00。