Sweet Names
One of the wives complained to her husband,“Look here!All of our neighbors’husbands call their wives such sweet and romantic names. You never call me one like that.”
So the husband said,“What do they call their wives?I never heard anything!”
The wife said,“The one who lives on our right,he calls his wife ‘apple pie’. The one who lives next to him calls his wife ‘sweet cherry blossom’. The one who lives to the left of us calls his wife ‘rosemary’. (It’s a very fragrant kind of spice you put into your food.) The one next to him,calls his wife ‘my lovely pizza’. The other one says,‘Oh my diamond,my glorious diamond.’And you!You never call me anything so sweet and romantic like that!”
So the husband shook his head and said,“I am sorry,but the one who lives on the right,he is a baker. The one next to him is a gardener; he plants Japanese cherries. The one who calls his wife ‘rosemary’,grows herbs!And the other one calls his wife ‘diamond’because he is a jeweler. I cannot. I am a shoe-repairer. I can’t call you ‘my broken shoe’”.