儿童英语笑话 谁的爸爸最快? Whose father is the fastest?
教程:英语幽默  浏览:276  
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    040 谁的爸爸最快? Whose father is the fastest?

    Three children were arguing whose father is the fastest. The first child said,"I accidentally knocked a cup off the table. But,my dad caught it before it fell to the ground."

    The second child said,"Once my father went hunting and shot a deer. He rushed up to hold it before it fell to the ground."

    The third one said,"My dad is supposed to be off-duty at six o'clock in the evening,but he arrived home by 5: 30 p. m."

    有 3 个小孩在比谁的爸爸最快。 第一个小孩说:"我不小心把桌上的杯子碰掉了,可是杯子还没有跌到地面,我爸爸就把它接住了。"


    第 3 个小孩说:"我爸爸每天下午 6 点下班,他 5 点半就到家了。"

    deer n. 鹿

      上一篇:儿童英语笑话 我妈妈也把我放在手推车里面 My mom also put me in stroller 下一篇:儿童英语笑话 小花招 A small trick

