学生英语笑话 条件反射 Conditioned response
教程:英语幽默  浏览:176  
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    083 条件反射 Conditioned response

    I always sit in the last row and sleep in class. Every time the class is over,my tablemate wakes me up,and I go out of the classroom through the door next to me. One day,the teacher called me to answer a question. My tablemate woke me up. I stood up,pushed open the door,and walked out of the classroom. All of the teacher and students were stunned.

    上课 的 时 候,我 总 喜 欢 坐 在 最 后 一 排 睡 觉,每 次 下 课 都 是 同 桌 把我叫醒,我就径直从旁边的门走出教室。有一天,老师叫我回答问题,同桌把我叫醒,我起身推门,就走出了教室,全体师生都惊呆了。

    tablemate n. 同桌 stun v. 使昏迷,使震惊

      上一篇:学生英语笑话 上帝没看见你 God didn t see you 下一篇:学生英语笑话 我的帽子在这里,就是我在这里 When my hat is here,I m here

