教程:新交流英语第二册(LRC)  浏览:4558  
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    Unit 7 Casey!Watch out!;
    Warm Up Exercise C.;
    Listen to Karen and Nathan talking about housework.;
    Circle the activities you hear.;
    Karen:I think you should help me more with the housework.;
    Nathan:Why?I do all the shopping.;
    Karen:Yes,but I need more help. Could you help me on the weekends?;
    Nathan:Doing what? Karen:What about cleaning the bathroom?;
    Nathan:Cleaning the bathroom? How long will that take?;
    Karen:Only about thirty minutes. Nathan:Okay, if I must.;
    Karen:And one more thing.Could you do your own ironing?;
    Nathan:You're kidding!;
    Conversation What are you doing today?;
    Exercise A Look at the story and listen.;
    1. Casey:What are you doing today?;
    Karen:We're going shopping.What about you?;
    Casey:I'm painting Jason's living room.;
    Stacey:Well, have fun.;
    2.Jason:Well,what do you think?Should we paint the room green?;
    Casey:Hmmm.I think we should paint it blue.;
    3. Jason:Hey,Casey, are we going to a movie later?;
    Casey:No,let's stay home and finish painting.;
    4. Jason:Casey! Watch out!Oops!;
    5.Casey:You know, I don't think I like this blue after all.;
    Grammar in Context Talking about future plans.;
    Pronunciation Exercise E. Listen to the stressed words.;
    1.Casey!Watch out! 2.Stacey!Be careful!;
    3.Jason!Look behind you!;
    4.Andy!Don't run! 5.Brad!Slow down!;
    Exercise F. Listen again and repeat.;
    1.Casey!Watch out! 2.Stacey!Be careful!;
    3.Jason!Look behind you!;
    4.Andy!Don't run! 5.Brad!Slow down!;
    Listening in Context Exercise A.;
    Listen to Lucy's "Can I Help You?" live radio show. Answer the questions;
    Lucy:Go ahead caller,you are on the air.;
    Stephanie:Hello. My name is Stephanie.;
    Lucy:Hi,Stephanie. How can I help you?;
    Stephanie:Well,I share an apartment with my younger sister Nicole.;
    We both work long hours,;
    but my problem is Nicole never helps with the housework.;
    Every weekend I clean,and she goes out with her boyfriend.;
    What can I do?;
    Lucy:Stephanie,show Nicole you are not going to do her housework for her.;
    Next weekend,don't even wash the dishes.;
    When Nicole gets up for work on Monday morning;
    and sees the apartment is a mess,;
    I think she'll get the message.;
    Stephanie: Thanks,Lucy.;
    Exercise B. Listen again and answer the true/false questions.;
    Lucy:Go ahead caller,you are on the air.;
    Stephanie:Hello. My name is Stephanie.;
    Lucy:Hi,Stephanie. How can I help you?;
    Stephanie:Well,I share an apartment with my younger sister Nicole.;
    We both work long hours,;
    but my problem is Nicole never helps with the housework.;
    Every weekend I clean,and she goes out with her boyfriend.;
    What can I do?;
    Lucy:Stephanie,show Nicole you are not going to do her housework for her.;
    Next weekend,don't even wash the dishes.;
    When Nicole gets up for work on Monday morning;
    and sees the apartment is a mess,;
    I think she'll get the message.;
    Stephanie: Thanks,Lucy.;
    Unit 8 I made my reservation two weeks ago.;
    Warm Up Exercise A. Listen to the conversations.;
    Write the number of the conversation on the correct line.;
    1. A:So,where do you like to go on vacation?;
    B:I like the beach. I go every year.;
    2. A:How long do you usually stay? B:Oh,about one week.;
    3. A:Who do you go with?;
    B:My family. We have a great time together.;
    4. A:Do you take much luggage with you?;
    B:No,I usually only take one suitcase.;
    Anyway,how about you?Where do you like to go?;
    Conversation Can I have a window seat, please?;
    Kevin is going to medical convention in Las Vegas.;
    Exercise A. Listen and practice.;
    M1:Good morning,sir. Where are you traveling today?;
    Kevin:Las Vegas. M1:Could I see your ticket,please?;
    M1:I'm sorry. I don't see your name on this flight.;
    Kevin:But I made my reservation two weeks ago.;
    M1:Oh,here it is. I'm sorry-my mistake.;
    M1:How many bags do you have? Kevin:Just these two;
    Kevin:Could I have a window and an aisle seat?;
    M1:All right,sir. Your seat numbers are 20A and 20B.;
    Your flight begins boarding at Gate 18 at 2:15.;
    Here are your boarding passes.;
    Andy:Dad,why did you get two seats?;
    Kevin:Happy Birthday Andy! I'm taking you to Las Vegas with me.;
    Vocabulary in Context;
    Making and responding to polite requests;
    Listening Exercise B. Listen to the conversations.;
    Check affirmative or negative;
    according to the response you hear to each question.;
    1. A:Could I see your passport,please? B:Yes.Here you are.;
    2.A:Could I have two tickets for Flight 113, please?;
    B:I'm sorry.Flight 113 is fully booked.;
    3. A:Could I see your map,please? B:Sure.Here it is.;
    4.A:Could you open your suitcase, please? B:Yes,of course.;
    5. A:Could I have a newspaper?;
    B:I'm afraid I don't have any more newspapers.;
    Listening in Context Exercise A.;
    Listen and fill in the chart with the missing information.;
    F1:Hey,look what it says here--;
    "Jonas Hanway began to use the umbrella in 1756.";
    M1:You're kidding me!People used umbrellas around 250 years ago?;
    What else does it say?Let me see. [trying to grab magazine];
    F1:Look.Joseph Merlin invented roller skates in 1759.;
    M1:[F1 is pulling on magazine]And in Europe and the Americas,;
    people rode roller coasters in amusement parks in the mid-1800s.;
    F1:Wow!That is such a long time ago.;
    What about this --sneakers!;
    They were invented in 1917 by the U.S. Rubber Company...;
    Hey,I like this one --in 1967,Mary Quant created the miniskirt.;
    M1:That's a long time ago,too.;
    But get this Philo T.Farnsworth invented the television in 1928.;
    F1:I didn't know that.;
    Unit 9 I'm worried about my future.;
    Warm Up Exercise B.;
    Stacey and Casey are talking about making career decisions.;
    Listen for the answers to these questions.;
    Casey:Hi,Stacey, what are you doing?;
    Stacey:I'm taking a test from this magazine "Your Career Choice.";
    It has all these questions about what I like and what I would like to do.;
    And my score will tell me what I should do about my future career.;
    Casey:You do know, Stacey,that there are people who do that.;
    They're career counselors.They help you make these kinds of decisions.;
    You should make an appointment with a counselor.;
    Stacey:Well,I'll think about it. Let's see what my score is first.;
    Conversation What should I do?;
    Phil Chen is talking to a career counselor.;
    Exercise A. Listen and practice.;
    F1:Tell me about yourself,Phil.;
    Phil:Well,I'm studying graphic arts at UCLA.I'm graduation in June.;
    F1:UCLA?I often counsel students from UCLA.;
    Phil:Yeah,my roommate came to see you a few years ago.;
    His name's Mike Cohen.;
    F1:Of course!I remember Mike. Well,it's a small world.;
    F1:So,what else can you tell me about yourself?;
    Phil:I like to work with people,and I know how to speak Chinese.;
    F1:That's excellent. It's good to speak another language.;
    So,how can I help you?Why do you think you need career counseling?;
    Phil:Well,I'm worried about my future.;
    So many jobs are disappearing,;
    and I want a job that will still be here in the future.;
    F1:You're an artist. You must be creative Would you like to work in advertising?;
    Phil:Well,I'd like to earn a good salary and get benefits.;
    F1:Graphic designers in advertising make good money.;
    Just take a look at some of the job opportunities;
    for that field on the Internet.;
    Phil:Okay.Let me think about it. Thanks.;
    F1:Good luck.Oh-- and say hi to Mike.;
    Vocabulary in Context;
    Expressing dissatisfaction and concern;
    Pronunciation Exercise C.;
    Listen and repeat these questions and answers.;
    What's the matter? I don't know. I guess I'm bored with my job.;
    What's the matter? I don't know. I guess I'm tired of this city.;
    Exercise D. Now practice these sentences with the same intonation.;
    1. I guess I'm bored with this town.;
    2. I guess I'm tired of this weather.;
    3. I guess I'm upset with my sister.;
    4. I guess I'm tired of this food.;
    5. I guess I'm bored with this place.;
    6. I guess I'm worried about my future.;
    Listening in context;
    Stacey is making an appointment to visit a career counselor.;
    Exercise A. Listen for the following specific information.;
    1. What is the name of the counselor she will see?;
    2. What day will she go?;
    3. What time is her appointment?;
    Receptionist:Hello. Marina del Rey Career counseling. Janice speaking.;
    Stacey:Hello,Janice. This is Stacey Walker.;
    I'd like to make an appointment with a counselor.;
    Janice:Okay. When would you like to come?This week or next week?;
    Stacey:This week would be good -- Thursday or Friday.;
    Janice:Okay.John Greene is free on Thursday from 10 to 12;
    and in the afternoon at 3. Everyone is busy on Friday.;
    Stacey:That's okay. Thursday morning is fine.;
    Janice:Okay.What's your name again?;
    Stacey:Stacey Walker.;
    Janice:Okay,Stacey. John will be expecting you on Thursday at 10 A.M.;
    Will this be your first job,Stacey?;
    Stacey:Oh,no.I work as a model.But I'm tired of dieting and exercising.;
    I want a different kind of job.;
    Janice:I'm sure John can help you. Thursday at 10 then.Bye.;
    Stacey:Thanks. Goodbye.;
    Exercise B. Listen again.;
    Why is Stacey making the appointment? What's the matter?;
    Receptionist:Hello. Marina del Rey Career counseling. Janice speaking.;
    Stacey:Hello,Janice. This is Stacey Walker.;
    I'd like to make an appointment with a counselor.;
    Janice:Okay. When would you like to come?This week or next week?;
    Stacey:This week would be good -- Thursday or Friday.;
    Janice:Okay.John Greene is free on Thursday from 10 to 12;
    and in the afternoon at 3. Everyone is busy on Friday.;
    Stacey:That's okay. Thursday morning is fine.;
    Janice:Okay.What's your name again?;
    Stacey:Stacey Walker.;
    Janice:Okay,Stacey. John will be expecting you on Thursday at 10 A.M.;
    Will this be your first job,Stacey?;
    Stacey:Oh,no.I work as a model.But I'm tired of dieting and exercising.;
    I want a different kind of job.;
    Janice:I'm sure John can help you. Thursday at 10 then.Bye.;
    Stacey:Thanks. Goodbye.;
      上一篇:新交流英语第二册(LRC)新交流英语第二册unit3-unit6 下一篇:新交流英语第二册(LRC)新交流英语第二册unit10-unit12


