教程:标准美国语第5册(LRC)  浏览:4862  
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    Chapter 35 Admiration ;第三十五章 羡慕
    I have a special place in my heart for you. ;我很器重你。
    We think very highly of him. He speaks highly of you. ;我们都很看重他。 他对你的评价很高。
    I'm a big fan of yours. She respects my work. ;我使你忠实的拥戴者。 她看中我的工作。
    She knows I don't fool around. ;她知道我不打马虎眼。
    You're my main man. My top guy. ;你是我最欣赏的人, 我的顶尖好手。
    You're really something. I take my hat off to you. ;你实在要得! 我向你致敬。
    They respect my opinion. You're really cool. ;他们重视我的意思。 你真沉得住气。
    He's hip. He's in. He's a cool cat. ;他很时髦。 他跟得上潮流。 他像猫一样沉着。
    I'm in awe of his talents. You're a rare breed. ;我对他的才华十分折服。 你很难得。
    You're one in a million. You're exceptional. ;你是旷世奇才。 你与众不同。
    You're outstanding. ;你出类拔萃。
    If you want respect, you'll have to earn it. ;要人家尊重你, 得先下苦功夫。
    Chapter 36 Begging ;第三十六章 乞求
    Just this once. Pretty ,pretty, please! ;求求你,帮帮忙!
    Spare me! I'm in your hands. ;饶了我吧! 我的生命操在你手中。
    I throw myself at your mercy. ;我求你发慈悲饶恕我。
    Please be kind to me. ;请对我仁慈些。
    Have a heart! ;发发慈悲吧!
    Should I beg you on my knees? ;要我跪着求你才行吗?
    Don't impose upon others. ;别强人所难。
    Don't wear your heart on your sleeve. ;不要露出一副可怜兮兮, 祈求人同情的样子。
    Chapter 37 Requesting A Favor ;第三十七章 要求施惠
    God helps those who help themselves. One hand washes the other. ;自助而后天助。 人总需要互相扶持。
    I feel like a drowning victim. ;我觉得像会被溺死的人。
    Don't turn your back on me. ;别对我不理不睬。
    C'mon,throw me lifeline. ;行行好,救我脱困。
    I hope you can help me.I'm a total mess. ;希望你能帮我的忙, 我现在已六神无主。
    Put in a good word for me. I have a big favor to ask. ;替我说几句好话吧。 我想请你帮个大忙。
    I won't be long. ;我不会占用你太多时间。
    We'll see what we can do. ;我们会看看能帮的 上什么忙。
    Because of you,I'll grant his request. ;看在你的面上, 我会答应他的请求。
    He's granted it as a courtesy to me. ;他看我的面子, 答应了这件事。
    I'll see what I can do,but it's going to cost you. ;我会看看能帮什么忙, 但这时要你花钱的,
    For you everything, but what's in it for me? ;你的好处一大堆, 但我的在哪里?
    If it works. I'll pay you back. ;如果事成, 我不会忘了你的好处。
    I'll cut you a break this time. ;这回我放你一马。
    I was just trying to be friendly. ;我只是想表示友善。
    Chapter 38 Asking Help ;第三十八章 请求协助
    I need all the help I can get. ;我需要有人来鼎力相助。
    Do it for old time's sake. ;看在从前交情的份 上帮个忙吧。
    You owe me. You owe me big. ;你欠我这个人情。 你欠我一大笔人情债。
    Somebody help me, please! ;你们谁快来帮我一下!
    Would it be an imposition? ;会不会太麻烦你呢?
    Give me a hand. ;帮我一把。
    Don't just stand there !Do something! ;别光站在那儿发愣, 快点儿想办法!
    Their moral support isn't enough. ;他们的精神 支持无济于事。
    There's no help in sight. ;没看到半点儿援兵 前来的迹象。
    She has no one to turn to. ;她呼救无门,
    When I needed his help the most,he simply sat on his hands. ;我急需他援助时, 他却坐视不顾。
    I had my hands full! ;我那时候忙得不可开交!
    Chapter 39 Diplomatic Refusals ;第三十九章 托词拒绝
    I'd like to help out,but I can't. ;我很想帮忙, 但是做不来。
    I wish I could help, but it's out of my hands. ;希望我能帮得上忙, 但实在爱莫能助。
    I have no control over this matter. ;这件事我无能为力。
    Well,that's the best I can do. ;我已竭尽所能了。
    I'll go only so far. ;我只能到此为止。
    I know you would if only you could. ;我知道如果你办得到的 话,一定肯帮忙。
    Chapter 40 Refusing To Help ;第四十章 拒绝援助
    Nice guys always get eaten alive. ;做好人总是被 生吞活剥的。
    Never raise your hand to volunteer. ;千万不要自告奋勇。
    Don't be too eager. ;不要过度热心。
    Every time I play Mister Nice Guy,I get burned. ;每次做好人总是我倒霉。
    What is it you want from me? ;你到底要我做什么嘛?
    A:Will you fill in for me today?I'm really busy. ;A:我今天很忙, 你能代我的班吗?
    B:Why should I? ;B:我何必呢?
    A:Fine,see if I care! ;A:不肯就不肯, 有什么了不起!
    No now! No time to stop and chat! ;现在不成。 没时间停下来聊天!
    Some other time. ;改天吧!
    Can't you see my hands are full? ;你看不出来我忙 得不可开交吗?
    You're asking for the impossible. ;你在要求我做 不可能的事。
    In short, I can't help. ;长话短说。 我无法帮忙就是了。
    I refuse to help. I won't do it! ;我拒绝帮忙。 我绝不做!
    A:Will you pay this debt of $1,000 for me? ;A:你肯为我还这1,000 美元的债吗?
    B:Not on your life! ;B:这辈子你都甭想!
    Like hell I will! Don't count on me. ;我才不要呢! 别依赖我!
    Don't expect anything from me. ;别期待我会给你什么。
    That doesn't concern me. ;这码子事跟我没关系。
    You got yourself into this,not me. ;是你惹的麻烦,不是我。
    See to it yourself. ;你自己去做吧。
    That's your family affair.I have no say in it. ;那是你的家务事, 我不便插嘴。
    That's your problem, partner. ;老兄,那是你的麻烦。
    It's your headache. ;那是你自个儿的头痛。
    A:I can't do that. B:Why the hell not? ;A:我办不到。 B:哪会办不到呢?
    Don't brush me off like that. ;不要那样敷衍我。
    He give me a flat out no. He gave me the cold shoulder. ;他坦率的回绝了我。 他对我很冷淡。
    Chapter 41 Being Supportive ;第四十一章 乐于支持
    I'm with you all the way. We're pulling for you. ;我会帮你到底。 我们会支持你。
    We're rooting for you. We watch out for each other. ;我们替你加油。 我们彼此照顾。
    They stand by each other. ;他们并肩作战。
    She's a tower of strength for her children . ;她是她子女们的靠山。
    Chapter 42 A True Friend ;第四十二章 挚友
    He's a friend in need. ;他是值得信赖的好朋友。
    He's been the backbone of our family. ;他是我们家庭的支柱。
    He always sticks up for the underdog. ;他总是替弱者打抱不平。
    They bent over backwards to please customers. ;他们竭尽所能 地讨好顾客。
    Chapter 43 Offering to Help ;第四十三章 允予相助
    Need a hand? ;需要帮你一把吗?
    A:May I? B:Please. ;A:可否容我为您效劳? B:请帮忙。
    Allow me! ;让我来!
    Let me have the honor. ;让我有这份荣幸 来为你效力。
    I'm in this with you. ;这件事我会支持你。
    If I need help,I promise I'll holler loudly. ;如果需要帮忙的话, 我会向你开口。
    If you need a shoulder to lean on,I'm here. ;如果你需要感情 上的支持,尽管找我。
    Here's my card.If I can be of any help, please call me. ;这时我的名片, 如果派得上用场, 请打电话来。
    If you ever need me, I'm just a phone call away. ;如果任何时刻需要我, 你我之间只有一线电 话之隔。
    Yell for me if you need help. ;如果你需要帮忙, 就叫我。
    You think I can just stand by and watch? ;你以为我能袖手旁观吗?
    I'm all the help you're going to get. ;你会发现我是唯 一肯帮助你的人。
    Does anybody forbid doing charity? ;有谁禁止人做好事吗?
    Chapter 44 Willing to Help ;第四十四章 乐意效劳
    Hope this isn't a big bother. ;希望不会打扰您太多。
    Could you do me a favor? ;你能帮我一个忙吗?
    Chapter 45 You're Welcome ;第四十五章 不客气
    Thank you. It's a trifle. ;谢谢你。 这只是举手之劳。
    It's okay.That's what friends are for! ;这不算什么,朋友之间 本来就应该如此的嘛!
    You don't have to thank me. ;你用不着谢我。
    A:Can I get you anything to drink? ;A:我去弄点什么喝的 给你好吗?
    B:I'm fine,don't bother. ;B:我不渴,不用麻烦。
    A:May I help you? ;A:要我帮忙嘛?
    B:Thank you,but please don't bother. ;B:谢谢(你的好意), 不敢劳驾你。
    A:Let me go get you some coffee. ;A:我去替你弄点咖啡来。
    B:Please don't bother. ;B:怎好麻烦你呢?
    I don't want to put you out. Don't go through any trouble. ;我不想麻烦你太多。 不要费神了。
    Don't make a big fuss. ;不要太麻烦。
    Oh,please don't do that on my account. ;啊,请你不要特别 为我的缘故而做。
    Don't inconvenience yourself. ;不要麻烦你了。
    I know you mean well but I don't need it. ;我知道你的雅意, 但我并不需要。
    There's no need. Never mind. ;没这必要。 用不着。
    Chapter 46 Lack of Gratitude ;第四十六章 不感恩
    This isn't going to help the situation. ;这无济于事。
    You're making it worse. ;你在帮倒忙。
    You're no help. A lot of good that does me! ;你根本帮不上忙。 一点儿忙也没帮上。
    What should I be grateful for? ;我有什么好感激的呢?
    Don't expect any big thank-you from me. ;不要期待我会厚谢你。
    You leave me cold! ;你使我觉得冰冷。
    The better you treat him,the less he appreciates it. ;你对他越好, 他越不领情。
    He caters to her every whim. ;他屈意迎合她的要求。
    You just want everything but give nothing in return. ;你什么都要, 但从不投桃报李。
    Now that you're on the fast track,you just forget your friends. ;现在你飞黄腾达, 把朋友都给忘了。
    When the danger is past,God is forgotten. ;船过水无痕。
    He's such an ingrate. ;他是个忘恩负义的人。
    He won't give a damn. ;他一点儿也不在乎 你为他做了什么。
    Don't burn your bridges behind you. ;不要过河拆桥。
    I hate people who shit where they eat. ;我讨厌那种 恩将仇报的人。
    Never bite the hand that feeds you. ;不要跟你的 衣食父母过不去。
    Why argue with your customer?He's your meal ticket. ;何必和顾客争吵呢? 他是养活你的粮票。
    Chapter 47 Appreciation ;第四十七章 感激
    Thank you for your offer. Thanks,I'm touched. ;谢谢你的好意。 谢谢你的好意, 我很感激。
    Thanks a lot. How sweet of you! Bless your heart. ;多谢了。 你真是太好了! 你会得善报。
    Thank you for getting the ball rolling for me. ;谢谢你帮我把 这件事推展出去。
    You've been a lifesaver. Thank you for your time. ;你是我的救命恩人。 谢谢你宝贵的时间。
    Thanks again for all your trouble. You saved my life. ;带给您诸多不便, 我再三感谢。 你救了我的命。
    Thank God for that good Samaritan, ;感谢神,要不是那位 好心的人帮忙,
    or I'd still be stranded on the highway. ;现在我还卡在 公路上进退步得。
    This is just what we need. ;这正是我们所需要的。
    Thanks for helping me out.You're a Godsend. ;谢谢你帮我脱离 这苦难,你是神来之助。
    Thanks for bailing me out. ;谢谢你替我解围。
    Thank you for covering for me. ;谢谢你替我挡了一阵。
    Without you,we'll flounder on the rocks. ;少了你, 我们会受罪折腾。
    You're most generous. I'm much obliged. ;你太慷慨了。 我很感激。
    I can't thank you enough. ;我无以回报。
    Without her,I wouldn't be what I am today. ;少了她, 不会有今天的我。
    I'll pay it back someday. ;有一天我会回 报你的恩惠。
    He never takes anything for granted. ;他从不把占便宜 视为理所当然。
    Ask my friends how I return favors. ;你去问问我的朋友, 看我一向如何回报 人家的恩惠。
    We're not the kind of people to forget a debt. ;我们不是那种忘恩的人。
    I'm not an after-the-fact kind of guy. ;我并不是那种利用过, 就一脚踢的人。
    Be thankful for small favors. ;即便人家给你小恩惠, 也应心存感激。
    How can I thank you enough? ;我该如何谢你才好呢?
    Chapter 48 Returning a Favor ;第四十八章 报恩
    Let me return the favor. ;该我回请了。
    I'd like to return your hospitality. ;我想回报你热忱的招待。
    Next time,it's on me. I expect no thanks. ;下回该我做东。 我并不期待人家的感激。
    You don't owe me that much. ;你没欠我那么多。
    He's supposed to return a favor for a favor. ;按道理他应该礼尚往来。
    We're even now! Even Steven. ;这下子咱们扯平了。 咱们扯平了。
    Life is a two way street. It's a matter of give and take. ;人与人之间的交往, 应以互惠为原则。 这是辞受之道的问题。
    Chapter 49 Asking for Permission ;第四十九章 请求允许
    Do I have your consent? ;你允许我吗?
    A:Do you mind? B:No,go right ahead. ;A:你介意嘛? B:没关系, 你尽管去做吧!
    B:I'm sorry,I'd rather you didn't. ;B:抱歉,最好你不要做。
    Give me an okay, will you? ;不要为难我好吗?
    Let him have a free hand. ;让他放手去做, 不要为难他。
    Chapter 50 Reluctant Approval ;第五十章 不得已的同意
    Go ahead! Go ahead.Make my day! ;放手去做吧! 你放马过来, 好让我痛快吧!
    As you wish! Suit yourself. ;随你的便! 随你高兴怎么做。
    See if I care. ;你尽管做, 看我在不在乎?
    If you must, you must. ;如果你非做不可, 就做吧!
    Have it your way. ;按你的方式做吧。
    You do exactly what you please! ;你爱怎么做,就怎么做!
    Chapter 51 Consent ;第五十一章 同意
    It's fine with me. ;这我没意见。
    I guess it couldn't hurt. ;我想这不碍事。
    There's no harm in trying. Why not. I'll go along. ;试一下不妨。 好啊! 我附和你们。
    How can I say no? The sky's the limit. ;这教我如何拒绝呢? 海阔天空,无所限制。
    Chapter 52 Who Approved? ;第五十二章 何人允许?
    Give me your word. I wanted to run it by you first. ;我要你亲口答应我。 我想先请示你一下。
    Oh,could I?Honest? ;啊,我可以做,当真
    Chapter 53 Disapproval ;第五十三章 不允
    We'll see. What if I say no? ;咱们看着办吧。 如果我不答应呢?
    I'm not comfortable with that. ;那个主意令人听了 浑身不舒服。
    I don't like the sound of it. ;这种说法我听起来不受 用。
    No way! Don't even ask! ;不行! 这种问题连问都不必问, 绝对不可以!
    Not a chance! Fat chance! ;没这可能! 想得美!
    Not in a million years! My mom wouldn't approve of this。 ;再等100万年也不行! 我妈不会允许这种事。
    I'm refusing this on moral grounds. Drop it! ;基于道德的立场, 我反对。 免谈!
    I wouldn't give this a second thought. ;这种事我不愿做 进一步的考虑。
    This case is closed. ;这件事已盖棺论定, 不必多说。
    End of discussion. Dream on. ;讨论到此为止! 继续做你的春秋大梦吧.
    He won't take no for an answer. ;他不肯接受大家的拒绝。
    You got to learn how to say no. ;你必须学会如何拒绝。
    Chapter 54 Being a Hindrance ;第五十四章 成为阻碍
    Who stood in your way? He won't let me. ;谁和你过不去? 他不允许我。
    This guy is like a stumbling block. He's being very uncooperative. ;他是个碍事得家伙。 他很不合作。
    She's tugging on my arm. You're blocking my way. ;她在妨碍我办正事。 你挡住我的路。
    Am I in your way? Excuse me. Step aside! ;我会不会碍着你? 借光。 站到一边儿去!
    Emotions cloud the mind. ;理智往往被情感所蒙蔽。
    Hold your horses! Bolt the doors so he can't get in. ;慢着! 把门闩好,免得他进来。
    Chapter 55 Expressing Opinions ;第五十五章 表示意见
    What would you do if you were rich? What do you say? ;如果有一天你发了财, 打算做什么? 你的意见如何?
    The arguments cut both ways. ;这场辩论, 正反面都说得通。
    Quit being so indecisive.Make a stand. ;别举棋不定, 表明你的立场吧。
    It has potential. Could I say a word? ;这有远景。 我可以插一句话吗?
    Let me have my say. Hear me out! ;让我也表示一下我的意见 你听我把话说完嘛!
    That's one way of looking at it. ;这也不失为一种看法。
    There are two sides to every story. ;每件事都少不了 正反两面的说辞。
    It's a matter of judgment. ;这是见仁见智的 (判断)问题。
    That's just a preconceived notion. ;那是你先入为主的观念。
    It's too early to tell. You always look at the dark side. ;现在说还嫌太早。 你老是往黑暗面看.
    You're probably right. I guess. What I think is beside the point. ;或许你是对的。 我想是吧。 我怎么想并不关紧要。
    One man't meat is another's poison. ;某人之珍馐,适值为他人 之毒药。
    Do you have any objections? ;你有任何反对吗?
    I don't understand your attitude. ;我不知道你抱什么态度。
    You're not too far off the mark. ;原则上说来,没差多远。
    If you were in my position,you would do the same. ;要是你站在我的 立场也会做同样的事。
    This is how if looks from where I stand. ;这是从我的立场 所得到的看法。
    He said his piece and I said mine. ;他表明了他的心声, 我也道出了我的心意。
    If anybody objects, that's their problem. ;如果有谁反对, 那是他家的事。
    He has a attitude problem. People aren't all alike. ;他的态度恶略。 钟鼎山林各有天性。
    Simple people have simple tastes. ;心思单纯的人 比较好伺候。
    Chapter 56 Disagreeing ;第五十六章 不同意
    I don't think so. Hell,no! ;我不以为然。 才不是呢!
    That won't be necessary. Why bother? Not necessarily. ;那用不着。 这又何必呢? 那倒不一定。
    That's absurd! That idea takes the cake. ;那太荒谬了! 那种想法难以置信。
    That's what you think! ;那是你自个儿的想法!
    That's just your side of the story. ;那只是你片面之词。
    That's your own opinion. It's questionable。 ;那是你自己 一相情愿的看法。 这种说法有争议之处。
    You've got your reason.I've got mine. ;你有你的理由, 我也有我的道理。
    Your opinion is based on ignorance. It's not how I see it. ;你的意见出于无知。 我的看法不同。
    What did you say? I beg to differ. ;你在说些什么? 我碍难同意。
    I should say it's the other way around. Hold it! ;我认为这件事跟 你所说的正巧相反。 慢着!
    Now wait just a second! That's an exception, not the rule. ;稍等一下! 那是个例外,并非常态。
    Too many cooks spoil the broth. That's no longer the case. ;人多坏事。 事情已非如此。
    It's not all it's cracked up to be. ;事实不像所说的那么好。
    Contrary to popular belief,I have nothing against you. ;正巧跟大家的想法相反, 我对你并无敌意。
    Chapter 57 Being Wrong ;第五十七章 错误
    Not quite. Sort of. Almost,but not quite. ;不尽然。 有点儿对。 几乎,但不全然是。
    Close but no cigar. Almost doesn't count. ;很接近,但还没答中。 差不多也还不算数。
    You are about half right. Your answer isn't too far off. ;你只说对了一半。 你的答案没差太远。
    Not even close. That didn't even come close! ;你所说(猜)的差远了。 那连一点边儿也没沾上。
    Neither of you is right. That's an erroneous assumption. ;你们俩没一个是对的。 那是个错误的假设。
    Chapter 58 Argument,Fighting ;第五十八章 争执
    They had a big fight. You don't have to get emotional. ;他们大吵一场(架)。 你犯不着脸红脖子粗。
    What's the hassle about? Don't talk back! ;为何吵嘴呢? 不许你顶嘴。
    Bag it! You don't flight over that stuff. ;住口! 你不该计较那种小事。
    Facts are facts. Oh God,not this again! ;事实归事实。 天老爷, 不要再来这一套了!
    Fine!You know best! Be reasonable! ;得了,算你最懂。 别那么不讲理好不好!
    Arguing with you always makes me thirsty. ;我每次和你争辩, 都弄得舌敝唇焦。
    As usual,she has the last word. ;像往常一样, 她吵嘴又赢了。
    I never argue with women. Why don't you guys just compromise? ;我从来不和女人吵嘴。 你们何不折衷一下呢?
    You may take it any way you like! ;你爱怎么想都可以, 我无所谓。
    This issue is cut and dried. You're no day at the beach. ;这个题旨清晰无比。 你很难以相处。
    A:It's all your fault. B:Yeah?Sue me! ;A:都是你的错。 B:是吗?去告我吧!
    He got into a tangle with the police. It takes two to tango. ;他和警察扯上纠纷。 若非双方都动肝火, 怎吵得起来呢?
    They're always fighting it out. We're always at odds with each other. ;他们老是用拳头 解决问题。 我们老是有冲突。
    All you guys do is fight. ;你们这些人, 成天光晓得吵架。
    It's not even a question of money. It's a question of principle. ;这根本不是钱的问题, 而是原则的问题。
    That's just the point! ;我争的就是这点!
    Man,that was really a silly fight! ;哎,这场架吵 得真没意思。
    I'm through arguing with you. Arguing doesn't do us any good. ;我不想再和你吵了。 争吵对我们无益。
    Let's start over. ;我们重新做朋友吧。
    Chapter 59 Conflict ;第五十九章 冲突
    You got a problem? I don't think you want to tangle with me. ;你那里不对劲了。 谅你也不敢惹我。
    I'm in this fight. He has no idea what he's up against. ;这场架我打定了。 他不晓得他在跟谁做对。
    A:I'm gonna beat you up real bad. B:Oh yeah?You and what army? ;A:我会把你揍个半死。 B:是吗?就凭你?
    A:You wouldn't dare! B:Oh yeah?Try me. ;A:谅你也不敢! B:是吗?你何妨试试。
    Don't mess with him. He's dangerous. ;不要和他发生纠纷。 他是危险人物。
    Don't cross swords with him or you'll get burned. ;不要和他抬杠, 不然会遭殃。
    This place isn't big enough for the two of us. ;一山不容二虎。
    We've never locked horns before. ;我们从未起冲突。
    You wanna make something of it? This means war! ;怎么?你想打架吗? 这是存心挑战!
    Name the time and place and I'll be there. ;你说个时间和地点, 我会准时到。
    All right,let's take it outside. I don't think you have the guts. ;我们到外面去解决好了。 我看你没那胆子。
    Fight me mano a mano! ;像条汉子来打架吧。
    He's asking for a fight. He's out to get me. ;他存心找人打架。 他摆明了要给我难堪。
    You're taking on the wrong guy. They won't get me without a fight. ;你打架挑错人了。 要逮住我,少不了一场打 斗。
    Don't be afraid of that bully.He's nothing but a paper tiger. ;你用不着怕那个欺负 弱小的人,他只是一 只纸老虎。
    This is no game but a serious show of strength. ;这并非儿戏, 而是一场硬仗。
    It's time to kick some butt. It's going to get bloody out there. ;是出去拚斗的时候了。 外边激将发生大冲突。
    This is the calm before the storm. Don't rock the boat. ;这是大祸临头前 的短暂平静。 不要兴风作浪。
    Chapter 60 Agreement ;第六十章 同意
    I guess you could say that. You brought up a good point. ;我想你可以这么讲。 你提到了一个要点。
    I get your point. I'll concede that point. ;我懂你的意思。 我承认那一点。
    I can't deny that. That's for sure! Fine by me. ;这我倒不否认。 那倒是真的! 我没意见。
    I can relate to your feelings. All of the members reached an accord. ;我明白你的心情。 所有的会员都 已达成共识。
    You're singing my song. We're on the same wavelength. ;你我志同道合。 我们是同道中人。
    We think alike. You must be psychic. You read my mind. ;我们的看法一致。 你准是个通灵人物; 你看出我的心思意念。
    I'll say! You said it! That's the spirit! ;可不是吗?! 说得好! 这才是应有的态度!
    That's it! Now you're talking! ;那就对了! 这才像话!
    That's the magic word. ;这才是我所想听的话。
    Well-spoken! What a comeback line! ;说得好! 对答如流,真了不起。
    You can say that again! ;你这句话说得好!
    You're absolutely right. Well put! ;你说得一点也没错。 说得好!
    You hit the nail on the head. ;你的话正说中要点。
    You took the words right our of my mouth. ;阁下所言,正中下怀。
    That goes double for me! I'm with you. ;我有同感。 我赞成你的说法。
    When it comes to money,we speak the same language. ;谈到钱的方面, 我们的看法一致。
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