教程:标准美国语第5册(LRC)  浏览:4434  
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    Chapter 60 Agreement ;第六十章 同意
    Great minds think alike. ;英雄所见略同。
    A:I'm sick of this rush hour traffic. ;A:我最讨厌上下班时 拥挤的交通。
    B:That makes two of us. B:So am I. ;B:我也是 (讨厌这种事)。 B:我有同感。
    A:Isn't it freezing out today? B:Tell me about it! ;A:今天外面不是很冻吗? B:是啊!(可不是嘛!)
    A:Wasn't that test hard? B:You don't have to tell me! ;A:那场考试可真难? B:这还用得着你说吗!
    A:I bet you'll report me to the boss now. ;A:我敢说你一定会去跟 老板说我的坏话。
    B:You're damn right I will. ;B:你他妈的说中了, 我正是要这么做。
    A:What do you think? I'm lying? B:Damn straight! ;A:怎么? 你以为我在撒谎吗? B:正是!
    A:I'm the best there is. B:Yeah,right! ;A:我是世界上 最厉害的人。 B:是啊,那还会错吗!
    B:Oh,sure! ;B:那是当然的?
    Chapter 61 Being Accurate ;第六十一章 正确
    That's about right. More or less. ;那就差不多了。 是有那么一点儿。
    You hit the nail on the head. His answer was right on the mark. ;你回答得分毫不差。 他的答案不偏不倚, 正中要点。
    Bingo! He knew I was right. ;中头彩了,答对了。 他早就知道我说的没错。
    It's right on the money. It's right on the bull's-eye. ;这做得恰到好处。 它正中红心。
    That's the general idea. ;大体上就是这意思。
    If it's in the dictionary,then it's so. ;如果字典这么说, 那大概错不了。
    Every now and then,a letter comes across my desk that is so pertinent, ;偶尔我会在案头收 到一封鞭辟入里,
    so right on. ;写来恰到好处的信。
    Chapter 62 What's the Plan? ;第六十二章 有何计划
    What now? Now what? What are you up to? ;现在该怎么办? 现在又怎么了? 你在盘算什么?
    A:What do we do now? ;A:现在咱们该怎么办?
    B:Same as we planned. ;B:按原计划进行。
    What's your next step? What next? ;下一步要怎么办? 再来呢?
    What's your immediate plans? ;接下来要做什么?
    Made your plan? What's this great plan of yours? ;你都计划好了吗? 你这是什么大计划啊?
    Chapter 63 Coming up With Ideas ;第六十三章 构想
    Let's draw up a plan. Let's get organized. ;咱们来订个方案吧。 有条理的规划一下。
    Two heads are better than one. ;三个臭皮匠, 胜过一个诸葛亮。
    I have this funny idea spinning in my head. ;这古怪的念头, 一直萦绕在我的心里。
    Wait,let me jot it down. Your imagination is running wild. ;等一下,先让我草记下来 你的想象力太狂野。
    Looks like he's had another brainstorm. ;好像他又灵光一现了。
    Chapter 64 Strategies ;第六十四章 策略
    Plan ahead. There's more than one way to skin a cat. ;要预先做好策划。 条条道路通罗马。
    Don't re-inventing the wheel. ;不要重炒冷饭。
    If this scheme works it'll take us to the bank. ;如果这项计划奏效, 我们会会大财。
    This shortcut can save you valuable time. ;这条捷径节省 你不少宝贵的时间。
    If we must,we must. ;如果非做不可, 只好横下心来。
    The safest way is the best way. ;最安全的路子, 就是最好的途径。
    Better safe than sorry. ;事先讲求安全, 总比事后悔恨划算。
    Let's kill two birds with one stone. ;我们来个一石两鸟之计。
    You can't have your cake and eat it too. ;鱼与熊掌不可兼得。
    You can't make a chicken soup without plucking a few chickens. ;偷鸡总得蚀把米。
    A good offense is the best defense. ;强劲的攻击, 即是最佳的防备。
    Let's fight fire with fire. ;以火攻火,以毒攻毒。
    We'll ad-lib. This is my last resort. ;我们会随机应变。 这是我孤注一掷的办法。
    This is my show.Let me plan it my way. ;这是一出我要演的戏。
    We're right on schedule. We're right on track. ;我们按原进度,没半点儿 延误。 我们走对了路。
    Man proposes,God disposes. ;谋事在人,成事在天。
    Chapter 65 Good Idea! ;第六十五章 好主意
    Good thinking! Sounds great! ;想得好! 这个主意听起来 挺不错的。
    It's pretty convincing. ;这种说法很教人信服。
    I'm all for it. I'm up for that. ;我全然赞同。 我赞同那种意见。
    Sounds divine! Sounds logical! ;这个主意,来自天上! 说得有道理!
    It's an A-I idea. Very imaginative. ;这是个好主意。 很有想象力。
    It doesn't sound half bad. That's a brilliant strategy. ;听起来还不错嘛。 那是聪明绝顶的计策。
    That's a pure stroke of genius. ;那是很聪明的一招。
    I'm hooked on that idea.Let's do it. ;我被这主意吸引住了, 咱们就照着办吧。
    It sounds good. I'll sleep on it. ;这主意不错, 我会考虑接受它。
    I wish I'd thought of it. ;巴不得我也能 想出这种点子。
    That's certainly food for thought. ;那倒真是值得教人 一想再想的事情。
    I give two thumbs up. ;我极力赞成。
    I'd say it's crazy, but let's try it. ;这真是异想天开, 但不妨一试。
    Chapter 66 Carrying Out a Plan ;第六十六章 执行计划
    It's still on paper. ;还在纸上谈兵的阶段呢!
    There are still a few blanks to the filled in. ;尚有部分缺失, 有待处理。
    He has big ideas. He's all talk,no action. ;他堂皇的计划不少。 他崇尚空谈而不务实际。
    Talk is cheap. How about some action? ;光动口还不省事, 你何妨做给我看?
    Most great ideas are taken to the grave. ;最佳良策,伴黄土长眠。
    May we proceed? ;我们可以开始进行了吗?
    Chapter 67 To Oppose Plans ;第六十七章 反对计划
    It needs something. It needs work. ;好像还少了点什么。 还要再费点儿功夫才行。
    It's perfect,except for one thing. ;除了一点之外, 可说是十全十美了。
    He shoots down every proposal I make. ;他对我的每项 建议都唱反调。
    It's an ill-conceived plan. This project is not viable. ;这是一宗想不周 到的计划。 这项工程成功无望。
    The proposals are myopic. I can't put my name on that. ;这些建议目光浅短。 不能让它来玷污 我的好名声。
    I can't put my signature on that. It doesn't pay. ;我不赞同那种事。 到头来这不划算。
    You're putting the cart before the horse. ;你这是本末倒置的做法。
    I guess my approach isn't too subtle. ;我想我做得不够圆滑。
    What a stupid move! Scratch that theory. ;多蠢的一招。 甩掉那种理论。
    Cross out that possibility. ;不要妄想那种可能。
    She does everything the hard way. ;她都是挑最难的 方法做事。
    Chapter 68 Change of Plans ;第六十八章 更改计划
    Abort the plan! Back to basics. ;取消这想计划! 让我们再回到最基层。
    It's time for plan B. ;这是采取变通办法 的时刻了。
    The expansion plans are on ice for now. ;目前扩建计划已被搁置。
    Many projects were placed on the back burner. ;许多工程被暂时搁置。
    That proposal is dead in the water. ;那项提议已胎死腹中。
    Chapter 69 Dining Out ;第六十九章 上馆子
    Let's go dine out tonight. ;今晚我们到外面去用餐。
    What a bargain!All you can eat for only $5.00. ;吃饱为止只收5块钱。 真是太划算了。
    It's eat-until-you-bust night at Phil's restaurant. ;今夜在菲尔餐厅有 任君吃饱,同一优 惠价之晚餐。
    Knock yourself out! The food here is out of this world! ;你尽管吃喝个痛快吧! 这儿的事物人间 难得几回有!
    The food served in that greasy spoon is quite delicious. ;那家小吃店做的菜, 蛮好吃的。
    This greasy spoon offers more than twenty entrees. ;这家小吃店供应 二十几种菜肴。
    This is an authentic Japanese restaurant. ;这是一家正宗的 日本馆子。
    Do you have reservations? Will this be for here or to go? ;你们预定了位子吗? 堂吃还是外卖?
    May I take your order? What would you like, ma'am? ;可以点菜了吗? 你想点些什么呢, 女士?
    Anything to start with? ;要先来点儿什么吃的吗?
    What do you recommend ,waiter? ;跑堂的,你能推荐 什么可口的菜吗?
    The house special tonight is smoked salmon. ;今晚的特别料理 是熏鲑鱼。
    I'll have a burger with the works. ;我要一份什么作料都掺 的汉堡。
    I'll have the fillet of flounder. ;给我一份比目鱼片。
    A:How do you want your eggs? B:Scrambled,please. ;A:你的蛋要怎么吃法? B:请做成炒蛋。
    B:Sunny side up. B:Over easy. B:Over medium. ;B:把一边煎嫩。 B:把两边都煎嫩。 B:把两边都煎熟。
    B:Hard-boiled. ;B:白煮蛋。
    A:That's a good choice. ;A:选得好。
    A:How would you like your steak? ;B:你的牛排要怎么 个吃法?
    B:Make it well done, please. ;B:请把它完全弄熟。
    A:How would you like it cooked? ;A:你的牛排要怎么 个烧法?
    B:Make it medium rare,please. ;B:请弄成半生不熟。
    I'd like a side order of fries. Excellent choice. ;我想要炸薯条当副食。 你点的菜很高明。
    A:Excuse me,waiter. Can I have some water,please? ;A:抱歉,招待,请你给 我一点儿水好吗?
    B:Sure.Is tap water okay? ;B:没问题。 自来水可以吗?
    A:I'd prefer bottled (mineral )water. ;A:我比较喜欢瓶装 的(矿泉)水。
    It's just an appetizer.The main course is coming. ;这只是开胃菜, 主菜随后来。
    Here you are.Enjoy. Mind if I join you? ;菜来了,请慢用。 我跟你同桌, 你不介意吧?
    Can I have a doggie bag? ;请将剩菜打包。
    Leaving her a ten dollar tip is more than plenty. ;留给她10块小费, 已够多的啦!
    He gives a lousy tip. ;他给的小费少得可笑。
    It's customary to tip,sir. ;先生,按规矩通常客人 是要付小费的。
    Usually they give a tip,sir. ;通常大家都会给小费的, 先生。
    Chapter 70 Treating Someone ;第七十章 请客
    I'll pick up the tab. Coffee's on me. ;我来付账。 我来付咖啡的帐。
    A:I'll get it. ;A:我来付账。
    B:No,it's my treat. A:But you paid last time. ;B:不行,今天我请客。 B:那怎么行, 上回也是你付的帐。
    B:Yes,but you pay most of the time. ;B:不错,但大部分的 时间都是你在付。
    A:Well,I'll let it go this time.But I insist on treating next time ;A:好吧,这次我不和 你争了。但下回得让 我做东。
    B:It's a deal. (whatever you say) A:Boy,that was a great meal. ;B:一言为定。 A:乖乖, 这一顿饭才真好。
    B:Bert,give me that check.You're my guest today. ;B:伯特,把账单给我。 今天我做个小东。
    A:No,really,let me get it this time. ;A:没这回事,说真的, 这次让我付吧。
    B:You always pay. Please,just this once. ;B:老是你在付账。 这哪行,至少这 次让我来。
    A:If you insist,how about splitting the bill? ;A:如果你坚持的话, 平分账单好吗?
    May we have the check,please? ;请拿账单来,好吗?
    Put your wallet away It's my treat. ;把你的皮夹子收起来, 今天我请客。
    Mind if we split the check? ;如果平分账单, 你不介意吧?
    How about if we go Dutch? ;咱们各付各的账好吗?
    It's on the house. He ran up a tab at the local bar. ;这个免费招待你。 他在本地的酒吧里, 欠了一屁股帐。
    They stiffed me again. ;他们又没付账就先溜了。
    Chapter 71 Beverage ;第七十一章 饮料
    I'm dry as a bone after jogging.Can I have some water? ;我在慢跑后口干舌燥, 能给我一点儿水喝吗?
    A:May I have a drink of water? ;A:我可以要杯水喝吗?
    B:Absolutely. A:Do you take your coffee black. ;B:当然可以。 A:你喝黑咖啡吗?
    B:I drink my coffee black. B:I like my coffee black. ;B:我通常都喝黑咖啡。 B:我喜欢喝黑咖啡。
    B:I take my coffee light and sweet. ;B:我喜欢加很多 牛奶和糖的咖啡。
    B:I prefer strong coffee. B:This coffee tastes like water. ;B:我喜欢喝浓咖啡。 B:这杯咖啡淡如水。
    Hon,fix a pot of coffee for my old pal. ;亲爱的,替我的老朋友 烧壶咖啡。
    Why don't I brew us a pot of coffee? ;我何不烧一壶咖啡 给大伙喝呢?
    Have some coffee to perk yourself up. ;喝点儿咖啡来提提神。
    Some people take coffee for a pick-me-up. ;有些人拿咖啡 当作提神药。
    A:Would you like to have another cup? ;A:你还想再来一杯吗?
    B:No,thanks.I've had my fill. ;B:不用,谢谢你。 我已喝够了。
    B:I've had enough. B:I've had plenty. ;B:我已喝足了。 B:我已喝太多了。
    To orientals,tea is more to their liking ;对东方人来说, 茶比较对胃口。
    A:How's the tea? B:It's delightful. ;A:茶泡得如何? B:很过瘾。
    B:Delicious. B:This soda is flat! ;B:好滋味。 B:这瓶苏打水不带劲儿。
    A:Let me have a sip. ;A:让我喝一口。
    B:You can have the whole thing.I don't want your saliva. ;B:你整杯拿去喝好了, 我不想沾你的口水。
    A:Can I have some more beer? ;A:我还可以再要 点儿啤酒吗?
    B:Sure!Drink your fill. ;B:没问题,你能喝多少 就喝多少。
    B:Drink as much as you'd like. ;B:你的酒量有多大 就喝多少。
    B:Take as much as you want. ;B:你要多少就拿多少。
    Say when. ;够了你就说一声。
    Iced coffee would hit the spot right now. ;现在如果有冰咖啡那 简直是琼浆玉液。
    That does the trick. ;把戏就是要这么耍。
    Like a cold drink on a hot day. ;那就像大热天喝冷饮, 沁人心脾。
    Just what the doctor ordered. ;这样的做法最合乎要领。
    Chapter 72 Food ;第七十二章 食物
    Cajun food is often very salty and spicy. ;路易斯安那州的菜肴, 通常都是即咸又辣。
    I love hot chili. ;我爱吃辣椒。
    I love to pig out at all-you-can-eat buffets. ;我喜欢到“任君吃饱 为止”的自助餐馆, 去大吃特吃一顿。
    One man's meat could be another man's poison. ;某人之佳肴美味, 是之为另一人之毒药。
    Kids always like to dunk their cookies in milk. ;小孩子们老是喜欢把 饼干浸在牛奶里弄湿 了再吃。
    What kind of food do you prefer? ;你喜欢什么料理?
    When you have a hankering for pizza, call Domino's. ;你嘴馋相吃比萨饼时, 打电话给“达米诺比萨 店”要他们送来。
    Chapter 73 Cooking ;第七十三章 烹饪
    She sets a good table. ;她烧得一手好菜。
    I wonder if she's any good at cooking. ;不晓得她会不会做菜?
    That dish looks tantalizing. ;那道菜看来很诱人。
    The smell is making me so hungry. ;这股香味使我饥肠辘辘。
    I'm drooling just looking at all these pastries. ;光看这些糕饼, 就教我口水直流。
    It makes my mouth water. It's fresh out of the oven. ;这使我垂涎三尺。 这是刚出炉的。
    This cookie is crispy. ;这种饼干很松脆爽口。
    I snatched one of Mom's freshly baked cookies. ;我偷了一块妈妈 刚烘好的饼干。
    We're running low on sugar. ;我们的糖块用完了。
    Don't expect any fancy cooking! ;别期待有什么好菜可吃!
    Wow,look at her cooking up a storm. ;哇,你瞧她煮了 那么多好菜。
    Chapter 74 Compliments to the Chef ;第七十四章 恭维厨师
    A:Any good? B:Tastes great! ;A:好吃吗? B:味道好极了。
    It's a real treat! ;这真是一桌好菜!
    The food was so delicious I licked the platter clean. ;你做的菜很好吃, 我连盘子都添干净了。
    That was a meal fit for a king. ;那真是丰盛如国宴 的一餐。
    What a feast! ;多棒的一桌山珍海味!
    That was some dinner! ;这顿晚饭真不赖。
    I think I cooked that pie just right. ;我认为那块饼我烘 得恰到好处。
    She has a knack for cooking. ;她对烹调很有一套。
    Her coffee is unforgettable. ;他烧的咖啡, 风味之佳难以忘怀。
    Where did you ever learn to cook like this? ;你哪儿学来的这 一手烹调功夫?
    It's just something that I threw together. ;这只是我随便烧出来的菜
    A:You're an excellent cook. B:Well,I don't know about that. ;A:你是个很棒的厨师。 B:哦,这我可不敢说。
    Chapter 75 Food Complaints ;第七十五章 抱怨食物
    This gravy is all lumpy. ;这到肉汤里有许多疙瘩。
    This soup is hotter than burning oil. ;这碗汤烫死人了。
    That doesn't look very appetizing. ;那个看起来并不好吃。
    This soup tastes bland. ;那道汤没半点味道。
    This soup tastes like dishwater. ;这碗汤尝起来 就像洗锅水。
    This soup tastes bland.Can't you doctor it up at all? ;这道汤太清淡了。 你不能加些佐料, 把味道弄好点吗?
    There's something missing. ;那道菜好像忘了 加什么进去。
    The cake is burnt. This dish is too oily. ;这块蛋糕烤焦了。 这道菜太油腻。
    This dish is too hot! ;这道菜太辣!
    A:I can't stand beans. ;A:我讨厌吃豆子。
    B:Why?Do they give you gas? ;B:为什么? 是不是吃了会放屁?
    I'm allergic to seafood. The steak tastes like rubber. ;我对海产过敏。 这块牛排像橡皮一样韧。
    I'm sure sick of eating out! ;我实在很讨厌在 外头吃东西。
    Oh no!Leftovers again?! ;哎呀不好了, 又要吃剩菜吗?
    You call this food? What bum food? ;你管这叫食物吗? 多差劲的食物?
    It's hard to swallow. ;这真是难以下咽。
    Their refrigerator is a toxic waste dump. ;他们家的冰箱活像 毒性废物的堆置场。
    That guy's palate is so dull. ;那个家伙的嘴真迟钝。
    They always complain about the crappy food here. ;他们老是抱怨这儿 的事物难以下咽。
    She's a rotten cook. ;她是个蹩脚的厨子。
    A cook is only as good as his ingredients. ;巧妇难为无米之炊。
    Chapter 76 Sweets ;第七十六章 甜食
    Care for any dessert? ;想吃点儿什么甜点吗?
    This candy is good and chewy. ;这种糖果好吃又耐嚼。
    Too many sweets will give you cavities. ;吃太多甜食会 使你长蛀牙。
    She has a sweet tooth. ;她爱吃甜食。
    Could you give me one more scoop? ;再弄一杓冰淇淋 给我好吗?
    Chapter 77 Mealtime ;第七十七章 用餐时刻
    I'll back for lunch. It's just plain home cooking. ;我会回来吃午饭。 这只是家常便饭。
    He's out to lunch. Get your own lunch. ;他出去吃午餐了。 你自己去弄午饭吃。
    We're having potluck. ;我们在弄大杂烩吃。
    What do you usually have for breakfast? ;通常你早餐都吃些什么?
    A:What would you like for dinner? ;A:晚饭你想吃什么?
    B:Oh,I'm not picky. Anything is fine. ;B:啊,我不挑嘴, 什么都吃。
    I'm not fussy. I'll see the table. ;我不是难伺候的人。 我来摆桌子。
    When's chow? Meal time! Dinner's ready! ;什么时候开饭? 吃饭了! 晚饭好了!
    You're just in time for supper. ;你正巧赶上吃晚饭 的时间。
    Will you say grace, please? ;请你来祝谢好吗?
    Would you do the honors? Go ahead.Dig in. ;你来派发肉食好吗? 来,开动吧·
    Go help yourself to the refrigerator. ;你想吃什么自己到 冰箱拿,不用客气。
    Come eat dinner before it gets cold. ;趁晚饭还没凉之前快来吃
    She eats like a bird. ;她的食量很小。
    I stuffed my face at the buffet. ;我已在自助餐店 里吃饱了。
    Finish your plate. ;把你的饭菜吃完。
    More vegetables,Jim? ;吉姆,要不要再来点青 菜?
    A:Help yourself to some more beef. ;A:请自己多吃些牛肉。
    B:I'm stuffed.I've had too much already. ;B:我胀饱了, 我已吃了太多东西。
    B:Thank you,I've really had enough. ;B:谢谢你, 我真的吃够了。
    B:I couldn't possibly eat another bite. ;B:我再多一口 也吃不下。
    I'm stuffed. ;我吃饱了。
    Do you want a second helping? ;要不要再来一盘?
    Is there enough for seconds? ;有足够的饭菜让 我再来一盘吗?
    A:Are you done? B:I'm done. ;A:你吃饱了吗? B:我饱了。
    B:Are you finished? B:All done? ;B:你吃饱了吗? B:都吃饱了。
    A:May I be excused? B:You may be excused。 ;A:我可以先离桌吗? B:你可以先下去。
    B:Sure,feel free. B:We'll hold dinner for you. ;B:没问题,你请便。 B:我们会留些晚饭给你。
    Don't keep supper for me. His dinner is stone cold. ;不必留晚饭给我。 他的晚饭早就冰冷了。
    Chapter 78 Have You Eaten? ;第七十八章 已用餐否?
    Have you eaten anything yet? ;你吃了吗?
    Come have a snack. Let's do lunch. ;来吃点儿点心吧。 我们去吃中饭。
    Chapter 79 Feeling Hungry ;第七十九章 饥饿
    My stomach's grumbling. ;我饿得饥肠辘辘。
    I'm so hungry my teeth hurt. ;我饿得牙齿发痛。
    I haven't had a bite all day. ;我整天没吃东西。
    I haven't had dinner yet. It's hard to work on an empty stomach. ;我今晚还没吃饭呢! 空着肚子工作很不好受。
    I'm starving. He's yelling his head off for his dinner. ;我快饿死了。 他在穷嚷着要吃晚饭。
    Eating Gluttonously Chapter 80 ;第八十章 嗜吃
    I gobbled it up in a minute flat. ;我狼吞虎咽, 一下子就盘底朝天。
    This puny hamburger can't satisfy my hunger. ;这小小的汉堡, 不够我塞牙缝。
    He's got a cast iron stomach. ;他的胃口奇佳, 什么都消化得下。
    He eats like there's no tomrrow. ;他狼吞虎咽, 好像有了今天没明天。
    His stomach is a bottomless pit. ;他的胃像无底洞。
    Chapter 81 Mealtime Etiquette ;第八十一章 饮食礼仪
    Your table manners are atrocious. ;你的吃相教人不敢恭维。
    You need to practice your table manners. ;你用餐的礼节有待加强。
    Don't slurp your soup. ;喝汤是不要做出吸嗦声。
    Dont put your elbows on the table. ;不要把手肘撑在桌子上。
    Fold your napkin in your lap. ;要把餐巾平铺在膝上。
    Always say"please" and "thank you" ;不要忘了说声“请” 和“谢谢”。
    when asking someone to pass over the pepper or salt. ;请旁人递椒,盐等时
    Don't eat with your fork in the left hand. ;不要用左手拿叉子进食。
    Hold your knife in your right hand while cutting meat. ;要用右手持刀切肉。
    Don't talk with your mouth full. ;嘴里塞满食物 时不要说话。
    Don't burp at the table. ;不要在餐桌上打饱嗝儿。
    Don't make noises when you eat. ;用餐时不可出声。
    Excuse yourself when leaving the table. ;离餐桌时要先跟旁人告辞
    Chapter 82 Real Estate ;第八十二章 房地产
    I'm forced to sell this house at a loss. ;我被迫亏本出售这栋房子
    They cut corners in building my house. ;他们建我的房子 时偷工减料。
    This place is falling apart. ;这栋房子块塌了。
    This building is infested with vermin. ;这栋房子蟑螂老鼠充斥。
    Chapter 83 Dwellings ;第八十三章 住宅
    Home sweet home. ;家,甜蜜的家。
    A man's home is his castle. ;一个男人的家, 便是他的城堡。
    God bless our humble abode. ;愿神保佑我们卑微的家。
    My room is smalll but cozy. ;我的房间不大, 但很舒适。
    My room is comfy. ;我的卧室很舒适。
    A:How big is your room? ;A:你的房间有多大?
    B:14' by 16' ;B:十四尺宽十六尺长
    Each cottage houses eight people. ;每栋夏屋可容纳八个人。
    Your dormitory like a pigeonhole. ;你的宿舍小得 像鸟笼子似的。
    East,West, home is best. ;无论你到东或西, 家总是最甜蜜的。
    Chapter 84 City Living ;第八十四章 城市生活
    I can't stand the hustle and bustle of the cities. ;我受不了都市里 吵吵嚷嚷的生活。
    New York ,it's a city that never sleeps. ;纽约是一座不夜城。
    It's noisy,smoky and overcrowded in here. ;这里嘈杂,烟雾弥漫又 拥挤不堪。
    Cold,fresh air in the morning perks me up. ;早晨清凉,新鲜的空气 使我精神抖擞。
    I love wide-open spaces in the country for the sense of freedom. ;我喜欢乡间那种空旷, 自由自在的感觉。
    Chapter 85 Interior Design ;第八十五章 室内装潢
    Excuse our appearance. We're renovating. ;我们正在翻修中, 请原谅我们不雅的外观。
    We're redecorating. ;我我们正在重新装修。
    This chair doesn't go with anything. ;这张椅子和什么都不配。
    Move the picture just a tad to the left. ;把这张图画稍稍 向左挪一些。
    This picture livens up that wall. ;这张画使那道 墙壁生色不少。
    I love the way you've finished your place. ;我喜欢你们的室内装潢。
    The styling of this watch is timeless. ;这种款式的手表历久弥新
    Chapter 86 Furniture ;第八十六章 家具
    This carpet really takes a pounding. ;这张地毯很耐磨。
    This is a good mattress. ;这是个好床垫,
    It's been more than five years and it still doesn't sag. ;用了五年都不塌陷。
    Chapter 87 ;第八十七章 绘图与工艺
    This painting is a fraud. ;这张图画是赝品。
    He has a good eye for art. It's a dying art. ;他对艺术品有好鉴赏力。 这是块失传的手艺。
    I doodle when I get bored in class. ;我在课堂上无聊时 就信手涂鸦。
    Don't you think this artwork is bizarre? ;你不认为这艺术品 古怪吗?
    My dog can make a better sculpture than that. ;我家的狗做的雕塑品 也比那件高明。
    Chapter 88 Locations ;第八十八章 地点
    This place is dead. There's hardly any customers. ;这里死气沉沉, 难得有顾客上门。
    The store is in a bad location. ;这家商店的地点不适中。
    He lives in the boondocks. I'm going downtown. ;他住在穷乡僻壤。 我到市中心去一趟。
    Avoid driving in this neighborhood. It's a red-light district. ;这是红灯区, 要避免在附近开车,
    The United States is a melting pot for all nationalities. ;美国是所有种族 的大熔炉。
    Los Angeles is a hotbed of racial tension in the U.S. ;洛杉矶是美国各族 关系紧张的地方。
    For many,the U.S.is a land of milk and honey. ;对许多人来说,美国是 一块流奶与流蜜之地。
    Chapter 89 Area Development ;第八十九章 地区发展
    The industry has gotten a big boost here. ;这里的工业已有 长足的发展。
    That small mining town went from boom to bust in no time. ;那个小矿镇不久 盛极而衰。
    Las Vegas is such a fleshpot that people ignore her moral corruption. ;赌城拉斯维加是人欲 横流的城市,没人在 乎道德沦落的问题。
    It's gone to seed. ;这地方已变成一片死寂。
    Chapter 90. Liking a Place ;第九十章 喜欢某处
    Nice place you have here. ;你住的地方真漂亮。
    This joint is fantastic. ;这地方好的不可思议。
    This place agrees with me. ;这地方的格调适合我。
    This place is quite elegant. ;这儿很雅致。
    What a ritzy place! This is my kind of town! ;多么豪华的地方。 这才是我所乐于 居住的地方!
    Chapter 91 Disliking a Place ;第九十一章 不喜欢某处
    This place looks so run down. This place looks lke a pigpen. ;这里残破不堪。 这儿活像猪圈。
    It's pitch black in here. ;这里头乌漆抹黑。
    I don't like this place .It's dark and spooky. ;我讨厌这阴森森 的暗地方。
    This places really a rat hole. ;这地方活像老鼠窝。
    What kind of cheap joint is this? ;这算哪门子的烂地方嘛?
    I wouldn't recommend it.It's a real dive. ;这是老鼠窝, 我不会推荐谁到这里头。
    Graffiti degrades living standards. ;涂鸦降低了生活的素质。
    We're in the wrong part of town. ;我们到了这城市里 的恶劣地段。
    It's a tough neighborhood. ;这是治安极差的地区。
    The city's trying to clean up its skid row. ;市政当局企图 净化贫民窟。
    That neighborhood is a lion's den filled with drugs and guns. ;那个地段就像龙潭虎穴, 充满毒品和枪支。
    The area by the crach houses is a no man's land. ;靠近毒窟的地段, 无人斗胆进去。
    This is the gateway to hell. ;这儿是通往地狱之门。
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