Chapter 92 Moving ;第九十二章 迁居
I'm pulling up stakes. ;我要搬家了。
Why can't we just move away from here? ;我们干嘛不干脆 迁离此地。
I don't want to leave our native soil and take up residence in a foreign country. ;我不愿背井离乡, 移民到国外定居。
He changed his residence. ;他换了住所。
Where do you live? ;你住在哪里?
What street do they live on? ;他们住在哪一条街呢?
I was born and raised here. I'm quite a stranger here. ;我在这里出生长大。 我对这儿很陌生。
I feel like a fish out of water here. ;我好像离水之鱼。
Chapter 93 Immigration ;第九十三章 移民
Every ship brings rats along with regular cargo. ;每一批移民里, 都会掺杂几名坏分子。
He's a stowaway. ;他是偷渡者。
Chapter 94 Renting & Eviction ;第九十四章 租房与逐客
They're kicking me out on the street. ;他们在逼我搬出去。
Finding an apartment in this town is murder. ;想在这个镇上租到 公寓十分困难。
Chapter 95 Housekeeping ;第九十五章 家事整理
Put everything away. ;把每样东西都归回原位。
It's clean as a whistle in here. ;这里一尘不染。
Her house is spotless. ;她的房子整理的 窗明几净。
Pick up this mess. ;收拾一下这狼籍的场面。
The house is such a mess.Please ask him to wait until I tidy up. ;屋子里头一团糟, 请跟他说等我收拾 一下再进来。
I keep everything organized. ;我每样东西都保持 得井井有条。
You would like my mother.She has a neat streak like you do. ;你会喜欢我母亲, 她和你一样有洁癖。
He's a compulsive cleaner. Give it the white glove test. ;他有强烈的洁癖。去 查查看弄干净了没有。
This shirt is soiled. ;这件衬衫脏了。
He clutters up his dorm with too much junk. ;他的宿舍里, 垃圾堆积如山。
He's such a pack rat. ;他太舍不得抛弃杂物。
That pile of trash is an eyesore. ;那堆垃圾是碍眼之物。
That room looks like a pigsty. ;这房间活像个猪圈。
I'm doing the spring cleaning. Dust off the counter. ;我在做春季大扫除。 把柜台上的灰尘掸 一下。
Don't muck up the floor. Wipe your feet when you come in. ;不要弄得泥泞满地。 进门时,先把你的鞋 子在垫上刮干净。
I'll hose down the car and clean it up. ;我用水管把 车子清洗一下。
Using a little muscle when you're cleaning the stove. ;你清理炉台时, 加把劲儿。
Put some elbow grease into washing those tires. ;加把手劲儿洗那些轮胎。
A woman's work is never done. ;女人家永远有做 不完的工作。
Cleaning the bathtub is a backbreaking chore for me. ;清洗澡盆,对我而言 是种腰酸背痛的苦差 事。
These stains just won't come out. ;这些斑点怎么都洗不掉。
Chapter 96 Plants & Gardening ;第九十六章 植物与园艺
The forest is teeming with life. ;树林里充满了生机。
The park is blooming with pretty flowers. ;公园里盛开着 美丽的花朵。
Please sprinkle some water on those plants. ;请替那些植物浇些水。
Let's get rid of these weeds once and for all. ;咱们来清除这些杂草。
It's time for you to trim the hedges and weed the garden. ;又到了你修剪树篱笆和 清除花园杂草的时候了。
Chapter 97 Garbage & Recycling ;第九十七章 垃圾与回收
Don't be a litterbug! ;不要当乱抛 废物的垃圾虫。
This is not a dumpsite for your trash. ;这不是你倾倒 废物的垃圾场。
Pick up your trash. Don't throw your cigarette butts around. ;把你丢的垃圾捡起来. 不要乱丢烟蒂。
Get rid of that junk. Empty the ashtray. ;把那个废物去除掉。 把烟灰缸去清倒一下
I'll take out the garbage. People create garbage. ;我把垃圾拿到外头去。 人们制造垃圾。
Garbage is a necessary evil. ;垃圾令人讨厌, 却又无可避免。
The problem of illegal waste dumping has mushroomed in the last decade. ;非法倾倒垃圾的问题,在 最近十年来如雨后春笋。
There's money in garbage. ;垃圾里头有钱可赚。
One man's junk is another man't treasure. ;某甲之废物, 也许是某已之珍宝。
Chapter 98 Air Pollution ;第九十八章 空气污染
The air in this mill stings the eyes. ;这加工厂里的 空气会刺激眼睛。
This thin cotton mask is no protection against poisonous fumes. ;这薄棉花口罩, 哪能保护你免于 吸入毒气?
We should stop contaminating the air. ;实在不该污染空气。
It's stuffy in here. It's heavy in here. ;这儿闷得很。 这里的气氛很凝重。
The fresh air feels marvelous. ;清新的空气, 使人心旷神怡。
Chapter 99 Driving ;第九十九章 驾车
I do lot of city driving. ;我常在城里开车。
It's hard to maneuver here. ;车子在这儿很难调头。
Put a quarter in the meter.I don't want to get a ticket. ;放一个25分辅币到计 时收费器里,我不想 吃罚单。
Please validate my parking ticket. ;请在我的停车单上 加盖免费图章。
He swerved to avoid hitting a dog. ;他紧急闪避, 以免撞到一只狗。
I don't like sitting in the front passenger seat. ;我不喜欢坐在右前座。
I don't know how to drive a stick. ;我不懂得开手 排挡的车子。
I can't put it in gear. Let's give it a spin. ;我的排档吃不进去。 咱们去兜一圈。
Let's go for a ride. Keep the mortor running.I'll be right back. ;咱们去兜兜风。 别让引擎熄火, 我马上回来。
Buckle up! Let's go! Let's roll! ;把安全带扣上。 走吧! 我们开车吧!
Punch it! Can't this thing go any faster? ;快走! 这部车子不能再 开块点儿吗?
Those two guys are always drag racing at the stoplights. ;这两人经常在红绿灯 十字路口赛车。
This guy drive with a lead foot. ;这家伙好开快车。
He's so reckless, he's driving like a kamikaze pilot. ;他胡乱驾车,像神风特工 队的自杀飞行员。
Where did you get your license? ;你的驾照是哪儿买来的?
We've been driving for an hour.Let's take a pit stop. ;我们已经开了好你 个小时,到休息站 停留一下吧。
Chapter 100 Driving Advice ;第一百章 驾车之忠告
Watch the road. Don't keep on nodding off. ;当心开车, 不要老打瞌睡。
I can drive a car in my sleep. ;我就是睡着了也能开车。
It's drizzling out and the roads are slippery. ;外边儿正下着毛毛雨, 路面滑溜得很。
This is a bumpy road. Watch those bumps. ;这条路高低不平。 当心那些耸起的路面。
Don't use high beams when you drive in thick fog. ;在浓雾中驾驶, 不可使用远光灯。
The oncoming high beams are blinding my eyes. ;迎面而来的汽车远光灯, 把我的眼睛照花了。
Keep your hands on the wheel! ;把你的手放在驾驶盘上!
Turn your wheel to the left nice and easy. ;轻巧的把你的方向 盘转向左边。
A:Slow down! B:Any slower and we'll be walking. ;A:开慢点儿! B:在慢点儿, 就像老太婆在散步了。
I'll keep my speed down. I can't stand back-seat drivers. ;我会慢慢开。 我受不了有人在 后座指挥我开车。
Chapter 101 Purchasing a Car ;第一百零一章 购车
I'm a car freak. This car is a babe magnet. ;我是爱车狂。 这款车子很吸引女性。
The car is well tuned. ;这部车子顺的很。
This car comes with all the bells and whistles. ;这部车子装上了所有 豪华的部件。
This car is loaded with many new features. ;这部车子装置了 许多新功能。
The car is in mint condition. ;这部车子状况极佳。
It's a brand new car I have to break it in slowly. ;这部新车我们得开慢 点儿,以度过初级阶段。
He drives around in a beat-up old car. ;他开这一部破旧 的车子到处跑。
I have a special passion for that jalopy. ;我对那部老爷车 有种特殊的感情。
A:Why don't you sell this pile of trash? ;A:干嘛你不把这堆废 铁给卖了?
B:I would,but who'd want it? ;B:我想卖啊, 但有谁买呢?
A:Why don't you sell this bucket of bolts? ;A:你何不把这部破车子 卖掉呢?
B:I would,but nobody would buy it. ;B:我要卖啊,但没人买。
If you're looking for trouble,go buy a used car. ;如果你要自找麻烦的话, 去买一部二手车吧。
You're selling me a lemon. ;你想卖给我一部中 看不中用的车子。
It's a trouble-prone car. ;这是一部毛病百出 的车子。
Chapter 102 Gas Station ;第一百零二章 加油站
Before we hit the road,we'd better gas up. ;上路之前,我们最好先 把油箱加满。
Make sure we don't run out of gas. ;要确实弄清楚我们 不会半途耗光汽油。
Oh,no,we ran out of gas! ;啊,不好, 我们的汽油烧光了。
A:What'll it be? B:Super.Fill. ;A:要加什么? B:加满高级汽油。
B:Five dollars worth of regular. ;B:加5块钱普通汽油。
B:Fill her up with unleaded premium. ;B:加满无铅高级汽油。
A:Would you like me to check your oil? ;A:要查一下机油吗?
B:Go right ahead. B:No,thanks. ;B:你查吧。 B:不用了,谢谢你。
I Prefer full service to self-service gas stations. ;我比较喜欢全面 服务的加油站。
This old car is a gas-guzzler. ;这辆老爷车耗油很凶。
Chapter 103 Car Trouble & Repairs ;第一百零三章 汽车毛病及修理
Does that truck run? ;那部卡车开得动吗?
I hear a pinging sound when I accelerate. ;我每次踏油门时, 都听到进排气阀 啦啦作响。
There's a growl in my engine.Think you can fix it? ;我的引擎很怪声, 你会修吗?
The car keeps tilting to the left. ;这部车子老是偏向左边,
I'd like to get a front wheel alignment. ;我想做前轮定位。
You've got a flat left rear tire. Your tires look a little low. ;你的左后轮胎瘪了。 你的胎压不足。
My engine died. My car is being repaired. ;我的引擎熄火了。 我的车子送修去了。
The battery ran out. ;电瓶没电了。
Chapter 104 Asking Directions ;第一百零四章 问路
Is there another way home besides this washboard road? ;除了这条洗衣板路外, 还有其他回家的路吗?
Which way is the hospital? ;医院该往哪儿走?
A:Is there any landmark by your location? ;A:你那里有什么醒目 的标志吗?
B:Sure,the post office is right across the street from us. ;B:有呀,邮局就在 我们的对面。
It's diagonally across the street from the bus stop. ;他就在巴士站的斜对面。
The store is three blocks down and to the left.You can't miss it . ;这家店铺在往下走三 条街的左边,你一定 会找到。
Up two streets,take a right,the store will be on your left. ;往前走二条街,向右拐, 那家铺子就在你的左边。
Keep going.After you pass three lights, you'll run right into it. ;你继续走,过三个红绿 灯就会碰见它。
You won't miss it. ;你一定会找到它。
Bear left when you come to the fork in the road. ;你开到分岔路口时, 要靠最左边的路线走。
Right lane, get off here. ;把车子开到右线道, 从这个岔口出去。
The room is upstairs second door on the left. ;那个房间在楼上, 左边第二扇门。
The post office is two stores down. ;再过两家店面就是邮局。
It's within walking distance. ;那儿不远,可以走着去。
It's miles away from here. ;那里离这儿有 好几里路呢。
Every time I come here I get so lost. ;每次我到这儿来, 都不知何去何从。
Don't get lost. Don't follow me, I'm lost too. ;不要迷路。 我自己也迷路了, 不要穷跟着我跑。
All roads lead to Rome. ;条条道路通罗马。
Chapter 105 Hitchhiking ;第一百零五章 搭便车
Want a ride? ;要不要打便车?
A:Would you like a ride home? ;A:要不要我开车 送你回家?
B:No,I'll just grab a cab. ;B:不用,我拦一部 出租车就得了。
Get a taxi. ;去叫一部出租车。
Can you give me a lift to the next town? ;可以顺道载我到下 一个镇吗?
Could I catch a ride in your direction? ;我可以沿着你开的 方向搭一段路程吗?
A:Can you give me a lift? B:Sure,hop in. ;A:你能顺路载我一程吗? B:没问题。上来吧。
This is as far as I'm going. Thanks for dropping me off. ;我只能载你到这里为止。 谢谢你送我回家。
Everybody off! I hitchhiked. ;所有的人都下车。 我一路搭便车来。
Don't ever thumb a ride home from school. ;不要随便从学校 搭便车回家。
Chapter 106 Taxi,Bus,Train Ride ;第一百零六章 搭车
Where to,sir? ;先生,你要上哪儿去?
What's the cab fare from here to the airport? ;从这里到机场的 出租车费要多少?
Could you take us to Macy's? ;你能在我们去梅 西百货公司?
That bus is packed with passengers. ;那部巴士挤满了乘客。
Squeeze over.Make some room for me, will you? ;请你再挤一下, 腾出点儿空间给我好吗?
Don't push.There isn't much room left! ;不要推,里头已 经没位置了嘛!
I was squashed in the bus. ;我在公车内被挤扁了。
Bus driver,can you let me off at the corner? ;司机,在街角让我下车 好吗?
All aboard. ;所有的乘客都上车。
Chapter 107 Commuting ;第一百零七章 通勤
You can save a lot of money on gas and tolls if you car-pool. ;如果你们数人共乘一车, 可省掉不少油钱和过路 费。
It's tough having to start the day right off commuting. ;一大早赶着通勤 去上班真是苦。
It was bumper-to-bumper all the way here. ;一路来到这儿车接车, 大摆长龙。
The rush hour is the worst time to be on the road. ;上下班时间,是公路上 最难开车的时刻。
The traffic is at a standstill. I got stuck in traffic. ;交通完全停顿。 我被卡在车阵里。
The road is backed up for two miles. ;公路上堵了二英里 长的车子。
You're hogging the road,Jackass! ;蠢驴,你霸占了整条马 路!
That Sunday driver is holding up traffic. ;那个开慢车的人, 把车流速度拖慢了。
You dumb slowpoke! Woman driver! ;你这只笨蜗牛。 蹩脚司机!
He thinks he owns the road in that fancy car of his. ;有一部豪华轿车, 他就自以为拥有 整条公路。
You're blocking the road,jerk! ;混蛋!你挡住马路了。
Jaywalkers add to the problems of traffic. ;随便穿越马路的行人, 增加了交通的混乱。
Chapter 108 Traffic Accidents ;第一百零八章 交通意外
A:What's with the traffic? ;A:怎么搞的交通 这么拥挤?
B:Maybe a car broke down or something. ;B:也许有汽车故障 或别的事。
A:Why all the commotion? ;A:为何有这些骚动呢?
B:Must be an accident. ;B:准是出了车祸。
Rubbernecking has brought the traffic to a standstill. ;许多好奇心重的驾车者, 使交通完全停顿下来。
There are bound to be many accidents with all that snow on the ground. ;地上那么多积雪, 一定会造成许多车祸。
The fog resulted in a multiple car accident. ;这阵子雾已造成了 连环车祸。
It was a fatal accident. It was a case of hit and run. ;这是一场致命的意外。 这是一件肇事 潜逃的案子。
A:Why did you back into me? ;A:你干嘛倒车撞我 的车头?
B:I did not! You ran into me. ;B:我没有,是你撞上 我车尾。
A:We'll let the police handle this. ;A:我们叫警察来 处理好了。
He banged up my car. ;他把我的车子撞坏了。
Look what you did to my car! ;瞧你把我的车子弄 成什么鬼样子!
My car is totaled. ;我的整辆车子报废了。
He stopped short and I rear-ended him. ;他突然急刹车 时我一头撞上。
Ouch!I just got whiplash. ;哎吆!我刚闪了脖子。
Chapter 109 Traffic Regulations ;第一百零九章 交通规则
Give proper hand signals. ;驾车时要使用 正确的手势。
No honking allowed. ;不许按喇叭。
No unnecessary blowing of the horn (beeping the horn). ;不可任意按喇叭。
Stop at traffic lights. ;遇红灯时要停车。
Make a full stop at railroad crossings and stop signs. ;遇“铁路岔道口“与 “暂停”的标志前要 完全停止。
No sudden stops. Yield to pedestrians. ;不要任意急刹车。 让行人先穿越马路。
Watch out for the other drivers. ;注意其他的行驶车辆。
Keep right. Pass left. ;靠右行驶,自左线超车。
Never attempt to pass on curves or hills. ;不要再转弯或上 坡地段超车。
If you hear a siren, you should pull over. ;倘闻警号应即刻 闪避道旁。
No jaywalking! ;不许擅自穿越马路。
Chapter 110 Traffic Violations ;第一百一十章 交通违规
He was caught running a red light. ;他闯红灯被警察拦 下来开罚单。
A:Pull over! ;A:把车靠边停下来!
B:What seems to be the problem, officer? ;B:警官, 什么事不对劲啦?
A:May I see your driver's license, vehicle registration and insurance I.D? ;A:我可以看看你的护照、 行车执照和保险卡吗?
B:Sure,but what's the matter? ;B:当然可以, 但到底是怎么回事嘛?
A:Our radar clocked you doing seventy miles per hour, ;A:我们的雷达测到你 开到70英里的时速,
and this is a fifty -five-mile-an-hour zone. ;而这里是55英里时速区。
B:That's impossible! ;B:这不可能,
There must be some kind of mistake.I couldn't have been going that fast. ;一定是弄错了; 我不会开那么快。
A:Well,you can talk to the judge about that. ;A:你有什么申诉去 跟法官将好了。
A:Forget the ticket, will you? B:Okay,what's your excuse? ;A:不要开罚单行不行? B:好, 你说你有什么借口?
Chapter 111 School ;第一百一十一章 学校
Improving your mind? ;在用功吗?
We went on a field trip today. ;我们今天作了一趟实 地观摩旅行。
I get three credits for this course. ;这门功课我可以 拿三个学分。
The T.A. passed out a ditto to everybody ;助教发给了每人一份影本
I have matriculated for the fall semester. ;秋季的课程我 已经注册了。
He's enrolled in Professor Beck's class. ;他选了贝克教授的课。
She's taking piano lessons from Mrs. Julliard. ;她跟莱丽亚太太学钢琴。
Our first period is math. What do you major in? ;我们的第一堂课是数学。 你主修什么?
Harvard is an Ivy League school. ;哈佛是美国历史悠久 的著名大学之一。
She got accepted into Princeton. ;普林斯顿大学接受 她的入学申请。
Chapter 112 Disliking School ;第一百一十二章 厌恶学校
You don't seem like the academic type. ;你看起来不像个读书人。
College isn't meant for everyone. ;并非每个人都 适合念大学。
Modern education is ineffective. ;现代教育没功效。
Chapter 113 Top Honors In Class ;第一百一十三章 班级优等生
He's top in his class. ;他在班上的成绩最顶尖。
My daughter is on the honour roll in school. ;我女儿是学校里的模范生
She's the best all-around student. ;她是多才多艺的最佳学生
Chapter 114 Studying Hard ;第一百一十四章 用功
Education always comes first. Get more schooling. ;万般皆下品, 唯有读书高。 多去念点儿书。
I suggest you go back to the basics. ;我建议你从头学起。
I gotta go hit the books. ;我该去念书了。
She practically lives in the library. ;她整天都在埋首苦读。
I need to brush over my notes once more before the test. ;我需要在考试前略微在 温习一遍我的笔记。
I have to cram for finals next week. ;我必须临阵磨枪以准备 下周的期末考试。
I'm gonna have to pull an all-nighter for this exam. ;为了应付这场考试 我必须整晚开夜车。
Everyone in the dorm burned the midnight oil studying. ;学生宿舍里的每一 个人都挑灯夜战。
A last-minute cram before the test can make the difference between an A and a B ;考前临阵磨枪, 不利也亮。
Chapter 115 Tests and Grades ;第一百一十五章 考试与成绩
I don't want to flunk. No cheating! ;我可不愿过不了关。 不许作弊。
If you're caught plagiarizing,you won't get any credit for the course. ;如果你抄袭别人被逮到, 那门功课以零分计算。
We're going to have a quiz. How did the history test go? ;我们要做个小考。 你的历史考得如何?
I pulled an A. You got full marks on the test. ;我考了甲等。 你考了100分。
I got a big fat zero in physics. We'll be curving the grades. ;我的物理考了个大鸭蛋。 我们会全面加分。
How are your grades? ;你在学校的成绩如何?
A:What are your grades? B:Three A's and two B's. ;A:你的成绩如何? B:三个甲等和两个乙等。
He got straight A's. ;他今年的成绩单上, 各课都拿了高分。
Chapter 116 Lousy Grades ;第一百一十六章 成绩不佳
She's a borderline student. ;她是个成绩勉强 过关的学生。
He was left back. He's a dunce. ;他被留级。 他是个笨学生。
Chapter 117 Complaining About School ;第一百一十七章 抱怨学校
School is pretty out of hand. I'm fed up with that school. ;学校失控的情形很严重。 我受够了那所学校。
He quit school last year. ;他去年退学了。
Chapter 118 Finishing School ;第一百一十八章 完成学业
I worked my way through college. ;我半工半读念完大学。
School's out. Drive carefully. ;暑假已开始, 驾车要当心。
Chapter 119 Teaching ;第一百一十九章 教导
She's our substitute teacher. ;她是我们的代课老师。
That teacher is a dud.He's so boring. ;那位老师是颗哑弹, 无聊透顶。
He's my mentor. I'll ask him to coach you. ;他是我的好导师。 我请他替你补习一下。
He's a problem student. ;他是个问题学生。
Many students have to be spoon fed. ;许多学生像喂婴儿似 的教导才能吸收知识。
Pipe down! Not like that,stupid. ;不许出声! 笨,不是那样做。
Please use layman's terms to explain. ;请用浅近的话解说。
Repetition reinforces the learning process. ;反复再三, 可以强化学习效果。
Chapter 120 Learning ;第一百二十章 普通学习
This is very educational. ;这很有教育性。
He lags behind everyone else. Practice makes perfect. ;他落在众人之后。 熟能生巧。
There's no shortcut to learning. You'll get the hang of it. ;做学问没捷径可寻。 你会很快掌握要诀。
It has a steep learning curve. I'm getting rusty at it. ;这蛮难学的。 我已对它生疏了。
You'll do better after a while. ;过一阵子你会进步些。
You're on the right track.I think you're catching on. ;你这种想法完全正确, 我想你渐渐开窍了。
You're almost there. He's quick to catch my drift. ;你已很接近了。 他很快就领悟了 我的意思。
You're learning. Learning is an ongoing process. ;你渐渐弄通了。 学海无涯。
Chapter 121 Lessons of Life ;第一百二十一章 生活教育
I'm a student of life. Live and learn. ;我的经验和知识,都从生 活中学来。 活到老,学到老。
I hope you've learned your lesson. ;我希望你已学会 了这个教训。
Once bitten, twice shy. ;一朝被蛇咬, 十年怕井绳。
I learned it the hard way. ;这是我痛苦所 换来的经验。
Some people never learn. He's set his ways. ;有些人死脑筋, 说什么也学不会。 他已定型。
You just never learn. ;你还没学乖。
You can't teach an old dog new tricks. ;你无法教老狗学新把戏。
Chapter 122 New & Old Trendy ;第一百二十二章 新旧潮流
Never be the first to try the new,nor the last to give up the old. ;尝新莫当先, 弃旧莫落后。
The cellular phone is in vogue. ;移动电话在流行中。
There's a scant supply of this popular item. ;这种畅销品供不应求。
It's a current trend. ;这是最新的趋势。
This sport came into fashion just recently. ;这种运动最近才 流行起来。
Somehow it caught on. It's the wave of the future. ;不晓得怎么搞得, 它变得很流行。 这是未来的潮流。
Saving is(here and) here to stay. ;储蓄之风已来临, 并将长期延续下去。
It is a classic style. ;它是典雅型。
It's a hot ticket. It's out of style. That's old hat. ;这是热门的。 这已不流行了。 那是老把戏。
You're behind the times. Let me bring you up to date. ;你太落伍。 让我来一新你的耳目吧!
Out with the old; in with the new. ;要推陈出新。
Merely to manitain is to lose in the long run. ;保持现状,注定失败。
He's an old-timer. He's an old geezer. He's a dinosaur. ;他时旧式人物。 他是个糟老头子。 他是老古董。
Chapter 123 Changing of Things, Life,Events ;第一百二十三章 事理变迁
Things are different nowdays. Things change. ;年头儿变了。 天下事没有一成不变 的道理。
Things have a way of changing. ;凡事都有改变的趋势。
Don't live in the past. ;不要沉醉在往日美好 的回忆里。
That was then, this is now. ;彼一时此一时, 不可同日而言。
The world is changing out there,Pa. ;爸,外头的世界已 太不相同了。
Nothing stays the same. That was yesterday. This is today. ;世事无常。 今非昔比,岂可同日而言
I prefer stability. Sometimes people have to break their routine. ;我喜欢稳定。 有时人们应该破除窠臼。
Changes are never easy. ;有时想改变某一现状, 并没那末容易。
You've turned my life upside down. ;你把我们的生活弄 的天翻地覆。
We have to reform from the bottom up. ;我们要彻底改革一下。
This is a welcome change. It's time to turn the tide. ;这是个受人欢迎的变更。 该是扭转乾坤的时候了。
This process is irreversible. ;这一程序无法复原。
It's done and there's no way undo it. ;生米已成熟饭, 无法再改变事实。
Chapter 124 Trying Something New ;第一百二十四章 试新
I've never tried that before. ;我还没有过那种经验。
There's a first time for everything. ;凡事都又破题儿第一遭。
Give it a shot. ;何妨一试?
A:Should I try it? ;A:要我试试吗?
B:It would be nice if you tried . ;B:如果你肯试一下的话 那就太好了。
You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. ;反正你报赢不输, 何乐不为?
I bet you'd like it once you tried it. ;我敢打赌, 你一试就会爱上它。
I'd like to sample it first. ;我想先尝一下。
Let's try this and see if it fits the bill. ;我们试试看这合不合适。
Once he got a taste of blood,he got hooked. ;一旦他食髓知味, 则欲罢不能了。
Chapter 125 Endeavor ;第一百二十五章 努力
If at first you don't succeed,try, try again. ;如果第一次没做成, 就继续试下去。
Trying is not good enough. This is your show. ;光试着去做,还不够好。 这是你主演的戏。
An eagle seldom makes a second attempt. ;老鹰看准的猎物, 很少一扑落空。
A:Do you think you really can? B:I'll try my best. ;A:你真以为办得来吗? B:我会尽其所能。
I did the best I could. He really worked at it. ;我已竭尽所能了。 他办这件事倒很尽心。
I certainly took some doing. ;这花了一番心血才办成。
Let's give the guy an A for effort. ;咱们给他一个最 佳精神奖吧。
Chapter 126 Experience ;第一百二十六章 经验
I don't want to appear as a novice. ;我不想表现的像个学徒。
I'm not an expert on that subject. ;我不是那方面的专家。
He's strictly an amateur. ;严格地说,他算不得是个 行家。
I'm just getting my feet wet. ;我像春鸟初啼试新声。
A:How pro is he? B:Not very. ;A:他有多内行? B:还不成气候。
A:How good is he? B:Somewhat average. ;A:他有多精通? B:过得去而已。
You've only got started. ;你还刚在学走路。
The more I know,the more I realize how little I know. ;学然后知不足。
You're still green. ;你还太嫩。
For a starter,you're doing pretty well. ;对初学者而言, 你的表现可圈可点。
You're not getting any older,just more experienced. ;你并没变得更老, 只是阅历更丰富而已。
I've seen too much. He's a man of the world. ;我已历尽沧桑。 他的人生阅历丰富。
She's streetwise. I know human nature. ;她社会常识老到。 我知道人类的本性。
I know all the tricks. ;什么把戏我都懂。
Profit from his experience. ;要从他的经验来获益。
Grandpa looks like a wise old owl. ;祖父像饱经世故 的老猫头鹰。
I'm pulling up stakes. ;我要搬家了。
Why can't we just move away from here? ;我们干嘛不干脆 迁离此地。
I don't want to leave our native soil and take up residence in a foreign country. ;我不愿背井离乡, 移民到国外定居。
He changed his residence. ;他换了住所。
Where do you live? ;你住在哪里?
What street do they live on? ;他们住在哪一条街呢?
I was born and raised here. I'm quite a stranger here. ;我在这里出生长大。 我对这儿很陌生。
I feel like a fish out of water here. ;我好像离水之鱼。
Chapter 93 Immigration ;第九十三章 移民
Every ship brings rats along with regular cargo. ;每一批移民里, 都会掺杂几名坏分子。
He's a stowaway. ;他是偷渡者。
Chapter 94 Renting & Eviction ;第九十四章 租房与逐客
They're kicking me out on the street. ;他们在逼我搬出去。
Finding an apartment in this town is murder. ;想在这个镇上租到 公寓十分困难。
Chapter 95 Housekeeping ;第九十五章 家事整理
Put everything away. ;把每样东西都归回原位。
It's clean as a whistle in here. ;这里一尘不染。
Her house is spotless. ;她的房子整理的 窗明几净。
Pick up this mess. ;收拾一下这狼籍的场面。
The house is such a mess.Please ask him to wait until I tidy up. ;屋子里头一团糟, 请跟他说等我收拾 一下再进来。
I keep everything organized. ;我每样东西都保持 得井井有条。
You would like my mother.She has a neat streak like you do. ;你会喜欢我母亲, 她和你一样有洁癖。
He's a compulsive cleaner. Give it the white glove test. ;他有强烈的洁癖。去 查查看弄干净了没有。
This shirt is soiled. ;这件衬衫脏了。
He clutters up his dorm with too much junk. ;他的宿舍里, 垃圾堆积如山。
He's such a pack rat. ;他太舍不得抛弃杂物。
That pile of trash is an eyesore. ;那堆垃圾是碍眼之物。
That room looks like a pigsty. ;这房间活像个猪圈。
I'm doing the spring cleaning. Dust off the counter. ;我在做春季大扫除。 把柜台上的灰尘掸 一下。
Don't muck up the floor. Wipe your feet when you come in. ;不要弄得泥泞满地。 进门时,先把你的鞋 子在垫上刮干净。
I'll hose down the car and clean it up. ;我用水管把 车子清洗一下。
Using a little muscle when you're cleaning the stove. ;你清理炉台时, 加把劲儿。
Put some elbow grease into washing those tires. ;加把手劲儿洗那些轮胎。
A woman's work is never done. ;女人家永远有做 不完的工作。
Cleaning the bathtub is a backbreaking chore for me. ;清洗澡盆,对我而言 是种腰酸背痛的苦差 事。
These stains just won't come out. ;这些斑点怎么都洗不掉。
Chapter 96 Plants & Gardening ;第九十六章 植物与园艺
The forest is teeming with life. ;树林里充满了生机。
The park is blooming with pretty flowers. ;公园里盛开着 美丽的花朵。
Please sprinkle some water on those plants. ;请替那些植物浇些水。
Let's get rid of these weeds once and for all. ;咱们来清除这些杂草。
It's time for you to trim the hedges and weed the garden. ;又到了你修剪树篱笆和 清除花园杂草的时候了。
Chapter 97 Garbage & Recycling ;第九十七章 垃圾与回收
Don't be a litterbug! ;不要当乱抛 废物的垃圾虫。
This is not a dumpsite for your trash. ;这不是你倾倒 废物的垃圾场。
Pick up your trash. Don't throw your cigarette butts around. ;把你丢的垃圾捡起来. 不要乱丢烟蒂。
Get rid of that junk. Empty the ashtray. ;把那个废物去除掉。 把烟灰缸去清倒一下
I'll take out the garbage. People create garbage. ;我把垃圾拿到外头去。 人们制造垃圾。
Garbage is a necessary evil. ;垃圾令人讨厌, 却又无可避免。
The problem of illegal waste dumping has mushroomed in the last decade. ;非法倾倒垃圾的问题,在 最近十年来如雨后春笋。
There's money in garbage. ;垃圾里头有钱可赚。
One man's junk is another man't treasure. ;某甲之废物, 也许是某已之珍宝。
Chapter 98 Air Pollution ;第九十八章 空气污染
The air in this mill stings the eyes. ;这加工厂里的 空气会刺激眼睛。
This thin cotton mask is no protection against poisonous fumes. ;这薄棉花口罩, 哪能保护你免于 吸入毒气?
We should stop contaminating the air. ;实在不该污染空气。
It's stuffy in here. It's heavy in here. ;这儿闷得很。 这里的气氛很凝重。
The fresh air feels marvelous. ;清新的空气, 使人心旷神怡。
Chapter 99 Driving ;第九十九章 驾车
I do lot of city driving. ;我常在城里开车。
It's hard to maneuver here. ;车子在这儿很难调头。
Put a quarter in the meter.I don't want to get a ticket. ;放一个25分辅币到计 时收费器里,我不想 吃罚单。
Please validate my parking ticket. ;请在我的停车单上 加盖免费图章。
He swerved to avoid hitting a dog. ;他紧急闪避, 以免撞到一只狗。
I don't like sitting in the front passenger seat. ;我不喜欢坐在右前座。
I don't know how to drive a stick. ;我不懂得开手 排挡的车子。
I can't put it in gear. Let's give it a spin. ;我的排档吃不进去。 咱们去兜一圈。
Let's go for a ride. Keep the mortor running.I'll be right back. ;咱们去兜兜风。 别让引擎熄火, 我马上回来。
Buckle up! Let's go! Let's roll! ;把安全带扣上。 走吧! 我们开车吧!
Punch it! Can't this thing go any faster? ;快走! 这部车子不能再 开块点儿吗?
Those two guys are always drag racing at the stoplights. ;这两人经常在红绿灯 十字路口赛车。
This guy drive with a lead foot. ;这家伙好开快车。
He's so reckless, he's driving like a kamikaze pilot. ;他胡乱驾车,像神风特工 队的自杀飞行员。
Where did you get your license? ;你的驾照是哪儿买来的?
We've been driving for an hour.Let's take a pit stop. ;我们已经开了好你 个小时,到休息站 停留一下吧。
Chapter 100 Driving Advice ;第一百章 驾车之忠告
Watch the road. Don't keep on nodding off. ;当心开车, 不要老打瞌睡。
I can drive a car in my sleep. ;我就是睡着了也能开车。
It's drizzling out and the roads are slippery. ;外边儿正下着毛毛雨, 路面滑溜得很。
This is a bumpy road. Watch those bumps. ;这条路高低不平。 当心那些耸起的路面。
Don't use high beams when you drive in thick fog. ;在浓雾中驾驶, 不可使用远光灯。
The oncoming high beams are blinding my eyes. ;迎面而来的汽车远光灯, 把我的眼睛照花了。
Keep your hands on the wheel! ;把你的手放在驾驶盘上!
Turn your wheel to the left nice and easy. ;轻巧的把你的方向 盘转向左边。
A:Slow down! B:Any slower and we'll be walking. ;A:开慢点儿! B:在慢点儿, 就像老太婆在散步了。
I'll keep my speed down. I can't stand back-seat drivers. ;我会慢慢开。 我受不了有人在 后座指挥我开车。
Chapter 101 Purchasing a Car ;第一百零一章 购车
I'm a car freak. This car is a babe magnet. ;我是爱车狂。 这款车子很吸引女性。
The car is well tuned. ;这部车子顺的很。
This car comes with all the bells and whistles. ;这部车子装上了所有 豪华的部件。
This car is loaded with many new features. ;这部车子装置了 许多新功能。
The car is in mint condition. ;这部车子状况极佳。
It's a brand new car I have to break it in slowly. ;这部新车我们得开慢 点儿,以度过初级阶段。
He drives around in a beat-up old car. ;他开这一部破旧 的车子到处跑。
I have a special passion for that jalopy. ;我对那部老爷车 有种特殊的感情。
A:Why don't you sell this pile of trash? ;A:干嘛你不把这堆废 铁给卖了?
B:I would,but who'd want it? ;B:我想卖啊, 但有谁买呢?
A:Why don't you sell this bucket of bolts? ;A:你何不把这部破车子 卖掉呢?
B:I would,but nobody would buy it. ;B:我要卖啊,但没人买。
If you're looking for trouble,go buy a used car. ;如果你要自找麻烦的话, 去买一部二手车吧。
You're selling me a lemon. ;你想卖给我一部中 看不中用的车子。
It's a trouble-prone car. ;这是一部毛病百出 的车子。
Chapter 102 Gas Station ;第一百零二章 加油站
Before we hit the road,we'd better gas up. ;上路之前,我们最好先 把油箱加满。
Make sure we don't run out of gas. ;要确实弄清楚我们 不会半途耗光汽油。
Oh,no,we ran out of gas! ;啊,不好, 我们的汽油烧光了。
A:What'll it be? B:Super.Fill. ;A:要加什么? B:加满高级汽油。
B:Five dollars worth of regular. ;B:加5块钱普通汽油。
B:Fill her up with unleaded premium. ;B:加满无铅高级汽油。
A:Would you like me to check your oil? ;A:要查一下机油吗?
B:Go right ahead. B:No,thanks. ;B:你查吧。 B:不用了,谢谢你。
I Prefer full service to self-service gas stations. ;我比较喜欢全面 服务的加油站。
This old car is a gas-guzzler. ;这辆老爷车耗油很凶。
Chapter 103 Car Trouble & Repairs ;第一百零三章 汽车毛病及修理
Does that truck run? ;那部卡车开得动吗?
I hear a pinging sound when I accelerate. ;我每次踏油门时, 都听到进排气阀 啦啦作响。
There's a growl in my engine.Think you can fix it? ;我的引擎很怪声, 你会修吗?
The car keeps tilting to the left. ;这部车子老是偏向左边,
I'd like to get a front wheel alignment. ;我想做前轮定位。
You've got a flat left rear tire. Your tires look a little low. ;你的左后轮胎瘪了。 你的胎压不足。
My engine died. My car is being repaired. ;我的引擎熄火了。 我的车子送修去了。
The battery ran out. ;电瓶没电了。
Chapter 104 Asking Directions ;第一百零四章 问路
Is there another way home besides this washboard road? ;除了这条洗衣板路外, 还有其他回家的路吗?
Which way is the hospital? ;医院该往哪儿走?
A:Is there any landmark by your location? ;A:你那里有什么醒目 的标志吗?
B:Sure,the post office is right across the street from us. ;B:有呀,邮局就在 我们的对面。
It's diagonally across the street from the bus stop. ;他就在巴士站的斜对面。
The store is three blocks down and to the left.You can't miss it . ;这家店铺在往下走三 条街的左边,你一定 会找到。
Up two streets,take a right,the store will be on your left. ;往前走二条街,向右拐, 那家铺子就在你的左边。
Keep going.After you pass three lights, you'll run right into it. ;你继续走,过三个红绿 灯就会碰见它。
You won't miss it. ;你一定会找到它。
Bear left when you come to the fork in the road. ;你开到分岔路口时, 要靠最左边的路线走。
Right lane, get off here. ;把车子开到右线道, 从这个岔口出去。
The room is upstairs second door on the left. ;那个房间在楼上, 左边第二扇门。
The post office is two stores down. ;再过两家店面就是邮局。
It's within walking distance. ;那儿不远,可以走着去。
It's miles away from here. ;那里离这儿有 好几里路呢。
Every time I come here I get so lost. ;每次我到这儿来, 都不知何去何从。
Don't get lost. Don't follow me, I'm lost too. ;不要迷路。 我自己也迷路了, 不要穷跟着我跑。
All roads lead to Rome. ;条条道路通罗马。
Chapter 105 Hitchhiking ;第一百零五章 搭便车
Want a ride? ;要不要打便车?
A:Would you like a ride home? ;A:要不要我开车 送你回家?
B:No,I'll just grab a cab. ;B:不用,我拦一部 出租车就得了。
Get a taxi. ;去叫一部出租车。
Can you give me a lift to the next town? ;可以顺道载我到下 一个镇吗?
Could I catch a ride in your direction? ;我可以沿着你开的 方向搭一段路程吗?
A:Can you give me a lift? B:Sure,hop in. ;A:你能顺路载我一程吗? B:没问题。上来吧。
This is as far as I'm going. Thanks for dropping me off. ;我只能载你到这里为止。 谢谢你送我回家。
Everybody off! I hitchhiked. ;所有的人都下车。 我一路搭便车来。
Don't ever thumb a ride home from school. ;不要随便从学校 搭便车回家。
Chapter 106 Taxi,Bus,Train Ride ;第一百零六章 搭车
Where to,sir? ;先生,你要上哪儿去?
What's the cab fare from here to the airport? ;从这里到机场的 出租车费要多少?
Could you take us to Macy's? ;你能在我们去梅 西百货公司?
That bus is packed with passengers. ;那部巴士挤满了乘客。
Squeeze over.Make some room for me, will you? ;请你再挤一下, 腾出点儿空间给我好吗?
Don't push.There isn't much room left! ;不要推,里头已 经没位置了嘛!
I was squashed in the bus. ;我在公车内被挤扁了。
Bus driver,can you let me off at the corner? ;司机,在街角让我下车 好吗?
All aboard. ;所有的乘客都上车。
Chapter 107 Commuting ;第一百零七章 通勤
You can save a lot of money on gas and tolls if you car-pool. ;如果你们数人共乘一车, 可省掉不少油钱和过路 费。
It's tough having to start the day right off commuting. ;一大早赶着通勤 去上班真是苦。
It was bumper-to-bumper all the way here. ;一路来到这儿车接车, 大摆长龙。
The rush hour is the worst time to be on the road. ;上下班时间,是公路上 最难开车的时刻。
The traffic is at a standstill. I got stuck in traffic. ;交通完全停顿。 我被卡在车阵里。
The road is backed up for two miles. ;公路上堵了二英里 长的车子。
You're hogging the road,Jackass! ;蠢驴,你霸占了整条马 路!
That Sunday driver is holding up traffic. ;那个开慢车的人, 把车流速度拖慢了。
You dumb slowpoke! Woman driver! ;你这只笨蜗牛。 蹩脚司机!
He thinks he owns the road in that fancy car of his. ;有一部豪华轿车, 他就自以为拥有 整条公路。
You're blocking the road,jerk! ;混蛋!你挡住马路了。
Jaywalkers add to the problems of traffic. ;随便穿越马路的行人, 增加了交通的混乱。
Chapter 108 Traffic Accidents ;第一百零八章 交通意外
A:What's with the traffic? ;A:怎么搞的交通 这么拥挤?
B:Maybe a car broke down or something. ;B:也许有汽车故障 或别的事。
A:Why all the commotion? ;A:为何有这些骚动呢?
B:Must be an accident. ;B:准是出了车祸。
Rubbernecking has brought the traffic to a standstill. ;许多好奇心重的驾车者, 使交通完全停顿下来。
There are bound to be many accidents with all that snow on the ground. ;地上那么多积雪, 一定会造成许多车祸。
The fog resulted in a multiple car accident. ;这阵子雾已造成了 连环车祸。
It was a fatal accident. It was a case of hit and run. ;这是一场致命的意外。 这是一件肇事 潜逃的案子。
A:Why did you back into me? ;A:你干嘛倒车撞我 的车头?
B:I did not! You ran into me. ;B:我没有,是你撞上 我车尾。
A:We'll let the police handle this. ;A:我们叫警察来 处理好了。
He banged up my car. ;他把我的车子撞坏了。
Look what you did to my car! ;瞧你把我的车子弄 成什么鬼样子!
My car is totaled. ;我的整辆车子报废了。
He stopped short and I rear-ended him. ;他突然急刹车 时我一头撞上。
Ouch!I just got whiplash. ;哎吆!我刚闪了脖子。
Chapter 109 Traffic Regulations ;第一百零九章 交通规则
Give proper hand signals. ;驾车时要使用 正确的手势。
No honking allowed. ;不许按喇叭。
No unnecessary blowing of the horn (beeping the horn). ;不可任意按喇叭。
Stop at traffic lights. ;遇红灯时要停车。
Make a full stop at railroad crossings and stop signs. ;遇“铁路岔道口“与 “暂停”的标志前要 完全停止。
No sudden stops. Yield to pedestrians. ;不要任意急刹车。 让行人先穿越马路。
Watch out for the other drivers. ;注意其他的行驶车辆。
Keep right. Pass left. ;靠右行驶,自左线超车。
Never attempt to pass on curves or hills. ;不要再转弯或上 坡地段超车。
If you hear a siren, you should pull over. ;倘闻警号应即刻 闪避道旁。
No jaywalking! ;不许擅自穿越马路。
Chapter 110 Traffic Violations ;第一百一十章 交通违规
He was caught running a red light. ;他闯红灯被警察拦 下来开罚单。
A:Pull over! ;A:把车靠边停下来!
B:What seems to be the problem, officer? ;B:警官, 什么事不对劲啦?
A:May I see your driver's license, vehicle registration and insurance I.D? ;A:我可以看看你的护照、 行车执照和保险卡吗?
B:Sure,but what's the matter? ;B:当然可以, 但到底是怎么回事嘛?
A:Our radar clocked you doing seventy miles per hour, ;A:我们的雷达测到你 开到70英里的时速,
and this is a fifty -five-mile-an-hour zone. ;而这里是55英里时速区。
B:That's impossible! ;B:这不可能,
There must be some kind of mistake.I couldn't have been going that fast. ;一定是弄错了; 我不会开那么快。
A:Well,you can talk to the judge about that. ;A:你有什么申诉去 跟法官将好了。
A:Forget the ticket, will you? B:Okay,what's your excuse? ;A:不要开罚单行不行? B:好, 你说你有什么借口?
Chapter 111 School ;第一百一十一章 学校
Improving your mind? ;在用功吗?
We went on a field trip today. ;我们今天作了一趟实 地观摩旅行。
I get three credits for this course. ;这门功课我可以 拿三个学分。
The T.A. passed out a ditto to everybody ;助教发给了每人一份影本
I have matriculated for the fall semester. ;秋季的课程我 已经注册了。
He's enrolled in Professor Beck's class. ;他选了贝克教授的课。
She's taking piano lessons from Mrs. Julliard. ;她跟莱丽亚太太学钢琴。
Our first period is math. What do you major in? ;我们的第一堂课是数学。 你主修什么?
Harvard is an Ivy League school. ;哈佛是美国历史悠久 的著名大学之一。
She got accepted into Princeton. ;普林斯顿大学接受 她的入学申请。
Chapter 112 Disliking School ;第一百一十二章 厌恶学校
You don't seem like the academic type. ;你看起来不像个读书人。
College isn't meant for everyone. ;并非每个人都 适合念大学。
Modern education is ineffective. ;现代教育没功效。
Chapter 113 Top Honors In Class ;第一百一十三章 班级优等生
He's top in his class. ;他在班上的成绩最顶尖。
My daughter is on the honour roll in school. ;我女儿是学校里的模范生
She's the best all-around student. ;她是多才多艺的最佳学生
Chapter 114 Studying Hard ;第一百一十四章 用功
Education always comes first. Get more schooling. ;万般皆下品, 唯有读书高。 多去念点儿书。
I suggest you go back to the basics. ;我建议你从头学起。
I gotta go hit the books. ;我该去念书了。
She practically lives in the library. ;她整天都在埋首苦读。
I need to brush over my notes once more before the test. ;我需要在考试前略微在 温习一遍我的笔记。
I have to cram for finals next week. ;我必须临阵磨枪以准备 下周的期末考试。
I'm gonna have to pull an all-nighter for this exam. ;为了应付这场考试 我必须整晚开夜车。
Everyone in the dorm burned the midnight oil studying. ;学生宿舍里的每一 个人都挑灯夜战。
A last-minute cram before the test can make the difference between an A and a B ;考前临阵磨枪, 不利也亮。
Chapter 115 Tests and Grades ;第一百一十五章 考试与成绩
I don't want to flunk. No cheating! ;我可不愿过不了关。 不许作弊。
If you're caught plagiarizing,you won't get any credit for the course. ;如果你抄袭别人被逮到, 那门功课以零分计算。
We're going to have a quiz. How did the history test go? ;我们要做个小考。 你的历史考得如何?
I pulled an A. You got full marks on the test. ;我考了甲等。 你考了100分。
I got a big fat zero in physics. We'll be curving the grades. ;我的物理考了个大鸭蛋。 我们会全面加分。
How are your grades? ;你在学校的成绩如何?
A:What are your grades? B:Three A's and two B's. ;A:你的成绩如何? B:三个甲等和两个乙等。
He got straight A's. ;他今年的成绩单上, 各课都拿了高分。
Chapter 116 Lousy Grades ;第一百一十六章 成绩不佳
She's a borderline student. ;她是个成绩勉强 过关的学生。
He was left back. He's a dunce. ;他被留级。 他是个笨学生。
Chapter 117 Complaining About School ;第一百一十七章 抱怨学校
School is pretty out of hand. I'm fed up with that school. ;学校失控的情形很严重。 我受够了那所学校。
He quit school last year. ;他去年退学了。
Chapter 118 Finishing School ;第一百一十八章 完成学业
I worked my way through college. ;我半工半读念完大学。
School's out. Drive carefully. ;暑假已开始, 驾车要当心。
Chapter 119 Teaching ;第一百一十九章 教导
She's our substitute teacher. ;她是我们的代课老师。
That teacher is a dud.He's so boring. ;那位老师是颗哑弹, 无聊透顶。
He's my mentor. I'll ask him to coach you. ;他是我的好导师。 我请他替你补习一下。
He's a problem student. ;他是个问题学生。
Many students have to be spoon fed. ;许多学生像喂婴儿似 的教导才能吸收知识。
Pipe down! Not like that,stupid. ;不许出声! 笨,不是那样做。
Please use layman's terms to explain. ;请用浅近的话解说。
Repetition reinforces the learning process. ;反复再三, 可以强化学习效果。
Chapter 120 Learning ;第一百二十章 普通学习
This is very educational. ;这很有教育性。
He lags behind everyone else. Practice makes perfect. ;他落在众人之后。 熟能生巧。
There's no shortcut to learning. You'll get the hang of it. ;做学问没捷径可寻。 你会很快掌握要诀。
It has a steep learning curve. I'm getting rusty at it. ;这蛮难学的。 我已对它生疏了。
You'll do better after a while. ;过一阵子你会进步些。
You're on the right track.I think you're catching on. ;你这种想法完全正确, 我想你渐渐开窍了。
You're almost there. He's quick to catch my drift. ;你已很接近了。 他很快就领悟了 我的意思。
You're learning. Learning is an ongoing process. ;你渐渐弄通了。 学海无涯。
Chapter 121 Lessons of Life ;第一百二十一章 生活教育
I'm a student of life. Live and learn. ;我的经验和知识,都从生 活中学来。 活到老,学到老。
I hope you've learned your lesson. ;我希望你已学会 了这个教训。
Once bitten, twice shy. ;一朝被蛇咬, 十年怕井绳。
I learned it the hard way. ;这是我痛苦所 换来的经验。
Some people never learn. He's set his ways. ;有些人死脑筋, 说什么也学不会。 他已定型。
You just never learn. ;你还没学乖。
You can't teach an old dog new tricks. ;你无法教老狗学新把戏。
Chapter 122 New & Old Trendy ;第一百二十二章 新旧潮流
Never be the first to try the new,nor the last to give up the old. ;尝新莫当先, 弃旧莫落后。
The cellular phone is in vogue. ;移动电话在流行中。
There's a scant supply of this popular item. ;这种畅销品供不应求。
It's a current trend. ;这是最新的趋势。
This sport came into fashion just recently. ;这种运动最近才 流行起来。
Somehow it caught on. It's the wave of the future. ;不晓得怎么搞得, 它变得很流行。 这是未来的潮流。
Saving is(here and) here to stay. ;储蓄之风已来临, 并将长期延续下去。
It is a classic style. ;它是典雅型。
It's a hot ticket. It's out of style. That's old hat. ;这是热门的。 这已不流行了。 那是老把戏。
You're behind the times. Let me bring you up to date. ;你太落伍。 让我来一新你的耳目吧!
Out with the old; in with the new. ;要推陈出新。
Merely to manitain is to lose in the long run. ;保持现状,注定失败。
He's an old-timer. He's an old geezer. He's a dinosaur. ;他时旧式人物。 他是个糟老头子。 他是老古董。
Chapter 123 Changing of Things, Life,Events ;第一百二十三章 事理变迁
Things are different nowdays. Things change. ;年头儿变了。 天下事没有一成不变 的道理。
Things have a way of changing. ;凡事都有改变的趋势。
Don't live in the past. ;不要沉醉在往日美好 的回忆里。
That was then, this is now. ;彼一时此一时, 不可同日而言。
The world is changing out there,Pa. ;爸,外头的世界已 太不相同了。
Nothing stays the same. That was yesterday. This is today. ;世事无常。 今非昔比,岂可同日而言
I prefer stability. Sometimes people have to break their routine. ;我喜欢稳定。 有时人们应该破除窠臼。
Changes are never easy. ;有时想改变某一现状, 并没那末容易。
You've turned my life upside down. ;你把我们的生活弄 的天翻地覆。
We have to reform from the bottom up. ;我们要彻底改革一下。
This is a welcome change. It's time to turn the tide. ;这是个受人欢迎的变更。 该是扭转乾坤的时候了。
This process is irreversible. ;这一程序无法复原。
It's done and there's no way undo it. ;生米已成熟饭, 无法再改变事实。
Chapter 124 Trying Something New ;第一百二十四章 试新
I've never tried that before. ;我还没有过那种经验。
There's a first time for everything. ;凡事都又破题儿第一遭。
Give it a shot. ;何妨一试?
A:Should I try it? ;A:要我试试吗?
B:It would be nice if you tried . ;B:如果你肯试一下的话 那就太好了。
You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. ;反正你报赢不输, 何乐不为?
I bet you'd like it once you tried it. ;我敢打赌, 你一试就会爱上它。
I'd like to sample it first. ;我想先尝一下。
Let's try this and see if it fits the bill. ;我们试试看这合不合适。
Once he got a taste of blood,he got hooked. ;一旦他食髓知味, 则欲罢不能了。
Chapter 125 Endeavor ;第一百二十五章 努力
If at first you don't succeed,try, try again. ;如果第一次没做成, 就继续试下去。
Trying is not good enough. This is your show. ;光试着去做,还不够好。 这是你主演的戏。
An eagle seldom makes a second attempt. ;老鹰看准的猎物, 很少一扑落空。
A:Do you think you really can? B:I'll try my best. ;A:你真以为办得来吗? B:我会尽其所能。
I did the best I could. He really worked at it. ;我已竭尽所能了。 他办这件事倒很尽心。
I certainly took some doing. ;这花了一番心血才办成。
Let's give the guy an A for effort. ;咱们给他一个最 佳精神奖吧。
Chapter 126 Experience ;第一百二十六章 经验
I don't want to appear as a novice. ;我不想表现的像个学徒。
I'm not an expert on that subject. ;我不是那方面的专家。
He's strictly an amateur. ;严格地说,他算不得是个 行家。
I'm just getting my feet wet. ;我像春鸟初啼试新声。
A:How pro is he? B:Not very. ;A:他有多内行? B:还不成气候。
A:How good is he? B:Somewhat average. ;A:他有多精通? B:过得去而已。
You've only got started. ;你还刚在学走路。
The more I know,the more I realize how little I know. ;学然后知不足。
You're still green. ;你还太嫩。
For a starter,you're doing pretty well. ;对初学者而言, 你的表现可圈可点。
You're not getting any older,just more experienced. ;你并没变得更老, 只是阅历更丰富而已。
I've seen too much. He's a man of the world. ;我已历尽沧桑。 他的人生阅历丰富。
She's streetwise. I know human nature. ;她社会常识老到。 我知道人类的本性。
I know all the tricks. ;什么把戏我都懂。
Profit from his experience. ;要从他的经验来获益。
Grandpa looks like a wise old owl. ;祖父像饱经世故 的老猫头鹰。