大众英语上 Gateway to English ;
Lesson Twenty-six Words and Expressions own /un/vt.拥有,占有 ;
painting/'peinti/ n. 绘画 ;
photographer /f'tgrf/ n.摄影师 ;
photograph /'futgra:f/ n.照片,相片 ;
physics /'fiziks/ n.物理学 player /plei/n.选手 pond /pnd/n.水池 ;
professional /pr'fenl/ adj.职业的,专业的 profit/'prfit/n.利润 ;
profitable /'prfitbl/ adj.赢利的 raise/reiz/ vt.饲养 ;
record/'rek:d/n.唱片 restful /'restful/ adj. 安静的,平稳的 sewing /sui/n.缝纫 ;
sit /sit/vi.坐 sat(过去式、过去分词) ;
situation /,sitju'ein/ n.情况,形势 ;
spend /spend/ vt.用(钱),花费 spent (过去式、过去分词) ;
start /sta:t/vt.开始 sum /sm/n. 款项,金额 teach /ti:/ vt.教 ;
taught (过去式、过去分词) term /t:m/ n.学期 ;
willing/'wili/ adj. 愿意 wood /wud/ n.木头 ;
worry /'wri/ vi. 担心,烦恼 writer/'rait/n. 作家 ;
yesterday /'jestdei/ adv.昨天 Africa/'frik/ 非洲 ;
Pattern Drills Drill 1 ;
-Were you in Beijing last winter? -No,I wasn't. ;
-Where were you? -I was in Guangzhou. ;
Drill 2 -Did you see a film last week? -Yes,I did. ;
-What film did you see? -I saw the American film"The Golden Pond". ;
Text Hobbies for Fun and Profit ;
Many people have discovered that hobbies can be profi- table as well as fun. ;
Some people have such fine collections of bottles, flags, buttons ;
or shells that others are willing tc pay to see them ;
or they offer to buy their collections for large sums of money. ;
Some of the best collections are owned by people ;
who started their hobbies as young boys or girls. ;
Some of the things that American children like to collect are stamps and dolls. ;
Older people also save stamps, ;
but they collect coins and things made of glass more often than dolls. ;
Painting, writing and taking photographs are the best examples of hobbies ;
that may become occu- pations. Every writer, artist ;
and photographer probably started as a hobbyist before becom- ing a professional. ;
Other hobbies that could be profitable include cooking, ;
sewing and making things out of wood. ;
Many doctors believe that hobbies help to make our lives more enjoyable. ;
They believe that people who raise fish or collect records are ;
too busy to spend their time worrying. Doctors also think that an active person, ;
such as a baseball player, should have a restful hobby such as reading, ;
while a person who sits at a desk all day should have a lively hobby such as tennis, ;
golf or swimming. Most people in the United States agree with the doctors. ;
It is difficult to find an American who does not have a favorite hobby. ;
Lesson Twenty-seven Words and Expressions ;
according to /'k:di/ prep.根据.... ;
ancient / 'einnt/ adj.古老的,古代的 article/'a:tikl/n.文章 ;
badminton/'bdmintn/ n.羽毛球 bit/bit/ n.少许,一点 blow /blu/vt.吹 ;
blew/blu:(过去式) blown/blun/过去分词) bubble/'bbl/n.泡泡 ;
cause/k:z/ vt.引起,成为.....原因 certainly / 's:tnli/ adv.自然地,肯定地 ;
chew/tu:/vt.咀嚼 circle/'s:kl/ n.圆形,圆 ;
civilization /,sivilai'zein/ n.文明,文化 ;
close /kluz/ vt.& vi.关,闭合 contain/k'tein/ vt.包含,含有 ;
contest/'kntest/ n.比赛 decide /di'said/ vt. 决定 ;
enormous /i'n:ms/ adj.巨大的 enter/'ent/ vt.进入,参加 ;
exaggerate /ig'zdreit/ vt.夸大,夸张 ;
exaggeration /ig'zdrei/ n.夸张 ;
expert/'eksp:t/ n.专家,能手 gum /gm/ n.胶姆糖,口香糖 ;
help/help/ vt.帮助 hide/haid/ vt.隐藏 hid (过去式) ;
hidden/'hidn/ (过去分词) humor /'hju:m/ n.(美拼法)幽默 ;
humour (英拼法) impression /im'pren/ n.印象,感想 ;
inner/'in/ adj. 里边的,内部的 involve /in'vlv/ vt. 包括,涉及 ;
jungle/'dgl/ n.丛林,热带森林 laugh /la:f/vi.大笑 ;
lesson /'lesn/ n.功课,课程 ;
literature /'litrit/ n.文学、文学作品 low /lu/adj.低 ;
poor /pu/ adj.穷苦的,穷困的 ;
popularity /,ppju'lriti/ n.流行,普及 ;
remember/ri'memb/ vt.记住 report /ri'p:t/ vt.报导 ;
row /ru/n.一排,一行 rubber/'rb/n.橡胶 ruin/'ru:in/ n.遗迹,遗址 ;
Spaniard /'spnjd/ n.西班牙人 story/'st:ri/n.故事 ;
tire/tai/ n.(美拼法)轮胎 tyre英语拼法 tube /tju:b/ n.软管 ;
inner tube 内胎 Julio/'dulju/ (男人名) Camba /'kmb/(姓) ;
Mexico/'meksiku/ 墨西哥 ;
Pattern Drills Drill 1 ;
-Jane often writes to you,doesn't she? -Yes,she does. ;
-When did she write to you last? -In February. ;
Drill 2 -Have you found your watch ? -Yes,I have. ;
-Where did you find it ? -I found it in my office. ;
Text Chewing Gum ;
Julio Camba wrote articles for a Spanish newspaper. ;
Because he was inter- ested in people from other countries, ;
he decided to travel around the world and meet many of them. ;
Each time he went to another country he tried to learn somth- ing about the people ;
that made them a little different from all the others. ;
Since he also liked to have fun, he put all his impressions into a book ;
that caused many peop- le to laugh, not just at each other but also at themselves. ;
What Julio Camba rem- embered most about the United States was that ;
too many people chewed gum.The people that sat across from him on the bus looked to him ;
like a row of fish because their mouths kept opening and clos- ing ;
as they chewed their gum. ;
The humor that is found in literature usually involves exaggeration. ;
Julio Camba was an expert at this kind of humor. ;
He said that families who were too poor to buy chewing gum would get an old inner tube ;
from an automobile tire and place it in the center of the floor. ;
The family would then sit in a circle around the inner tube and ;
spend the evening chewing on it. Accord- ing to Camba, ;
one inner tube would last the family an entire year. ;
Chewing gum is made from trees that ;
grow in the jungles of Mexico and Central America. ;
Men who go into the jungles to find these trees have discovered the ruins of ancient ;
civilizations that have been hidden for hundreds of years. ;
Some people like to chew gum that contains a bit of rubber. ;
This special kind of gum is called "bubble gum",and with a little practice some people ;
learn to blow such enormous bubbles with it that they enter contests to see ;
who can blow the bigg- est bubbles. ;
Julio Camba was cer- tainly right about the popularity of chewing gum in ;
the United States. He was exaggerating when he wrote that ;
the poor people chew inner tubes, but he probably was not exaggerating ;
when he reported that some Americans Spend more money on chewing gum ;
than some Spaniards spend on food. ;
Lesson Twenty-eight Words and Expressions attend /'tend/ vt.出席 ;
break/breik/ vt.& vt.打破,折断 broke /bruk/(过去式) ;
broken /brukn/ (过去分词) catch /kt/ vt.赶上,(汽车、大车) ;
caught /k:t/ (过去式、过去分词) clean /kli:n/ adj.干净,清洁 ;
club/klb/n. 俱乐部 discussion /dis'kn/ n.讨论会,讨论 ;
distance/'distns/ n. 距离 easy/'i:zi/adj.容易的 ;
envy /'envi/ vt.钦佩,羡慕 foot /fut/n.英尺 feet (复数) ;
flute /flu:t/ n. 笛子、长笛 form/f:m/ vt. 组织、建立 ;
immediately /i'mi:djtli/ adv.立刻,马上 ;
include/in'klu:d/ vt.包括,包含 interest/'intrist/ n.兴趣 ;
kiss /kis/ vt. 吻 knock /nk/ vi.敲门 lady/'leidi/ n.妇人,女士 ;
last /la:st/ vi.延续,持续 lecturer/ 'lektr/ n. 报告人 ;
lovely /'lvli/ adj. 明媚的,美好的, 令人愉快的 ;
meter / 'mi:t/ n.(美拼法),米 metre(英拼法) ;
miss/mis/ vt.未赶上,错过 musician /mju(:)'zin/n.音乐 ;
number /'nmb/ n. 数,数字 order /':d/ n. in order to为了 ;
period /'pirid/ n.期间,时期 question/'kwestn/ n. 问题 ;
record /'rek:d/ n. 纪录 share/e/ vt.分享,分担,共同具有 ;
shower /au/ n. 淋浴 similar /'simil/ adj. 相似的,相同的 ;
sometime/'smtaim/ adv.有一天,有朝一日 stranger/'streind/ n. 陌生人 ;
type/taip/ vt.& vi.打字 ;
understand /'nd'stnd/ vt.懂,理解,明白 ;
understood /,nd'stu:d/ (过去式、过去分词) ;
unusual/n'ju:ul/ adj.异常的,与众不同的 ;
California /'kli'f:ni/ 加里福尼亚 ;
Connecticut /k'netikt/ 康涅狄格(州) ;
Guinness /'ginis/ 吉尼斯 Guy /gai/(男人名) ;
Iowa /'aiw/ 衣阿华(州) ;
Massachusetts /,ms'tu:sets/ 马萨诸塞(州) ;
Oregon/'rign/ 俄勒冈(州) ;
Pennsylvania /'pensil'veinj/ 宾夕法尼亚(州) ;
Roger/'rd/ (男人名) ;
Pattern Drills Drill 1 ;
There was a meeting yesterday afternoon. Can you ask questions about it? ;
-There was a meeting yesterday afternoon, wasn't there? ;
-Did you have it in the office or in the meeting room? ;
-What time did it begin? ;
-Were all the people in your office at the meeting? ;
-Did you all speak? -Who was the first to speak? ;
-What did he talk about? -You also spoke,didn't you? ;
-What did you talk about? -When did the meeting end? ;
-How long did it last? Drill 2 -I went swimming yesterday. ;
It was a lovely day and we stayed in the water for hours. ;
-How I envy you! Can I go with you next time you go? -Certainly. ;
-There was a lecture in English this after- noon. -Did you go? ;
-Yes,I did.But I didn't understand much The lecturer spoke too fast. ;
-Who is knocking at the door?Is it Bob? -No,I don't think it's him. ;
He was here just now. And he said he was go- ing to see the manager ;
-Did you catch the last bus last night? -No,I missed it.I was five minutes late. ;
-How did you get back then? -I took a taxi home. ;
Text World Records ;
When someone meets a stranger with the same hobby, ;
that person immediate- ly becomes a friend. People enjoy the com- pany of others ;
who share a similar interest.Often they will form a club ;
and travel great distances to attend meetings ;
where they can talk about their hobbies. Other people have such unusual hobbies that ;
no one else can share them. Sometimes they try to do something better, ;
faster or longer than anyone else in order to have their names ;
included in the Guin- ness Book of World Records. ;
A lady in Massachu- setts may have the world's easiest hobby; she lets her hair grow ;
Diane Witt has not cut her hair for twelve years.It is now eight feet(2.44 meters) long ;
and she will soon set a new world record and ;
her name will be placed in the Guinness book. ;
A thirty-year-old man in Pennsylvania played the piano ;
for forty-five days and eleven hours,while a musician in Connec- ticut played the flute ;
for forty-three hours. A teacher in Califor- nia typed for over 162 hours, ;
and a lady from lowa spent six years typing the numbers from one to one million. ;
Probably the cleanest people in the world are twc young women from England ;
who stayed in the shower for over ninety-eight hours; ;
but a man in Oregon was more than twice as clean after taking a shower that ;
lasted two hundred hours. ;
Someone said that "records are made to be broken". ;
One record that many young men might enjoy breaking ;
is the one made by Roger Guy English of California. ;
During a period of eight hours Roger kissed three thousand young women. ;
Lesson Twenty-nine Words and Expressions able/'eibl/ adj.有能力的 ;
accept /k'sept/ vt.接受,同意 already/:l'redi/ adv. 已经 ;
answer /'a:ns/ n.回答,答案 biscuit/'biskit/n.饼干 bear/be/ vt.生 ;
bore /b:/(过去式) born/b:n/(过去分词) was born出生 ;
bunch/bnt/ n.(一)束(花) capable /'keipbl/ adj.有能力的,有才干的 ;
capital/'kpitl/ n.首都 carefully /'kefuli/ adv. 仔细地,小心地 ;
champion/'tmpjn/ n.冠军 compete/km'pi:t/ vi.比赛,竞赛 ;
Congress /'kngres/ n.美国国会 continue/kn'tinju:/ vt.& vi.继续 ;
correct /k'rekt/ adj.正确的 correctly /k'rektli/ adv.正确地,无误地 ;
delegate/'deligeit/ n.代表 ;
determination /di,t:mi'nein/ n.决心 ;
determined /di,t:mind/ adj.有决心 ;
document/'dkjumnt/ n. 文件 driver/'draiv/n.司机 earn/:n/vt.赢得,取得 ;
easy/'i:zi/adj.容易的 education /,edju(:)'kein/ n.教育 ;
elect /i'lekt/ vt.选举 employer/im'pli/ n.雇主 ;
example /ig'za:mpl/ n.例子 farther/'fa:/ adv.更远 ;
feeling/'fi:li/ n. 感情 governor/'gvn/ n.州长,地方长官 ;
grandmother /'grndm/ n.祖母,外婆,奶奶 Greek /gri:k/ n.希腊文 ;
hold/huld/vt.举行 held/held/ (过去式、过去分词) ;
indeed/in'di:d/ adv.真正地,实际上 interview/'intvju:/ n.会见,采访 ;
least /li:st/ adj.& adv.最少 at least 至少 list/list/n. 表,名单 ;
moment /'mumnt/ n.片刻,瞬间 nation/'nein/ n.国家 ;
national /'nnl/ adj.民族的,国家的 ;
nervously /'n:vsli/ adv.紧张地 ;
practise/'prktis/ vt.& vi练习,训练 problem/'prblm/ n.问题,令人困惑的事 ;
real/ril/ adj.真的,真正的 reporter /ri'p:t/ n.记者 ;
return /ri't:n/ vi. 返回,回来 rose /ruz/n.玫瑰 ;
sarcophagus /sa:'kfgs/n.石棺 send-off/'send'f/ n. 欢送会 ;
spell /spel/ vt.拼写 speller/'spel/ n. 拼写者 ;
spelling/'speli/ n.拼法 story/'st:ri/n.故事 ;
term/t:m/ n. 任期,期限,学期 title/'taitl/ n. 称号,头衔 ;
training/'treini/ n. 训练 travel/'trvl/ vi.旅行,旅游 ;
truly/'tru:li/ adv.真正地 word/w:d/n.单词 ;
wrong/wr/ adj.错误的,不正确的 Jefferson/'defsn/ 杰弗逊 ;
Margaret/'ma:grit/ (女人名) Paige/peid/(女人名) Peter/'pi:t/(男人名) ;
Philadelphia /,fil'delfi/费城 Pipkin/'pipkin/(姓) ;
Texas/'tekss/ 得克萨斯(州) Thomas/'tms/ 男人名) ;
Virginia /v(:)'dinj/ 弗吉尼亚(州) ;
Pattern drills Drill 1 -Have you ever heard of Thomas Jefferson? ;
-Yes,he was the third president of the United States. ;
-Was he born in Virginia? ;
-Yes,he was. He was born in Virginia in 1743. ;
-Was he given a good education when he was young? ;
-Yes,he was taught to read Greek and Latin. ;
-He was sent to Philadelphia as a delegate from Virginia wasn't he? ;
-Yes,he was asked to write an important document. ;
-Was this document accepted by the Congress? -Yes,it was. ;
-When was it accepted by the Congress? -on July 4, 1776. ;
-He was elected governor of Virginia after he returned, wasn't he? ;
-Yes, he was twice governor of Virginia. ;
-When was he made president of the United States? ;
-He was made president of the United States when he was 57. ;
And he was in office for two terms. Drill 2 Example: ;
The employer gave me an interview. I was given an interview. ;
An interview was given to me. ;
Text T-E-N-S-l-O-N ;
It is a good feeling to know that you are the best at something you enjoy doing. ;
One person might like to be the world's greatest driver; ;
another may want to swim farther than anyone else. ;
People who can do these things are called champions. ;
They earn that title through many hours of training, practicing or studying ;
and by having a lot of determination. ;
When Paige Pipkin from Texas was twelve years old,she wanted to be a champion speller. ;
She could already spell words that many others could not, ;
but she knew that a real champion had to spell every word that he or she was asked. ;
She studied many lists of words and learned all the rules for correct spelling. ;
In some languages spelling is not a problem. ;
Words are so easy to spell that no one ever thinks of having a spelling contest. ;
Words are so difficult to spell in English, however, ;
that most people can not write a letter correctly without having to look up ;
at least one word in a dictionary to see how it is spelled. ;
Paige Pipkin became such a capable speller ;
that she was able to win many contests-so many that she traveled to Washington. D. C. ;
to compete in the national spelling contest that is held there each year. ;
When finally there were only two spellers left,Paige learned how difficult ;
it was to be the very best:she spelled her last word wrong. ;
She was proud to be the second best speller in the United States, ;
but she was sorry not to return to Texas as a champion. ;
This is not the end of the story. Paige,a very determined young lady, ;
continued to compete in spelling contests. A year later, when she was thirteen, ;
she again found her- self competing in the nation's capital. ;
This time her last word was sarcophagus. If she could spell that word, ;
she would truly be the national champion. Slowly, nervously, but carefully, she said: ;
"S-A-R-C-O-P-H-A-G- U-S." Moments later she was given a large trophy, ;
and she was indeed the champion speller of the United States. ;
When a reporter asked Paige what she felt as she spelled her last word, ;
she spelled her answer for him:"T-E-N-S-l- O-N". ;
Lesson Thirty Words and Expressions amateur / 'mt:/ adj.& n.业余的,业余者 ;
applaud /'pl:d/ vt.& vi.鼓掌,喝彩 ;
arrangement /'reindmnt/ n.安排;布置 ;
assure/'u/ vt.使确信,放心 audience/':djns/ n.观众,听众 ;
bone/bun/ n.骨头 break/breik/ vt.& vi.弄断,折断 chicken/'tikin/n.鸡 ;
comedian/k'mi:djn/ n. 喜剧演员 comedy/'kamidi/n.喜剧 ;
customer /'kstm/ n.顾客,主顾 dish /di/ n.碟子,一个菜 ;
dream /dri:m/ n.& vi.梦想;作梦 entertain/,ent'tein/ vt. 款待,接待 ;
extremely /iks'tri:mli/ adv. 非常的,特别的 ;
fight/fait/ vt.打架,争斗 fought/f:t/(过去式) fought(过去分词) ;
funny /'fni/ adj.令人发笑的,可笑的 general /'denrl/ adj.一般的,总的 ;
general manager总经理 greet/gri:t/ vt.欢迎,向....致意 ;
idea/ai'di/ n. 主意,想法 inquire/in'kwai/ vi.问讯 ;
invite /in'vait/ vt.邀请 joke /duk/n.笑话 ;
opportunity /,p'tju:niti/ n.机会 ;
owner/'un/ n. 所有人,物主 patient/'peint/ n. 病人 ;
perform /p'f:m/ vt. &vi .表演 policeman /p'li:smn/n. 警察 ;
programme/'prugrm/ n.(英拼法)节目,表演 program(美拼法) raise/reiz/ vt.饲养 ;
reply /ri'plai/ vi.回答,答复 rheumatism /'ru:mtizm/n.风湿病 ;
smile /smail/vi. 微笑 sort /s:t/ vt. 整理,清理 stage/steid/n.舞台 ;
stand /stnd/vi. 站立 stood /stud/ (过去式、过去分词) star /sta:/n.星星明星 ;
surprised /s'praizd/ adj.惊讶的 trouble/'trbl/ n. 麻烦事,困难 ;
yard /ja:d/n.院子 Chicago /i'ka:gu/ 芝加哥(市) Howard /'haud/(姓) ;
Phil/fil/ (男人名,Phil(l)ip 的昵称) ;
Pattern Drills Drill 1 ;
-What were you doing at 8:00 yesterday evening? ;
-I was playing chess with my brother. Drill 2 ;
-Was Miss Wang typing a letter when you came? -No, she wasn't. ;
-What was she doing? -She was sorting out the files. Drill 3 ;
-The clock has stopped -Has it? It was work- ing just now. ;
-I saw Xiao Li at the hospital the other day -Did you? What was he doing there? ;
-He was visiting a sick friend. -What was going on over there? ;
-Two men were fighting and a policeman was trying to break them up. ;
Text Tomorrow's Comedians ;
"The doctor wanted to know all about his new patient's health. ;
'Do you have a problem with rheumatism?' he inquired.'Yes, I do, ' the patient replied. ;
'How often do you have this problem?' the doctor asked. ;
'Every time I try to spell it ' the lady said. " ;
Phil Howard, who was standing on a small stage, waited for a moment to see ;
if anyone laughed. Several people in the audience did laugh, ;
but most of them just smiled. ;
"Then the doctor asked her if she had ever broken any bones.'Yes, I have,'she said, ;
'but only when I eat chicken. '" ;
A couple of people applauded and some more laughed. ;
Phil Howard told jokes like these for another twenty minutes. ;
He always wanted to be a comedian, and now he had the opportunity to work ;
before a real audience A few years ago,the owner of a club decid- ed to stop using ;
expensive comedy stars to entertain his customers. Now he invites amateurs, ;
who cannot find jobs as comedians. He does not pay them much money, ;
but they are happy for the chance to perform. Some do it just for the fun, ;
but others have dreams that they will someday become as popular as Bob Hope, ;
or other world-farmous comedians. ;
The idea of having clubs with amateur comedians has become very popular. ;
Such clubs may now be found in many large cities in the United States. ;
Many of the young comedians tell jokes that are not extremely funny, ;
but that is exactly why it is fun to watch them. ;
A college student in a Chicago club greeted his audience with a story about a neighbor ;
who raised chickens. "The trouble is, " he said, ;
"these chickens kept coming into my yard, so one night I put some eggs in my yard ;
and went out the morn- ing and collected them My surprised neighbor watched ;
as I picked up the eggs, and those chick- ens never came into my yard again! " ;
Lesson Twenty-six Words and Expressions own /un/vt.拥有,占有 ;
painting/'peinti/ n. 绘画 ;
photographer /f'tgrf/ n.摄影师 ;
photograph /'futgra:f/ n.照片,相片 ;
physics /'fiziks/ n.物理学 player /plei/n.选手 pond /pnd/n.水池 ;
professional /pr'fenl/ adj.职业的,专业的 profit/'prfit/n.利润 ;
profitable /'prfitbl/ adj.赢利的 raise/reiz/ vt.饲养 ;
record/'rek:d/n.唱片 restful /'restful/ adj. 安静的,平稳的 sewing /sui/n.缝纫 ;
sit /sit/vi.坐 sat(过去式、过去分词) ;
situation /,sitju'ein/ n.情况,形势 ;
spend /spend/ vt.用(钱),花费 spent (过去式、过去分词) ;
start /sta:t/vt.开始 sum /sm/n. 款项,金额 teach /ti:/ vt.教 ;
taught (过去式、过去分词) term /t:m/ n.学期 ;
willing/'wili/ adj. 愿意 wood /wud/ n.木头 ;
worry /'wri/ vi. 担心,烦恼 writer/'rait/n. 作家 ;
yesterday /'jestdei/ adv.昨天 Africa/'frik/ 非洲 ;
Pattern Drills Drill 1 ;
-Were you in Beijing last winter? -No,I wasn't. ;
-Where were you? -I was in Guangzhou. ;
Drill 2 -Did you see a film last week? -Yes,I did. ;
-What film did you see? -I saw the American film"The Golden Pond". ;
Text Hobbies for Fun and Profit ;
Many people have discovered that hobbies can be profi- table as well as fun. ;
Some people have such fine collections of bottles, flags, buttons ;
or shells that others are willing tc pay to see them ;
or they offer to buy their collections for large sums of money. ;
Some of the best collections are owned by people ;
who started their hobbies as young boys or girls. ;
Some of the things that American children like to collect are stamps and dolls. ;
Older people also save stamps, ;
but they collect coins and things made of glass more often than dolls. ;
Painting, writing and taking photographs are the best examples of hobbies ;
that may become occu- pations. Every writer, artist ;
and photographer probably started as a hobbyist before becom- ing a professional. ;
Other hobbies that could be profitable include cooking, ;
sewing and making things out of wood. ;
Many doctors believe that hobbies help to make our lives more enjoyable. ;
They believe that people who raise fish or collect records are ;
too busy to spend their time worrying. Doctors also think that an active person, ;
such as a baseball player, should have a restful hobby such as reading, ;
while a person who sits at a desk all day should have a lively hobby such as tennis, ;
golf or swimming. Most people in the United States agree with the doctors. ;
It is difficult to find an American who does not have a favorite hobby. ;
Lesson Twenty-seven Words and Expressions ;
according to /'k:di/ prep.根据.... ;
ancient / 'einnt/ adj.古老的,古代的 article/'a:tikl/n.文章 ;
badminton/'bdmintn/ n.羽毛球 bit/bit/ n.少许,一点 blow /blu/vt.吹 ;
blew/blu:(过去式) blown/blun/过去分词) bubble/'bbl/n.泡泡 ;
cause/k:z/ vt.引起,成为.....原因 certainly / 's:tnli/ adv.自然地,肯定地 ;
chew/tu:/vt.咀嚼 circle/'s:kl/ n.圆形,圆 ;
civilization /,sivilai'zein/ n.文明,文化 ;
close /kluz/ vt.& vi.关,闭合 contain/k'tein/ vt.包含,含有 ;
contest/'kntest/ n.比赛 decide /di'said/ vt. 决定 ;
enormous /i'n:ms/ adj.巨大的 enter/'ent/ vt.进入,参加 ;
exaggerate /ig'zdreit/ vt.夸大,夸张 ;
exaggeration /ig'zdrei/ n.夸张 ;
expert/'eksp:t/ n.专家,能手 gum /gm/ n.胶姆糖,口香糖 ;
help/help/ vt.帮助 hide/haid/ vt.隐藏 hid (过去式) ;
hidden/'hidn/ (过去分词) humor /'hju:m/ n.(美拼法)幽默 ;
humour (英拼法) impression /im'pren/ n.印象,感想 ;
inner/'in/ adj. 里边的,内部的 involve /in'vlv/ vt. 包括,涉及 ;
jungle/'dgl/ n.丛林,热带森林 laugh /la:f/vi.大笑 ;
lesson /'lesn/ n.功课,课程 ;
literature /'litrit/ n.文学、文学作品 low /lu/adj.低 ;
poor /pu/ adj.穷苦的,穷困的 ;
popularity /,ppju'lriti/ n.流行,普及 ;
remember/ri'memb/ vt.记住 report /ri'p:t/ vt.报导 ;
row /ru/n.一排,一行 rubber/'rb/n.橡胶 ruin/'ru:in/ n.遗迹,遗址 ;
Spaniard /'spnjd/ n.西班牙人 story/'st:ri/n.故事 ;
tire/tai/ n.(美拼法)轮胎 tyre英语拼法 tube /tju:b/ n.软管 ;
inner tube 内胎 Julio/'dulju/ (男人名) Camba /'kmb/(姓) ;
Mexico/'meksiku/ 墨西哥 ;
Pattern Drills Drill 1 ;
-Jane often writes to you,doesn't she? -Yes,she does. ;
-When did she write to you last? -In February. ;
Drill 2 -Have you found your watch ? -Yes,I have. ;
-Where did you find it ? -I found it in my office. ;
Text Chewing Gum ;
Julio Camba wrote articles for a Spanish newspaper. ;
Because he was inter- ested in people from other countries, ;
he decided to travel around the world and meet many of them. ;
Each time he went to another country he tried to learn somth- ing about the people ;
that made them a little different from all the others. ;
Since he also liked to have fun, he put all his impressions into a book ;
that caused many peop- le to laugh, not just at each other but also at themselves. ;
What Julio Camba rem- embered most about the United States was that ;
too many people chewed gum.The people that sat across from him on the bus looked to him ;
like a row of fish because their mouths kept opening and clos- ing ;
as they chewed their gum. ;
The humor that is found in literature usually involves exaggeration. ;
Julio Camba was an expert at this kind of humor. ;
He said that families who were too poor to buy chewing gum would get an old inner tube ;
from an automobile tire and place it in the center of the floor. ;
The family would then sit in a circle around the inner tube and ;
spend the evening chewing on it. Accord- ing to Camba, ;
one inner tube would last the family an entire year. ;
Chewing gum is made from trees that ;
grow in the jungles of Mexico and Central America. ;
Men who go into the jungles to find these trees have discovered the ruins of ancient ;
civilizations that have been hidden for hundreds of years. ;
Some people like to chew gum that contains a bit of rubber. ;
This special kind of gum is called "bubble gum",and with a little practice some people ;
learn to blow such enormous bubbles with it that they enter contests to see ;
who can blow the bigg- est bubbles. ;
Julio Camba was cer- tainly right about the popularity of chewing gum in ;
the United States. He was exaggerating when he wrote that ;
the poor people chew inner tubes, but he probably was not exaggerating ;
when he reported that some Americans Spend more money on chewing gum ;
than some Spaniards spend on food. ;
Lesson Twenty-eight Words and Expressions attend /'tend/ vt.出席 ;
break/breik/ vt.& vt.打破,折断 broke /bruk/(过去式) ;
broken /brukn/ (过去分词) catch /kt/ vt.赶上,(汽车、大车) ;
caught /k:t/ (过去式、过去分词) clean /kli:n/ adj.干净,清洁 ;
club/klb/n. 俱乐部 discussion /dis'kn/ n.讨论会,讨论 ;
distance/'distns/ n. 距离 easy/'i:zi/adj.容易的 ;
envy /'envi/ vt.钦佩,羡慕 foot /fut/n.英尺 feet (复数) ;
flute /flu:t/ n. 笛子、长笛 form/f:m/ vt. 组织、建立 ;
immediately /i'mi:djtli/ adv.立刻,马上 ;
include/in'klu:d/ vt.包括,包含 interest/'intrist/ n.兴趣 ;
kiss /kis/ vt. 吻 knock /nk/ vi.敲门 lady/'leidi/ n.妇人,女士 ;
last /la:st/ vi.延续,持续 lecturer/ 'lektr/ n. 报告人 ;
lovely /'lvli/ adj. 明媚的,美好的, 令人愉快的 ;
meter / 'mi:t/ n.(美拼法),米 metre(英拼法) ;
miss/mis/ vt.未赶上,错过 musician /mju(:)'zin/n.音乐 ;
number /'nmb/ n. 数,数字 order /':d/ n. in order to为了 ;
period /'pirid/ n.期间,时期 question/'kwestn/ n. 问题 ;
record /'rek:d/ n. 纪录 share/e/ vt.分享,分担,共同具有 ;
shower /au/ n. 淋浴 similar /'simil/ adj. 相似的,相同的 ;
sometime/'smtaim/ adv.有一天,有朝一日 stranger/'streind/ n. 陌生人 ;
type/taip/ vt.& vi.打字 ;
understand /'nd'stnd/ vt.懂,理解,明白 ;
understood /,nd'stu:d/ (过去式、过去分词) ;
unusual/n'ju:ul/ adj.异常的,与众不同的 ;
California /'kli'f:ni/ 加里福尼亚 ;
Connecticut /k'netikt/ 康涅狄格(州) ;
Guinness /'ginis/ 吉尼斯 Guy /gai/(男人名) ;
Iowa /'aiw/ 衣阿华(州) ;
Massachusetts /,ms'tu:sets/ 马萨诸塞(州) ;
Oregon/'rign/ 俄勒冈(州) ;
Pennsylvania /'pensil'veinj/ 宾夕法尼亚(州) ;
Roger/'rd/ (男人名) ;
Pattern Drills Drill 1 ;
There was a meeting yesterday afternoon. Can you ask questions about it? ;
-There was a meeting yesterday afternoon, wasn't there? ;
-Did you have it in the office or in the meeting room? ;
-What time did it begin? ;
-Were all the people in your office at the meeting? ;
-Did you all speak? -Who was the first to speak? ;
-What did he talk about? -You also spoke,didn't you? ;
-What did you talk about? -When did the meeting end? ;
-How long did it last? Drill 2 -I went swimming yesterday. ;
It was a lovely day and we stayed in the water for hours. ;
-How I envy you! Can I go with you next time you go? -Certainly. ;
-There was a lecture in English this after- noon. -Did you go? ;
-Yes,I did.But I didn't understand much The lecturer spoke too fast. ;
-Who is knocking at the door?Is it Bob? -No,I don't think it's him. ;
He was here just now. And he said he was go- ing to see the manager ;
-Did you catch the last bus last night? -No,I missed it.I was five minutes late. ;
-How did you get back then? -I took a taxi home. ;
Text World Records ;
When someone meets a stranger with the same hobby, ;
that person immediate- ly becomes a friend. People enjoy the com- pany of others ;
who share a similar interest.Often they will form a club ;
and travel great distances to attend meetings ;
where they can talk about their hobbies. Other people have such unusual hobbies that ;
no one else can share them. Sometimes they try to do something better, ;
faster or longer than anyone else in order to have their names ;
included in the Guin- ness Book of World Records. ;
A lady in Massachu- setts may have the world's easiest hobby; she lets her hair grow ;
Diane Witt has not cut her hair for twelve years.It is now eight feet(2.44 meters) long ;
and she will soon set a new world record and ;
her name will be placed in the Guinness book. ;
A thirty-year-old man in Pennsylvania played the piano ;
for forty-five days and eleven hours,while a musician in Connec- ticut played the flute ;
for forty-three hours. A teacher in Califor- nia typed for over 162 hours, ;
and a lady from lowa spent six years typing the numbers from one to one million. ;
Probably the cleanest people in the world are twc young women from England ;
who stayed in the shower for over ninety-eight hours; ;
but a man in Oregon was more than twice as clean after taking a shower that ;
lasted two hundred hours. ;
Someone said that "records are made to be broken". ;
One record that many young men might enjoy breaking ;
is the one made by Roger Guy English of California. ;
During a period of eight hours Roger kissed three thousand young women. ;
Lesson Twenty-nine Words and Expressions able/'eibl/ adj.有能力的 ;
accept /k'sept/ vt.接受,同意 already/:l'redi/ adv. 已经 ;
answer /'a:ns/ n.回答,答案 biscuit/'biskit/n.饼干 bear/be/ vt.生 ;
bore /b:/(过去式) born/b:n/(过去分词) was born出生 ;
bunch/bnt/ n.(一)束(花) capable /'keipbl/ adj.有能力的,有才干的 ;
capital/'kpitl/ n.首都 carefully /'kefuli/ adv. 仔细地,小心地 ;
champion/'tmpjn/ n.冠军 compete/km'pi:t/ vi.比赛,竞赛 ;
Congress /'kngres/ n.美国国会 continue/kn'tinju:/ vt.& vi.继续 ;
correct /k'rekt/ adj.正确的 correctly /k'rektli/ adv.正确地,无误地 ;
delegate/'deligeit/ n.代表 ;
determination /di,t:mi'nein/ n.决心 ;
determined /di,t:mind/ adj.有决心 ;
document/'dkjumnt/ n. 文件 driver/'draiv/n.司机 earn/:n/vt.赢得,取得 ;
easy/'i:zi/adj.容易的 education /,edju(:)'kein/ n.教育 ;
elect /i'lekt/ vt.选举 employer/im'pli/ n.雇主 ;
example /ig'za:mpl/ n.例子 farther/'fa:/ adv.更远 ;
feeling/'fi:li/ n. 感情 governor/'gvn/ n.州长,地方长官 ;
grandmother /'grndm/ n.祖母,外婆,奶奶 Greek /gri:k/ n.希腊文 ;
hold/huld/vt.举行 held/held/ (过去式、过去分词) ;
indeed/in'di:d/ adv.真正地,实际上 interview/'intvju:/ n.会见,采访 ;
least /li:st/ adj.& adv.最少 at least 至少 list/list/n. 表,名单 ;
moment /'mumnt/ n.片刻,瞬间 nation/'nein/ n.国家 ;
national /'nnl/ adj.民族的,国家的 ;
nervously /'n:vsli/ adv.紧张地 ;
practise/'prktis/ vt.& vi练习,训练 problem/'prblm/ n.问题,令人困惑的事 ;
real/ril/ adj.真的,真正的 reporter /ri'p:t/ n.记者 ;
return /ri't:n/ vi. 返回,回来 rose /ruz/n.玫瑰 ;
sarcophagus /sa:'kfgs/n.石棺 send-off/'send'f/ n. 欢送会 ;
spell /spel/ vt.拼写 speller/'spel/ n. 拼写者 ;
spelling/'speli/ n.拼法 story/'st:ri/n.故事 ;
term/t:m/ n. 任期,期限,学期 title/'taitl/ n. 称号,头衔 ;
training/'treini/ n. 训练 travel/'trvl/ vi.旅行,旅游 ;
truly/'tru:li/ adv.真正地 word/w:d/n.单词 ;
wrong/wr/ adj.错误的,不正确的 Jefferson/'defsn/ 杰弗逊 ;
Margaret/'ma:grit/ (女人名) Paige/peid/(女人名) Peter/'pi:t/(男人名) ;
Philadelphia /,fil'delfi/费城 Pipkin/'pipkin/(姓) ;
Texas/'tekss/ 得克萨斯(州) Thomas/'tms/ 男人名) ;
Virginia /v(:)'dinj/ 弗吉尼亚(州) ;
Pattern drills Drill 1 -Have you ever heard of Thomas Jefferson? ;
-Yes,he was the third president of the United States. ;
-Was he born in Virginia? ;
-Yes,he was. He was born in Virginia in 1743. ;
-Was he given a good education when he was young? ;
-Yes,he was taught to read Greek and Latin. ;
-He was sent to Philadelphia as a delegate from Virginia wasn't he? ;
-Yes,he was asked to write an important document. ;
-Was this document accepted by the Congress? -Yes,it was. ;
-When was it accepted by the Congress? -on July 4, 1776. ;
-He was elected governor of Virginia after he returned, wasn't he? ;
-Yes, he was twice governor of Virginia. ;
-When was he made president of the United States? ;
-He was made president of the United States when he was 57. ;
And he was in office for two terms. Drill 2 Example: ;
The employer gave me an interview. I was given an interview. ;
An interview was given to me. ;
Text T-E-N-S-l-O-N ;
It is a good feeling to know that you are the best at something you enjoy doing. ;
One person might like to be the world's greatest driver; ;
another may want to swim farther than anyone else. ;
People who can do these things are called champions. ;
They earn that title through many hours of training, practicing or studying ;
and by having a lot of determination. ;
When Paige Pipkin from Texas was twelve years old,she wanted to be a champion speller. ;
She could already spell words that many others could not, ;
but she knew that a real champion had to spell every word that he or she was asked. ;
She studied many lists of words and learned all the rules for correct spelling. ;
In some languages spelling is not a problem. ;
Words are so easy to spell that no one ever thinks of having a spelling contest. ;
Words are so difficult to spell in English, however, ;
that most people can not write a letter correctly without having to look up ;
at least one word in a dictionary to see how it is spelled. ;
Paige Pipkin became such a capable speller ;
that she was able to win many contests-so many that she traveled to Washington. D. C. ;
to compete in the national spelling contest that is held there each year. ;
When finally there were only two spellers left,Paige learned how difficult ;
it was to be the very best:she spelled her last word wrong. ;
She was proud to be the second best speller in the United States, ;
but she was sorry not to return to Texas as a champion. ;
This is not the end of the story. Paige,a very determined young lady, ;
continued to compete in spelling contests. A year later, when she was thirteen, ;
she again found her- self competing in the nation's capital. ;
This time her last word was sarcophagus. If she could spell that word, ;
she would truly be the national champion. Slowly, nervously, but carefully, she said: ;
"S-A-R-C-O-P-H-A-G- U-S." Moments later she was given a large trophy, ;
and she was indeed the champion speller of the United States. ;
When a reporter asked Paige what she felt as she spelled her last word, ;
she spelled her answer for him:"T-E-N-S-l- O-N". ;
Lesson Thirty Words and Expressions amateur / 'mt:/ adj.& n.业余的,业余者 ;
applaud /'pl:d/ vt.& vi.鼓掌,喝彩 ;
arrangement /'reindmnt/ n.安排;布置 ;
assure/'u/ vt.使确信,放心 audience/':djns/ n.观众,听众 ;
bone/bun/ n.骨头 break/breik/ vt.& vi.弄断,折断 chicken/'tikin/n.鸡 ;
comedian/k'mi:djn/ n. 喜剧演员 comedy/'kamidi/n.喜剧 ;
customer /'kstm/ n.顾客,主顾 dish /di/ n.碟子,一个菜 ;
dream /dri:m/ n.& vi.梦想;作梦 entertain/,ent'tein/ vt. 款待,接待 ;
extremely /iks'tri:mli/ adv. 非常的,特别的 ;
fight/fait/ vt.打架,争斗 fought/f:t/(过去式) fought(过去分词) ;
funny /'fni/ adj.令人发笑的,可笑的 general /'denrl/ adj.一般的,总的 ;
general manager总经理 greet/gri:t/ vt.欢迎,向....致意 ;
idea/ai'di/ n. 主意,想法 inquire/in'kwai/ vi.问讯 ;
invite /in'vait/ vt.邀请 joke /duk/n.笑话 ;
opportunity /,p'tju:niti/ n.机会 ;
owner/'un/ n. 所有人,物主 patient/'peint/ n. 病人 ;
perform /p'f:m/ vt. &vi .表演 policeman /p'li:smn/n. 警察 ;
programme/'prugrm/ n.(英拼法)节目,表演 program(美拼法) raise/reiz/ vt.饲养 ;
reply /ri'plai/ vi.回答,答复 rheumatism /'ru:mtizm/n.风湿病 ;
smile /smail/vi. 微笑 sort /s:t/ vt. 整理,清理 stage/steid/n.舞台 ;
stand /stnd/vi. 站立 stood /stud/ (过去式、过去分词) star /sta:/n.星星明星 ;
surprised /s'praizd/ adj.惊讶的 trouble/'trbl/ n. 麻烦事,困难 ;
yard /ja:d/n.院子 Chicago /i'ka:gu/ 芝加哥(市) Howard /'haud/(姓) ;
Phil/fil/ (男人名,Phil(l)ip 的昵称) ;
Pattern Drills Drill 1 ;
-What were you doing at 8:00 yesterday evening? ;
-I was playing chess with my brother. Drill 2 ;
-Was Miss Wang typing a letter when you came? -No, she wasn't. ;
-What was she doing? -She was sorting out the files. Drill 3 ;
-The clock has stopped -Has it? It was work- ing just now. ;
-I saw Xiao Li at the hospital the other day -Did you? What was he doing there? ;
-He was visiting a sick friend. -What was going on over there? ;
-Two men were fighting and a policeman was trying to break them up. ;
Text Tomorrow's Comedians ;
"The doctor wanted to know all about his new patient's health. ;
'Do you have a problem with rheumatism?' he inquired.'Yes, I do, ' the patient replied. ;
'How often do you have this problem?' the doctor asked. ;
'Every time I try to spell it ' the lady said. " ;
Phil Howard, who was standing on a small stage, waited for a moment to see ;
if anyone laughed. Several people in the audience did laugh, ;
but most of them just smiled. ;
"Then the doctor asked her if she had ever broken any bones.'Yes, I have,'she said, ;
'but only when I eat chicken. '" ;
A couple of people applauded and some more laughed. ;
Phil Howard told jokes like these for another twenty minutes. ;
He always wanted to be a comedian, and now he had the opportunity to work ;
before a real audience A few years ago,the owner of a club decid- ed to stop using ;
expensive comedy stars to entertain his customers. Now he invites amateurs, ;
who cannot find jobs as comedians. He does not pay them much money, ;
but they are happy for the chance to perform. Some do it just for the fun, ;
but others have dreams that they will someday become as popular as Bob Hope, ;
or other world-farmous comedians. ;
The idea of having clubs with amateur comedians has become very popular. ;
Such clubs may now be found in many large cities in the United States. ;
Many of the young comedians tell jokes that are not extremely funny, ;
but that is exactly why it is fun to watch them. ;
A college student in a Chicago club greeted his audience with a story about a neighbor ;
who raised chickens. "The trouble is, " he said, ;
"these chickens kept coming into my yard, so one night I put some eggs in my yard ;
and went out the morn- ing and collected them My surprised neighbor watched ;
as I picked up the eggs, and those chick- ens never came into my yard again! " ;