教程:大众英语  浏览:8578  
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    北京外国语大学, 北京外语音像出版社 ;
    大众英语 Gateway to English Book 2 ;
    Lesson One ;
    Words and Exressions ;
    airport/'ep:t/ n.飞机场 agree/'gri:/vi.同意 ;
    ballroom/'b:lrum/ n.舞厅 bowl/bul/n.碗 ;
    a bowl of...一碗... carry/'kri/ vt.手拿;手提 ;
    championship /'tmpjnip/ n.锦标赛 ;
    channel/'tnl/ n.(电视)频道 choice/'tis/ n.选择 ;
    choose/tu:z/ vt.& vi.选择 chose/'tuz/(过去式) ;
    chosen/'tuzn/ (过去分词) ;
    crossfire/'krsfai/ n.交叉火力 (在本课是电影名) ;
    duty/'dju:ti/ n.责任;职务 fair/fe/ adj.公平的 ;
    fix/fiks/ vt.准备(饭食等) flat/flt/ n.一套房间 ;
    (美)aprtment kick/kik/ vt.& vi.踢 ;
    let/let/ vt.(表示建议.请求.) let(过去式,过去分词) ;
    mind/maind/vi.介意 musical/'mju:zikl/ n.音乐喜剧 ;
    nod/nd/vi.点头 nothing/'ni/ n.没有东西;没有什么 ;
    OK/'u'kei/ adj&adv.好;行;可以 perhaps/p'hps/ adv.也许;可以 ;
    quick/kwik/adj.快的 rather/'ra:/ adv.相当 ;
    really/'rili/ adv.真正地;真实的 recently/'ri:sntli/ adv.最近 ;
    remark/ri'ma:k/ vt.& vi.谈论,说 review/ri'vju:/n.评论 ;
    salad/'sld/n.色拉 (西餐中的一种凉拌菜) scramble/'skrmbl/ vt.炒(蛋) ;
    share// vt.&vi.分享;分担 sofa/'suf/ n.沙发 ;
    start/sta:t/ vi.&vt.开始 suggest/s'dest/ vt.建议 ;
    throw/ru/vt.扔 threw/ru:/(过去式) thrown/run/ (过去分词) ;
    toast/tust/ n.烤面包(片);吐司 tray/trei/n.茶盘 ;
    violent/'vailnt/ adj.暴力的 Proper Nouns ;
    Carolyn/'krlin/ (女人名) Tess/tes/(女人名) ;
    TEXT Putting Your Feet Up Test and Carolyn shared a flat. ;
    Carolyn was a dentist and Tess worked at the airport. It was Friday evening. ;
    "I don't really feel like going out, do you?" asked Carolyn. ;
    "No,I'm on duty early tomorrow,"replied Tess. ;
    "Let's stay in.Perhaps there's something interesting on the television." ;
    "Here.See what's on," suggested Carolyn, throwing her the paper. ;
    "I'm going to have a quick shower.Then I'll fix us something to eat.shall I?" ;
    "That's not fair.It's my turn,"said Tess. ;
    "Never mind. You can do it tomorrow.can't you" ;
    Carolyn left the room and Tess kicked off her shoes and put her feet up on the sofa. ;
    Half an hour later Carolyn returned carrying a tray with coffee, ;
    scrambled eggs on toast and a bowl of salad. ;
    Tess looked up from the book that she was reading. ;
    "Oh,that looks great," she said. "was there nothing on the television,then?" ;
    asked Carolyn. "Yes,We have a choice," smiled Tess." ;
    At eight o'clock on Channel 4 there's an old musical in black and white. ;
    At 8:15 on Chnnel 2 there's a family new film called ;
    Crossire and on Channel 1 at 8:30 they've got the ;
    ballroom dancing championships.I don't mind. ;
    You got the supper,so you can choose." ;
    "Well now,"Carolyn put the tray down on the table and sat down. ;
    "Those old musicals are usually rather fun,aren't they?"she remarked ;
    "What was the name of that new film? Crossfire,did you say? ;
    I read a review of it recently.It's rather violent,isn't it?" ;
    "Probably,"agreed Tess "And I don't think we want to watch the ballroom dancing, ;
    do we Carolyn continued. ;
    "Let's see what the old musical's like, shall we?" ;
    "OK,"nodded Tess."it starts in a couple of minutes.I'll turn on the television." ;
    Lesson two Words and Expressions ;
    above/'bv/ prep.在...之上 above all首先,尤其是 ;
    airline/'elain/n. 航线;航空公司 ambition/m'bin/ n.志向,抱负 ;
    aunt/a:nt/ n.姨母;姑母; 婶母;伯母;舅母 ;
    bright/brait/ adj.聪明的 bus/bs/ n.公共汽车 ;
    buy/bai/vt.购买 bought/b:t/ (过去式,过去分词) ;
    centrally/'sentrli/ adv.中央地 centrally heated 中央供暖,集中供暖 ;
    chilly/'tili/ adj.寒冷的 cruel/krul/ adj.残忍的 ;
    dad/dd/n.老爸 draughty/'dra:fti/ adj.通风的 ;
    drink/drik/ vt.& vi.喝;饮 drank/drk/(过去式) ;
    drunk/drk/(过去分词) exam/ig'zm/n.考试 ;
    excellent/'ekslnt/ adj.优秀的 exception /ik'sepn/ n.例外 ;
    handle/'hndl/ vt.处理;使用 heat/hi:t/ vt.& vi.加热;供暖 ;
    heating/'hi:ti/n. 暖气(装置) hold on 住嘴;别说了 ;
    hostess/'hustis/ n.女主人 ;
    air hostess 飞机上的女服务员; 空中小姐 ;
    jumper/'dmp/ n.套头衫(手织或机织的) mark/ma:k/n.分散 ;
    objict/b'dekt/ vi.& vt反对 pilot/'pailt/n.飞行员 ;
    Portuguese /p:tju'gi:z/ n.葡萄牙语 ;
    secondly/'sekndli/ adv.第二 ;
    snow/snu/vi.下雪 survive/s:vaiv/ vi.活下来 ;
    thirdly/':dli/ adv.第三 travel/'trvl/ adj.vi.旅行 ;
    unfriendly /'n'frendli/ adj.不友好的 woolly/'wuli/adj.羊毛的 ;
    Proper Nouns Elisabeth/i'lizb/ (女人名) ;
    Los Angles /ls'ndili:z/ 洛衫机(市) ;
    Rio de Janeiro (巴西)里约热内卢(市) ;
    Siberia/sai'biri/ 西伯利亚(俄国) ;
    TEXT So Elisabeth Came to England ;
    Elisabeth was nineteen and she lived in Rio de Janeiro. ;
    Her father was an airline pilot ;
    and it was Elisabeth's ambition to become an air hostess. ;
    She was a bright girl and with one exception her exam marks were good. ;
    The exception was English. ;
    "Look," said her father, "if you want to become an air hostess. ;
    you must learn to speak really good English. ;
    I'm going to send you to England next February. ;
    "Oh,you couldn't be so cruel,Dad,"said Elisabeth. ;
    "It snows in England in February and the people are unfriendly ;
    and the houses are draughty and.." "Hold on,"said her father." ;
    You're exaggerating.In the first place, ;
    it doesn't always snow in English in February. ;
    I'm not sending you to Siberia Secondly, ;
    English people are usually quite kind to foreign visitors,and thirdly, ;
    a lot of English houses have central heating these days." ;
    "Why can't I go and stay with my uncle in Los Angeles?"asked Elisabeth. ;
    "Because your uncle and aunt both speak Portuguese," ;
    replied Elisabeth's father."You learnt your English in the United States," ;
    objected Elisabeth. "I worked as a waiter,"said her father." ;
    I had to get used to speaking English fast,in order to survive." ;
    Well,Elisabeth came to English for eight weeks, ;
    It did snow and there were times when she felt quite chilly. ;
    But she bought herself a thick woolly jumper, ;
    the family she stayed with were kind,and their home was centrally heated. ;
    Elisabeth got used to drinking tea, ;
    travelling on English buses and handing English money. ;
    Above all,she got used to speaking English and before long she could understand ;
    almost everything that people said to her. ;
    Later,when she was an air hostess, ;
    and people asked her where she ;
    had learnt to speak such excellent English, ;
    she used to say:"My father was very cruel.He sent me to English in February ;
    Lesson three Words and Expressions ;
    add/d/vt.增加 adventure/d'vent/ n.冒险;惊险活动 ;
    age/eid/n.年龄 announcer/'nauns/ n.播音员 ;
    anthem/'nm/ n.颂歌 the national anthem 国歌 ;
    anxious/'ks/ adj.焦急的;渴望的 area/'eri/n.地区 ;
    booth/bu:/ n.(隔开的)小间 broad/'br:d/adj. 宽阔的 ;
    broadcast/'br:dka:st/ vt.& vi.广播 broadcast或broadcasted (过去式或过去分词) ;
    builder/'bild/n. 建筑商 cheer/ti/vi.欢呼 ;
    comment/'kmnt/ vi.评论 construct/kn'strkt/ vt.建造 ;
    describe/dis'kraib/ vt.描写;叙述 design/di'zain/vt.设计 ;
    drive/draiv/ vt.& vi.开车 drove/druv/(过去式) ;
    driven(过去分词) Dutch/'dt/ adj.荷兰的 ;
    enjoy/in'di/ vt.喜爱;乐趣; exciting/ik'saiti/ adj.兴奋的 ;
    exclaim/iks'kleim/ vi.& vt.解释 field/fi:ld/ n.场地 ;
    German/'d:mn/ adj.德国的 handshake/'hndeik/ n.握手 ;
    huge/hju:d/ adj.巨大的 ;
    international /,int'nnl/ adj.国际的 ;
    jet/jet/n. 喷气式飞机 mean/mi:n/vt. 表示...的意思 ;
    name/neim/vt.给...取名 onto/'ntu/prep 到...之上,向..之上 ;
    organist/':gnist/ n.风筝手 pitch/pit/ vt.& vi.(棒球中)投球 ;
    pitcher/'pit/n. (棒球中的)投手 ride/raid/vt.乘(车) ;
    shout/aut/ vi.& vt.喊叫,高呼 silver/'silv/ adj.银灰色的 ;
    single/'sigl/ adj.单个的 sound/saund/vi.听起来 ;
    stadium/'steidjm/n. 体育馆 style/stail/n.风格 ;
    tract/trkt/n.屋区 Proper Nouns Anaheim/'nhaim/ (地名) ;
    Dodger/'dd/ (棒球队名) Fernando Valenzuela (人名) ;
    Holland/'hlnd/荷兰 Montreal/,mntri':l/ n.蒙特利尔(市) ;
    Moraji/m'ra:di/ n.(男人名) Pete/pi:t/ n.(男人名) ;
    the Santa Ana River (美国)圣安娜河 Sweden/'swi:dn/瑞典 ;
    TEXT Moraji's American Adventure ;
    Peter waited at the Los Angeles International Airport for the huge, ;
    silver jet that through Moraji to the United States ;
    They greeted each other with broad smiles and warm handshakes. ;
    They had not seen one another for four years. ;
    They were both seventeen then and they looked a little older now at ;
    the age of twenty-one ;
    Peter drove the visitor to his home in Anaheim,and Moraji enjoyed riding in his ;
    friend's new car,which was made in Sweden. ;
    "Anaheim is an interesting name," Moraji commented. ;
    "It sounds German." "It is,"Peter said. ;
    "It is named for the Santa Ana River,which is Spanish, ;
    but the first people to live here were Germans, ;
    so they added the world heim,meaning home." ;
    Moraji liked the city of Anaheim. ;
    He also liked the tract where Pete lived. ;
    A tract is an area where all the ;
    houses were constructed by the same builder. ;
    In Pete's tract the houses were designed like those in ;
    Holland,and the style is called Dutch. ;
    Moraji was especially anxious to see an American baseball game. ;
    That very evening they went to Dodger Stadium to see an exciting game between Los ;
    Angeles and Montreat. ;
    At the beginning of the game everyone stood while the ;
    organist played the national anthems of both Canada and the United States. ;
    Pete explained that most of the people in Montreat speak French ;
    and that announcers in the broadcasting booths ;
    were describing the game not just in English but in French and Spanish. ;
    Everyone cheered when the Dodger pitcher came onto the field. ;
    "Why are they shouting ,'O1'?"moraji asked. ;
    "The pitcher is Fernando Valenzuela," Pete answered. ;
    "He just came here from Mexico,and he does not speak English, ;
    but already he has become famous, ;
    The last four times he pitched ;
    the other teams did not score a single time." ;
    "How exciting!"Moraji exclaimed."My first day in the United States, ;
    and already I'm seeing a famous American baseball pitcher!" ;
    Lesson four Words and Expressions ;
    accident/'ksidnt/ n.意外事故 bifocal/bai'fukl/ adj.双焦点的 ;
    bird/b:d/ n.鸟 bush/bu/n.矮木林 careless/'kelis/ adj.不小心的 ;
    constitution /,knsti'tju:n/n. 宪法 ;
    cure/kju/n.治疗 dull/dl/adj.愚蠢的 ;
    earn/:n/ vt.赚取 explain/iks'plein/vt. 解释 ;
    eyeglass/'aigla:s/ n.(通常用复数形式) 眼镜 ;
    feeling/'fi:li/ n.感情 fool/fu:l/n.傻瓜 ;
    forget/f'get/忘记 forgot(过去式) forgotten或gorgot (过去分词) ;
    frequently /'fri:kwntli/ adv.经常地 generation n.一代(人) ;
    god/gd/ n.上帝 happily/'hpili/ adv.幸福地 ;
    healthy/'heli/ adv.健康地 ;
    invent/in'vent/vt.发明 lightning/'laitni/ n.闪电 ;
    original /'ridnal/ adj.最早的 ounce/auns/n.盎司 ;
    part/pa:t/vt.& vi.分开 particularly /p'tikjulli/ adv.特别地 ;
    pass/pa:s/ vt.传递 penny/'peni/n.便士 ;
    permanent /'p:mnnt/ adj.永久的;持久的 pound/paund/n.磅 ;
    prevention /pri'venn/ n.预防 properly/'prpli/ adv.适当地 ;
    protect/pr'tekt/ vt.保护 proverb/'prv:b/ n.谚语 ;
    quote/kwut/ vt.& vi.引用 ;
    remind/ri'maind/ vt.提醒 reminder/ri'maind/ n.提醒的事.物 ;
    repeat/ri'pi:t/ vt.& vi.重复 reply/ri'plai/ vt.回答 ;
    rich/rit/ adj.富有的 rise/raiz/ vi.升起;起床 ;
    rose/ruz/(过去式) risen/'rizn/ (过去分词) rod/rd/n.杆;棒 ;
    save/seiv/vt.节约 saying/'seii/n.格言 signer/'sain/n.签名者 ;
    slang/sl/俚语 stove/stuv/n.炉子 trade/treid/vt.交换 ;
    weathy/'weli/ adj.富裕的 wisdon/'wizdm/n.智慧 ;
    wise/waiz/ adj.聪明地 wisely/'waizli/ adv.聪明地 ;
    worm/w:m/n.虫 worth/w:/ adj.值...的 ;
    Proper Nouns Benjamin Franklin 本杰明.福兰克林 ;
    TEXT American Proverbs ;
    Most of the jokes told by comedians are soon forgotten. ;
    They are not as permanent as the sayings of wise people ;
    sayings that are passed on from generation to generation ;
    Known as proverbs, ;
    these words of great wisdom provide quick ;
    reminders of how to live properly and happily. ;
    The Chinese and Spanish languages are particularly rich in proverbs, ;
    which form an important part of all languages. ;
    In the United States the proverbs written over two hundred years ;
    ago by Benjamin Franklin are still being repeated. ;
    Benjamin Franklin was one of the original signers of the American Constitution ;
    He also invented bifocal eyeglasses to help us see better, ;
    the lightning rod to protect our homes and a new kind of stove to keep us warm. ;
    When children want to stay up late, their parents quote Benjamin Frankin ;
    :"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy, and wise." ;
    When the children want to spend their money on candy, ;
    parents again quote Franklin:A penny saved is a penny earned." ;
    Children are also reminded that"God help them that help themselves," ;
    another of Franklin's saying. ;
    Proverbs are so much a part of language that ;
    the student is wise to study the old expressions as well as the newest ones that ;
    we sometimes call "slang".If you hear a person say,"The early bird catches the worm," ;
    it may be because someone gets up too late. ;
    To the person who does not spend money wisely,someone may say, ;
    "A fool and his money are soon parted." ;
    If you must go to the doctor because of a careless accident, ;
    people may remind you that"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." ;
    "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" ;
    is a saying to make us think before we trade what we already have ;
    for something we only hope to get. ;
    People frequently use proverbs to explain their feelings. ;
    If they do not want to travel, they will say,"There's no place like home." ;
    If someone wants them to work,they may reply "All work and no play makes jack a dull boy." ;
    Lesson Five ;
    Words and Expressions ;
    beauty/'bju:ti/n.美丽 bring/bri/vt.带来; 使处于某种状态 ;
    brought/br:t/ (过去式,过去分词) castle/'ka:sl/ n.城堡 ;
    century/'senturi/ n.世纪 chief/ti:f/n.首领 cover/'kv/vt.覆盖 ;
    culture/'klt/ n.文化 dirt/d:t/n.泥土 empty/'empti/adj.空的 ;
    farmland/'fa:mlnd/ n.农田 faroff/'fa:'(:)f/ adj.遥远的 ;
    forgive/f'giv/ vt.原谅;饶恕 forgave/f'geiv/ (过去式) ;
    forgiven/f'givn/ (过去分词) govern/'gvn/vt. 统治;管理 ;
    highland/'hailnd/ n.高地;高原 hill/hil/ n.小山;丘陵 ;
    include/in'klu:d/ vt.包括 incredible/in'credbl/ adj.难以置信的 ;
    independent adj.独立的 island/'ailnd/n.岛屿 ;
    king/ki/n.国王 lake/leik/n.湖 law/l:/n.法律 ;
    million/'miljn/ num.百万 mountain/'mauntin/ n.山 ;
    music/'mju:zik/n.音乐 natural/'ntrl/ adj.自然界的 ;
    northeast /'n:'i:st/ n.and.adj.东北(的) ;
    northern/'n:n/ adj.北部的 ;
    oil/il/n.石油;油 parliament /'pa:lmnt/ n.议会 ;
    population /,ppju'lein/ 人口 ;
    queen/kwi:n/n.王后 railway/'reilwei/ n.铁路 reason/'ri:zn/n.原因 ;
    river/'riv/ n.江河 road/rud/n.道路 ;
    romantic/ru'mntik/ adj.浪漫的 rule/'ru:l/n.统治 ;
    sea/si:/n.海 separate/'seprit/ adj.分离的;独立的; ;
    shine/ain/vi.照耀 shone/n/ (过去式;过去分词) ski/ski:/vi.滑雪 ;
    southern/'sn/ adj.南部的 succeed/sk'si:d/ vi.成功的 ;
    under/'nd/ prep.在下面 valley/'vli/ n.山谷 ;
    warlike/'w:laik/ adj.好战的 whisky/'wiski/ adj.威士忌酒 ;
    wildness/'waildnist/ n.荒野 Proper Nouns ;
    Aberdeen/,b'di:n/ (英国)阿伯丁 Edinburgh (英国)爱丁堡 ;
    the Highlands 苏格兰高地 London/'lndn/伦敦 ;
    The North Sea北海 Scot苏格兰人 Scotland 苏格兰 Scotsman苏格兰男人 ;
    TEXT A Special Way of Life ;
    A lot of people think that Scotland is a part of England.But, ;
    as any Scotsman will tell you,it certainly is not.In fact, ;
    until the eighteenth century Scotland was an independent country, ;
    with a parliament of its own. ;
    The English had tried many times ;
    over many centuries to bring Scotland under their rule. ;
    They succeeded at last in 1707,and some Scots have never forgive them. ;
    Scotland is now govemed from London, ;
    but in some ways it is still a separate nation. ;
    It has it own capital city,its own law, ;
    and its own stamps It even has a language of its own, ;
    spoken now by only a few people in the islands. ;
    In some ways southem Scotland is like English, ;
    with its good farmland and low green hills. ;
    But in central and northem Scotland ("the Highlands") ;
    there are high mountains and deep valleys,fast rivers and cold lakes. ;
    These days,of course, these are good roads and railways all through Scotland. ;
    Aberdeen,the northest city where the oil from the North Sea comes to land, ;
    is especially easy to reach. ;
    But it can still be quite difficult to travel in the winter ;
    when the hills are covered with snow. ;
    And it always takes a long time to visit the beautiful ;
    but far-off islands on the west coast. ;
    One reason why Scotland has stayed so different from England ;
    is the wildness of the land. ;
    It has always been difficult to get there There are only about five milion Scots, ;
    and most of them live in the southem half of the country, ;
    but they have kept a special culture and way of life of their own. ;
    Their own church. the Church of Scotland is different from the Church of England, ;
    They have their own kind of music,their own kind of clothes, ;
    and their own kind of food and drink, including their famous whisky. ;
    Scotland is a country of incredible natural beauty. ;
    It is also very empty.In the highlands the population is small, ;
    and it is getting smaller all the time. ;
    Perhaps that is why visitors always come back.They enjoy the quiet. ;
    empty country after the noise and dirt of the town. ;
    They like fishing in the clear rivers, and skiing on the snow-covered mountains. ;
    They like visiting romantic castles built ;
    by warlike chiefs and tragic kings and queers. ;
    There's only one problem.They can never be sure that the sun is going to shine. ;
    Lesson Six ;
    Words and Expressions ;
    away/'wei/ adv.远离,在外 bankrupt/'bkrpt/ adj.破产的 ;
    bar/ba:/n.酒吧 barbecue/'ba:bikju:/ n.野外烧烤 ;
    barman/'ba:mn/ n.酒吧男侍者 beautifully /'bju:tifuli/adv.美丽地 ;
    business/'biznis/ n.商业;生意 cleaner/'kli:n/ n.清洁工 ;
    colourful/'klful/ adj.彩色的 cook/kuk/vt.烹调 ;
    dirty/'d:ti/adj.肮脏的 finish/'fini/ vt.完成 ;
    kill/kil/vt.杀害 mean/mi:n/vt.打算;意欲 ;
    meant/ment/ (过去式;过去分词) moussaka/mu:'sa:k/ n.茄子肉饼 ;
    move/mu:v/ vi.迁移;搬家 offer/'f/vt.提出; 表示愿意 ;
    pleasant/'pleznt/ adj.舒适的 pocket/'pkit/ n.口袋 ;
    pub/pb/n.(英)小酒店 publican/'pblikn/ n.(英)小酒店老板 ;
    pubmanager /'pb,mnid/ n.(英)小酒店经理 ;
    quiet/'kwait/ adj.安静的 ;
    rough/r/adj.粗暴的 side/said/n.方面 suburb/'sb:b/n.郊区 ;
    tough/t/ adj.强横的 train/train/vt. 训练 ;
    vicar/'vik/n.(英) 教区牧师 washing-up n.(餐后碗碟)洗涤 ;
    well-known /'wel'num/adj.出名的 Proper Nouns ;
    Dave/deiv/ (男人名) Ind Coope/'ind'ku:p/ ;
    Mags/mgs/(女人名) Marlborough /'ma:lbr/ ;
    Munich/'mju:nik/ (德国)墨尼黑(市) ;
    Richmond/'ritmnt/ (地名) Swansea/'swnzi/ (英国)斯旺西(市) ;
    Wales/weilz/威尔士 ;
    TEXT Dave and Mags at the Marborough ;
    Nobody could work harder than Dave and Mags. ;
    It just isn't possible. ;
    Their day starts at seven forty- five when the cleaner arrives. ;
    and it finishes at eleven thirty when the evening's washing-up ;
    is done.And it's the same seven days a week 365 days a year.Well, ;
    that's not quite true. Last year they found ;
    the time to take their children away for a short holiday. ;
    Dave and Mags run a pub. ;
    They never meant to get into the pub business. ;
    Dave started as a builder in Swansea,his home town in Wales. ;
    But he business went bankrupt ;
    On the first January 1977 he took the train to London. ;
    "I"ll get a job. He told his wife, Mags,"or I kill myself ", ;
    Mags didn't hear from him for three months. ;
    During that time,Dave saw the worst side of London. ;
    He walked the streets by day. ;
    and slept in a poor hotel at night,sharing a room with six other men. ;
    But soon he got a job as a barman in a pub.And a few weeks later, ;
    Ind Coope,the company that owned the pub, ;
    offered to train him as a publican (a pubmanager). ;
    When Dave and Mags got their first pub,they had exactly 23p left in their pockets. ;
    The people who came to the pub were rough, tough and difficult. So Dave was rough too. ;
    He threw out the difficult customers, ;
    and slowly changed the pub into a quieter,friendlier place, ;
    The company was very pleased, ;
    They offered Dave and Mags the Marlborough,a large old pub in Richmond, ;
    one of London's most pleasant suburbs.The pub was in a good place, ;
    but it needed a lot of work. ;
    Mags moved in at four o'clock one afternoon, ;
    and moved out again at four-thirty. ;
    It was too dirty for a young family to sleep in. ;
    Now,five years later, the beautifully clean bar is full of happy customers. ;
    Children play in the colourful garden, ;
    where the barbecue is always busy.Dave and Mags are well-known in Richmond. ;
    People tell them their problem,and ask their advice. ;
    "The vicar and I were talking about our jobs the other day. ;
    "Dave said."We agreed that they are the same in some ways. ;
    "And it's not only Richmond people who've heard of Dave and Mags. ;
    "A man came in here the other day,"said Mags,"who had met a friend in Munich. ;
    The friend had said to him,'You're going to London,are you? ;
    Well,don't forget to go to the Marlborough in Richmond and ask the ;
    lady to cook you her moussaka.'" ;
    Lesson Seven ;
    Words and Expressions ;
    academic/,k'demik/ adj.学术的 actually/'ktjuli/ adv.实际上 ;
    believe/bi'li:v/ vt.相信 boarding/'b:di/ adj.供膳宿的 ;
    boarding school 寄宿学校 ;
    businessman /'biznismn/n.商人 (复数businessmen) ;
    clever/'klev/ adj.聪明的 ;
    comprehensive /,kmpri'hensiv/ adj.综合的 ;
    grammar/'grm/ n.语法 grow/gru/ vi.发展;增长 ;
    grew/gru:/(过去式) grown/grun/(过去分词) ;
    intelligent /in'telidnt/ adj.聪明的 ;
    main/mein/adj.主要的 modern/'mdn/ adj.现代的 ;
    percent/p'sent/ n.百分之... practical/'prktikn/ adj.实践的;注重实践的 ;
    private/'praivit/ adj.私人的 ;
    pronunciation /pr,nnsi'ein/ n.发音;语音 ;
    result/ri'zlt/n.结果 scientist/'saintist/ n.科学家 ;
    secondary/'sekndri/ adj.第二的,中级的 secondary school 中学 ;
    social/'sul/ adj.社会的 status/'steits/ n.地位 ;
    subject/'sbdikt/ n.学科;科目 system/'sistm/n.系统 ;
    unfair/'n'f/ adj.不公平的 ;
    upper/'p/ adj.地位较高的 upper class上层阶级 ;
    TEXT Secondary School in Britain ;
    Before the 1960s there were two main kinds of state secondary schools in Britain:" ;
    grammar"schools and "secondary modern" schools. ;
    The garmmar schools were for the most inteligent children ;
    and the secondary modern schools were for the ;
    "less intelligent" children. ;
    Many people felt that this system was unfair. ;
    During the 1960s and 1970s the government dicided to join the grammar ;
    and secondary modern school.The new,bigger schools were called" ;
    comprehensives" ;
    More than eighty per cent of the state ;
    secondary schools in Britain are now comprehensives. ;
    Everyone hoped that comprehensive schools ;
    would be the answer to the nation's education problems. ;
    They hoped that children would do better ;
    if they chose from many different subjects. ;
    They believed that the not-so-clever would learn more when ;
    working with the clever. ;
    They thought that a more practical education would give the country better ;
    scientists and businessmen. ;
    But not everyone was pleased with the results. ;
    The new schools brought new problems. ;
    They were big and unfriendly. Some schools soon had a bad name. ;
    By the beginning of the 1980s many comprehensive schools were doing better. ;
    Both students and teachers were used to the new system and were making it work. ;
    But the system is still not really fair. ;
    In some areas the comprehensive schools can be very good.But in other areas, ;
    especially in the city centres,there are still serious problems. ;
    As well as the state schools,there are about 500 private schools in Britain. ;
    Most of these are boarding schools,where the children actually live in the school. ;
    Private schools are very expensive(up to 9,000 a year). ;
    some private schools give a very good academic education. Some do not. ;
    But nearly all private schools have good social status. ;
    The boys and girls who go to ;
    them learn to speak with upper-class pronunciation. ;
    They make friends with children from families like their own, ;
    and they often find it easier to find a job. ;
    Many people feel that this is wrong,but the private schools are still growing. ;
    Lesson Eight ;
    Words and Expressions ;
    allow/'lau/vt.允许 announce/'nauns/ vt.宣布 apart/'pa:t/adv.除去 ;
    authority/:'riti/ n.权力;权威 blue/blu:/adj.蓝色的 ;
    boot/bu:t/ n.[英](汽车的)行李箱 chat/tt/n.闲谈 clinic/'klinik/n.诊所 ;
    coolly/'ku:li/ adv.冷静地;冷淡的 ;
    elegant/'elignt/ adj.(举止服饰等)优美 雅致; ;
    expect/iks'pekt/ vt.期待;盼望 fill/fil/ vt.装满;充满 ;
    forward/'f:wd/ adv.向前 grey/grei/adj.灰色的 ;
    ground/graund/ n.场地;庭院 knock/nk/ vi.敲;打 ;
    lay/lei/vt.放置 laid/leid/ (过去式;过去分词) ;
    leather/'le/ n.皮革 meal/mi:l/n.膳食;一餐 ;
    obviously/'bvisli/ adv.明显地 ought/:t/v.aux.应该 park/pa:k/vt.停泊(车辆) ;
    permission/p'min/ n.允许 ;
    pullover/'pul,auv/ n.套衫 ring/ri/vi.打电话 ;
    rang/r/(过去式) rung/r/(过去分词) scale/skeil/n.磅秤 ;
    secretary/'sekrtri/ n.秘书 sheet/i:t/n.单 shirt/:t/n.衬衣 ;
    slim/slim/adj.苗条的 sock/sk/n.短袜 stand/stnd/vi.站立 ;
    stood/stud/ (过去式,过去分词) step/step/n.脚步; vi.步行 ;
    strip/strip/ vt.剥去(衣服等) suit/sju:t/ (一套)衣服 ;
    suitcase/'sju:tkeis/ n.衣箱 trousers/'trauzz/n. (通常用复数形式)裤子 ;
    tulip/'tju:lip/ n.郁金香 ;
    underclothes /'nd'kuz/ [通常复数形式]内衣裤 ;
    vase/va:z/n.花瓶 weigh/wei/ vt.称...的重量 ;
    welcome/'welkm/ interj.欢迎 Proper Nouns ;
    Bernstein/'b:nstain/ (姓) Coffey/'kfi/(人名) Mercedes/'m:sidi:z/ (汽车牌名) ;
    Tony/'tuni/(男人名) Zimmerman/'zimmn/ (姓) ;
    TEXT A Special Clinic ;
    It was just four o'clock as Tony drove up and parked his Mercedes ;
    at the side of the fine,big house. He locked the car, ;
    took his leather suitcase from the boot and went in through the front door. ;
    A slim,elegant woman, wearing a white coat, ;
    stepped forward to meet him."I"m Mrs Zimmerman,"she announced," ;
    You must be Mr Coffy.Welcome.We've been expecting you." ;
    "Oh,yes.I asked my secretary to ring." Mrs Zimmerman nodded. ;
    "I believe this is your first visit to the clinic." ;
    She spoke quietly,but with an air of authority. ;
    "I'll show you your room and then you'd better come down to my office for a chat." ;
    The room was clean and bright and a white vase filled with ;
    yellow tulips stood on a table beside the window. ;
    Tony took off his blue suit and put on a green shirt, ;
    grey trousers and a yellow pullover. ;
    Then he went downstairs and knocked at the door of Mrs Zimmerman's office. ;
    She looked up from her desk and smiled at him coolly." ;
    Please sit down,"she said."We have a few simple rules here and I'd ;
    like to go over them with you."Tony nodded ;
    "When you get your diet sheet, ;
    you must study it carefully and you mustn't eat or ;
    drink anything not on that sheet. ;
    Also you mustn't eat anything outside the meal ;
    times laid down by the clinic. ;
    You obviously need to lose quite a lot of weight, ;
    so apart from dieting,you ought to try and take as ;
    much exercise as possible." ;
    "Presumably we aren't allowed to leave the grounds?"asked Tony. ;
    "No,you mustn't leave the grounds without permission from myself or Dr Bernstein," ;
    replied Mrs Zimmerman. "Now,I want you to strip down to your underclother, ;
    I'm going to weigh you...no,you needn't take off you socks... ;
    right,stand on the scales,please..." ;
    Lesson Nine ;
    Words and Expressions ;
    awful/':fl/adj.可怕的 calm/ka:m/ adj.镇静的;沉着的 ;
    coldly/'kuldli/ adv.冷淡地 ;
    detective/di'tektiv/ n.侦探 door/d,d/n.门 ;
    enquire/in'kwai/ vi.询问 ;
    examine/ig'zmin/ vt.检查 guilty/'gilti/ adj.内疚的 ;
    hardly/'ha:dli/ adv.几乎不,简直不 inform/in'f:m/ vt.告诉,通知 ;
    inform sb of sth 把某事告诉某人 kitchen/'kitin/n.厨房 lock/lk/n.锁 ;
    missing/'misi/ adj.失去的;失踪的 police/p'li:s/n.警察 ;
    polite/p'lait/ adj.礼貌的 pot/pt/n.壶 ;
    proper/'prp/ adj.适合的;适当的 realise/'rilaiz/ vt.认识到 ;
    relax/ri'lks/ vi.松弛,放松 relieve/ri'li:v/ vt.使宽慰 ;
    shut/t/ vt.关上;关闭 shut/t/ (过去式;过去分词) ;
    straight/streit/ adv.直接地 straight away 立刻;马上 ;
    touch/tt/ vt.触摸,碰到 truth/tru:/ n.真相,实际情况 ;
    unfortunately /n'f:tnitli/ adv.不幸的 ;
    unwelcome/n'welkm/ adj.不受欢迎的;讨厌的 ;
    vague/veig/ adj.含糊的,不明确的 wonder/'wnd/ vt.想知道 ;
    Proper Nouns Derek/'derik/(男人名) Louise(女人名) Sybil/'sibil/(女人名) ;
    TEXT The Unwelcome Visitor ;
    Louise was 72 years old and she lived by herself. ;
    The first thing she noticed when she came downstairs that Sunday morning ;
    was that her kitchen window was open. ;
    In fact it was so wide open that she had trouble shutting it. ;
    Then she realised that things were not in their proper places. ;
    Finally,when she found her empty purse on the kitchen table, ;
    she realised the awful truth.At first she did not know what to do. ;
    Then she decided to ring her son,Derek. Derek's wife Sybil answered the phone. ;
    "It's your mother," she informed him, coldly. ;
    Louise told Derek about the open window, ;
    about things being in the wrong place ;
    and about the money missing from her purse. ;
    "All right,"said Derek, "don't touch anything. I'll be round in half an hour." ;
    Louise relaxed and made herself a pot of tea and some toast. ;
    Then she went from room to room wondering if anything else was missing. ;
    When Derek arrived,he was realieved to find her looking so calm. ;
    "Have you rung the police?" he enquired. ;
    "No?Then I'll do that straight away." ;
    So he rang the police. ;
    As it was a Sunday,however,the police were polite,but vague. ;
    Unfortunately the only detectives on duty were out. ;
    "We'll send someone round as soon as possible," they said. ;
    Derek telephoned his wife."I'm not sure when I'll be home, love,he told her. ;
    "I've got to wait for the police." ;
    While Derek and his mother waited, ;
    Derek examined the catches on the windows and the locks on the doors. ;
    All of them were old and some of the catches hardly worked at all. ;
    Derek felt guilty. ;
    His mother was an old woman,after all. ;
    "I"ll have to change all these," he told her. ;
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