Ruby continued to search the area and found a second piece, much larger than the first, partly buried in the ground. They then contacted Lomax, an ichthyosaur expert, and more parts of the bone were unearthed. Ruby's part in the discovery has LED to comparisons with Mary Anning. Anning was a 19th-century British fossil hunter who, among other things, discovered isthmus or fossils when she was twelve. "I think Mary Anning was an incredible paleontologist and it's amazing to be compared to her," Ruby said.
鲁比继续搜索该地区,发现了第二块比第一块大得多的化石,部分埋在地下。他们随后联系了鱼龙专家洛马克斯,挖掘出了更多的骨骼部分。鲁比在这次发现中所起的作用让人们拿她与玛丽·安宁作比较。安宁是 19 世纪的英国化石猎人,她在 12 岁时发现了地峡或化石等。“我认为玛丽·安宁是一位了不起的古生物学家,能与她相比真是太棒了,”鲁比说。
"Justin Reynolds added, "It has been an amazing and fun experience to work with these experts and we are proud to be part of the team and co-authors of a scientific paper that names a new species and genus." Fossil collector Paul de La Salle found 2016 remains now identified as Ichthyotitan, the big marine reptile, was a member of a family of giant ichthyosaurs called Shastasauridae. These creatures lived 13 million years later than other ichthyosaurs, we survived until a worldwide event caused many kinds of animals to disappear about 201 million years ago, at the end of the Triassic period. No other fossils from Ikthiotitan have been discovered, but the researchers have been able to guess its appearance based on other members of its family, including Shonosaurus from British Columbia, Canada.
“贾斯汀·雷诺兹补充道:“与这些专家一起工作是一次令人惊奇和有趣的经历,我们很自豪能成为团队的一员,并成为一篇命名新物种和属的科学论文的合著者。”化石收藏家保罗·德拉萨尔在 2016 年发现了现在被确定为鱼龙的遗骸,这种大型海洋爬行动物是巨型鱼龙家族的成员,名为沙斯塔龙科。这些生物比其他鱼龙晚活了 1300 万年,我们幸存下来,直到大约 2.01 亿年前,即三叠纪末期,一场全球性事件导致许多种类的动物消失。目前还没有发现来自伊克硫龙的其他化石,但研究人员已经能够根据其家族的其他成员猜测出它的外观,包括来自加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的 Shonosaurus。
Steady co-writer Jimmy Waldron used the term humbled, meaning to be made to feel less important or proud, to describe the discoveries. Waldron said, "Discoveries like this create incredible moments where we become humbled at our size and place in the world." I'm John Russell.
Steady 的合著者吉米·沃尔德伦用“谦卑”这个词来描述这些发现,意思是让自己感到不那么重要或自豪。沃尔德伦说:“这样的发现创造了令人难以置信的那一刻,我们对自己在世界上的规模和地位感到谦卑。”约翰·罗素为您报道。