Our story today is called "The Casque of Amontiado". It was written by Edgar Allan Poe. Here is Larry West with the story:
Fortunato and I, both were members of very old and important Italian families. We used to play together when we were children. Fortunato was bigger, richer and more handsome than I was, and he enjoyed making me look like a fool. He hurt my feelings 1,000 times during the years of my childhood. I never showed my anger, however, so he thought we were good friends. But I promised myself that one day I would punish Fortunado for his insults to me.
Many years passed. Fortunado married a rich and beautiful woman who gave him sons. Deep in my heart, I hated him, but I never said or did anything that showed him how I really felt. When I smiled at him, he thought it was because we were friends. He did not know it was the thoughts of his death that made me smile.
Everyone in our town respected Fortunato. Some men were afraid of him because he was so rich and powerful. He had a weak spot, however. He thought he was an excellent judge of wine. I also was an expert on wine. I spent a lot of money buying rare and costly wines. I stored the wines in the dark rooms under my family's palace.
Our palace was one of the oldest buildings in the town. The Montresor family had lived in it for hundreds of years. We had buried our dead in the rooms under the palace. These tombs were quiet, dark places that no one but myself ever visited. Late one evening during Carnival season, I happened to meet Fortunato on the street. He was going home alone from a party.
Fortunato was beautiful in his silk suit made of many colors: yellow, green, purple and red. On his head he wore an orange cap covered with little silver bells. I could see he had been drinking too much wine. He threw his arms around me and he said he was glad to see me. I said I was glad to see him too, because I had a little problem. "What is it?" he asked, putting his large hand on my shoulder. "My dear Fortunato," I said, "I'm afraid I have been very stupid. The man who sells me wine said he had a rare barrel of a Montiado wine."
福图纳托穿着五颜六色的丝绸套装,很漂亮:黄色、绿色、紫色和红色。他头上戴着一顶橙色的帽子,上面挂着小银铃。我看得出他喝了太多的酒。他拥抱了我,说很高兴见到我。我说我也很高兴见到他,因为我有点问题。“怎么了?”他问道,把他的大手放在我的肩上。 “亲爱的福尔图纳托,”我说,“恐怕我太愚蠢了。卖酒给我的那个人说他有一桶罕见的蒙蒂亚多葡萄酒。”