40年前,兵马俑的奇迹之门被打开,"世界第八大奇迹"出现在众人眼前。为庆祝秦兵马俑发现40周年,China Daily手机报推出口语特别策划"走近兵马俑",在带您穿越历史长河、探索这些人类智慧与艺术结晶背后故事的同时,讲述孕育这段历史的神秘土壤——西安的前世今生,并向您介绍相关词汇、句式的地道英语表达。

How much time do I need?
F: I'd love to go see the Terra-Cotta Warriors! How much time do I need for that trip?
M: We went to Xi'an for four days, but you can do it in less. In fact, it's easy to do in two days, if you take the overnight sleeper to get there and to come back. Then you have two full days on the ground.
F: Is that really enough time?
M: You need most of one day for the warriors, since the excavation site is about a 2-hour drive from the city. Then you have another day to see other attractions in the area.
Sleeper作名词可指"卧铺车"。此外,sleeper train和sleeper car也可指那种带有卧铺的列车。Overnight作形容词指通宵的,因此overnight sleeper便是通宵卧铺车,也就是那种晚上睡一夜,第二天早上便到达目的地的列车。
口语君: 俗话说"不到长城非好汉", 不过在很多人眼里,不游西安,就等于没游中国哦。当你和外国友人聊起西安时,该如何介绍这座古都呢?快来学学下面这3句话:
1. Xi'an is more than 3,000 years old and was known as Chang'an in ancient times.
2. For 1,000 years, the city was the capital for 13 dynasties, and a total of 73 emperors ruled here.
3. With so much history within the ground the city lies upon, it is no wonder that there are so many historical ruins, museums and cultural relics to be found here.