当你觉得某人、某件事情或某个机构说的东西并不能完全让你信服,令你将信将疑的时候,就可以用“take it with a pinch of salt 捏一点盐放进去”来表达你的感觉。
I always take what that newspaper says with a pinch of salt. They are famous for making things up.
I recommend you take Uncle Pete’s stories of his unhappy childhood with a pinch of salt. Aunt Joan says they both grew up in a very happy home.
另一个成语 worth their salt 可以用来形容某人是个值得信赖的、做事能力强的人。Not worth their salt 则可以用来形容没有能力或不称职的人。
Any scientist worth their salt would have realised that the research wasn’t reliable.
He was lazy, unreliable and poor at his job. He wasn’t worth his salt so he was fired.