How’s the weather?
What’s it like out there?
What’s the weather forecast? = What is the weather expected to be like?
Beautiful day, isn’t it? (天儿挺好啊!)
Today it is warm and sunny out.
It’s so cold out there!
The sun is very bright today, you might want to take sunglasses.
It’s not raining, but it’s cloudy.
It is! I’m so happy the sun is shining. (回答上面那句搭讪语)
They’re saying blue skies and hot! (有人问你天气预报咋说,就可以这么答)
· below freezing: 零度以下,例如:
It’s supposed to be below freezing today. I should wear my gloves.
The temperatures remained below freezing all day.
· boiling hot: 热到马路能煮鸡蛋(an idiom used to describe a very hot day),例如:
It was boiling hot, so we decided to stay inside.
它也可以作为定语,例如it’s a boiling hot day.
· breeze: 微风(a very light wind),例如:
a sea breeze 海风
a light breeze was blowing. 微风轻轻吹
· breezy: 微风徐徐的(lightly windy),例如:
Maybe you shouldn’t wear a hat, it’s breezy out today.
· chilly: 凉飕飕的(lightly cold),例如:
I always wear a scarf when it’s chilly.
· drizzling: 毛毛雨(to be raining very lightly),情深深雨蒙蒙适合情侣出门散步的那种…… 例如:
I don’t think you’ll need an umbrella, it’s only drizzling.
· overcast: 阴天的,用来替换cloudy不错(a gray sky with no sun visible),例如:
The sky is overcast this morning, but the sun is supposed to come out later.
最后,再顺道学学常见的weather idioms,免得发生“单词都认识,但是放在一起是啥意思”的情况:
· be raining cats and dogs: 瓢泼大雨(to be raining heavily)
Do not forget your umbrella before you go outside. It is raining cats and dogs!
· face like thunder: 明显生气了(being clearly very angry up upset)
You could tell Maria was angry. She had a face like thunder!
还有常见的用法是:Her face is like thunder.
· a storm/tempest in a teacup: 小题大做,大惊小怪(a lot of anger or worry about something that is not important, exaggerate a problem)
I don’t think this flu scare is serious. It’s just a storm in a teacup.
· chase rainbows: 妄想,空想,做白日梦(try to achieve the impossible)
I know you want to become a famous footballer but don’t chase rainbows! It is very hard and you are just not good enough.
· lightning fast: 动作快,迅速(being very fast)
Wow, did you see him win the race? He was lightning fast!
· have one’s head in the clouds: 不切实际,白日做梦(have unrealistic or impractical ideas)
Mike thinks he is going to pass his exams without studying. He has his head in the clouds!
· be snowed under with something: 忙不过来了(to have more things, especially work, than you feel able to deal with)
I’d love to come but I’m completely snowed under at the moment.
· Under the weather: 身体不适(feel slightly sick and not as well as usual)
Hazel did not come into work today. She was feeling under the weather.
· steal someone’s thunder: 抢风头,抢功劳(to do what someone else was going to do and receive all the praise; or take the attention away from someone else)
My classmate stole my thunder when he told the teacher that he did all the work on the presentation.
· Every cloud has a silver lining: 黑暗中总有一丝光明的(every bad situation has a positive side to it)
I’m not going on holiday this year, but every cloud has a silver lining, as I’m able to spend more time with my family at home!
· the calm before the storm: 暴风雨前的宁静(a quiet time before a busy or difficult period)
It’s going to get very busy tomorrow. Today is the calm before the storm.