10. Bimbo
bimbo 爱搭讪的年轻女子,性生活放浪的美女,头脑空空的美女,妓女;不重要的男人,下贱的及不足挂齿的男人,笨蛋家伙(泛指男性)
bimbette (加-ette指女性)意义同上
booth bimbo 展示会摊位上的漂亮小姐
Bimbo是贬抑的字眼,自1918-1919年始见于美国文献,多指女性,但也偶指男性,bimbette (1982)加了后缀-ette(小也,女也),是轻薄的戏称。 Bimbo一字在正式社交场所尽量避免使用,仕人淑女尤然。
Bimbo 用以贬抑女性
1. bimbo 没有大脑的美女
A. Calling a woman a “slut”or“bimbo” is a common tactic that belittles individual women by making them the butt of sexual jokes.
1. 形容文中bimbo的字眼有“loose”(淫荡的),“trashy”(无用的,垃圾般的),“sleazy”(举止随便的),及“promiscuous” (乱来的)。另见“a woman who uses her sexuality for manipulative ends”(利用性感以达希冀目的之女郎)。
A. “My1 problem is…that he has children from his first marriage.”
B. “Who are probably older than you. He has ties older than you.”
A. “Correct.”…“but I don’t want to seem like the blonde bimbo because I’m not. I’m an educated redhead.”
B. “Oh,OK,a redheaded bimbo with a degree”
A. …“Don’t call me a bimbo.”
(Star Tribune,2/2/97)
1. 本文为电视脱口秀女主持人与现场call in的对话片断。
A. Other people, especially athletes,attract bimbos. When you travel with teams,you see bimbos in hotel lobbies and bimbos lurking around the arena exits,waiting for an athlete to say,“C’mon1.”
(The Washington Post,2/20/93)
1. C’mon.=Come on来吧!快点!算了吧!……等解释。
A. …far from disapproving of Clinton,a fair number of men…envy the President for the chance and the power to indulge his sexual appetites,and that plenty of women…find him so attractive that they dream of becoming one of his “bimbos” themselves.
A. The west side neighborhoods used to be plagued by microskirted bimbos, but after the police crackdown,they’ve largely disappeared.
2. bimbette 特指“傻大姐”型的女性
A. Every time I randomly turn to Channel 9 during a channelsurfing spree,there she is! Usually blonde,in a tight-fitting dress,… lots of arms,bare legs,back,upper chest. Grinning, leaning towards Arsenio1,and who is she?… Some bimbette wannabe2 sitting up there wasting time3.
(N.Y.Amsterdam News,5/14/94)
1. 指某黑人社区报的一位黑人。女记者认为,黑人阿辛尼欧所主持的深夜脱口秀电视节目之所以停播,应怪他老邀请无聊的白人金发女郎上台亮相。
2. Bimbette 是名词,指因羡慕成功的人也梦想成名,却没有别人的本领。Wannabe 是 want to be 的快说。
3. sitting up there,wasting time 两个虽都是现在分词短语,但前者是有 be 的进行式,后者是独立的分词短语,说明sitting up there所为何事。二者语法性能不同,省去连接词。
3. booth bimbo 展示会的女服务员
A. I’ve been in high tech since the early 1980s and have noticed that while the presence of booth bimbos1 is not as blatant or expansive as it was in the ’80s,they are still there.
1. I指该报一位女记者,用“beautiful yet mindless women”(美丽而无头脑的女人) 形容 booth bimbo。
Bimbo 用以贬抑男性——笨蛋,呆瓜,饭桶
A. The bimbo on the mound1 can’t even hit the side of a barn2.
1. on the mound 在投手的岗位上(稍高于球场内野土地)。
2. barn 谷仓,比一般独栋住宅大约三倍,通常漆成红色。
A. Some say professional wrestlers are a bunch of bimbos. What’s your opinion?