11. Birdbrain
birdbrain,bird-brain 愚蠢,轻佻者
birdbrained,bird-brained 愚蠢的,轻佻的
Birdbrain 1933年初期始见于英文文献。当名词时,指男指女均可,当形容词时,指“愚蠢的,轻佻的”,跟随名词如 idiot (白痴)、call girl(应召女郎)等。Birdbrain 虽是土话,用来损人,但语气并不粗俗,正式社交场所可以使用。
Birdbrain 用以损人,贬人
1. birdbrain 轻佻女子;笨蛋,蠢货
A. Does it bother you1 that people think you’re stupid?
B. They2 automatically assume that you’re a birdbrain. You3 have to keep proving yourself4.
1. 本文是汽车展示会上女模特儿的经验谈。
2. people,they 指展示会游客中的好色之徒。
3. You 该模特儿指她同业的女人。
4. Keep proving yourself Keep后面常加 V-ing,表示“继续做下去”,Keep 本是及物动词,在此有linking Verb 的功能,故V-ing倾向于现在分词,也有人主张此处V-ing是动名词,因为Keep silence与Keep silent 均可。
A. Defenders of Farrah Fawcett1 have claimed she was…knowingly playacting the role of a birdbrain when she appeared on David Letterman’s Late Show this past June,burbling and meandering so effectively that less sophisticated viewers might be forgiven for thinking she was in serious distress,or even drugged.
(Entertainment Weekly,81/5/97)
1. Farrah Fawcett (1947-2009)在1960-70年代为金发碧眼性感影视双栖名星。
A. The birdbrain believes that by lobbying to stop logging1 he can help save2 some owls.
B. He has the support of many environmentalists.
1. stop logging 停止伐木。stop是及物动词,logging是动名词(gerund)当宾语用。
2. help save 在help(vt.)后不论有无宾语,再加的不定式动词(Infinitive)均省去“to”。
2. bird-brained 轻佻的
A. Hollywood has a long tradition of bestowing Oscars for prostitute roles, dating back to 1928. This year,Sorvino—a Harvard graduate who played a bird-brained call girl with a big heart and a squeaky voice—was among three actresses nominated for playing hookers.