细说英语粗话:16. Bottom-feeder
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    16. Bottom-feeder

     bottom feeder 迎合低级趣味者,揭发黑幕者,追寻八卦新闻的人,爱捡便宜的人

     bottom feeding 迎合低级趣味的,揭发黑幕的,追寻八卦新闻的,死要钱的

    Bottom-feeder 当名词,在美国文献中多指律师、迎合低级趣味的节目或节目主持人、爱捡便宜的人、追求八卦新闻的记者及作家等;bottom feeding 是形容词,通常形容上述名词。二词语气轻蔑损人,但在正式社交场所仍多见使用。

    bottom-feeder 用以讽刺人、损人

    1. bottom-feeder 迎合低级趣味的人,揭疮疤者、追寻八卦新闻者

    A. It may sound fishy,but the bottom-feeder of bottom-feeders is dining on caviar1 these days. “The Jerry Springer2 Show,” the talk show that boasts more bleeps3,bozos and busted noses4 than any hour on TV,is watching5 its audience ratings skyrocket.

    (Gannett News Service,1/29/98)



    1. dining on caviar 以“食用鱼子酱”喻“广受欢迎”。

    2. Springer 史宾哥,53岁,曾任辛辛那提市市长,于1993年开始播出自己的电视节目。

    3. bleeps 美国电视台不准播出七个脏字秽语(请参见附录(三)),都以哔哔声(bleep)代替之。

    4. busted noses 以“打断的鼻子”喻“打架”。

    5. watch 此动词+宾语(its audience ratings 观众收视率)后,可跟动词原形(root form) skyrocket 作宾语补足语。这样的动词为数不多,如see,hear,have,get,make……等。

    A. The press,meanwhile,characterized me1 as a bottom-feeder in the pay of a right-wing rag2 and moved on to a less seamy scandal,3 Whitewater. Case closed.4

    (Esquire 杂志,4/1/98)



    1. me 指资深记者布拉克(David Brock)。

    2. rag (俚)报纸。布氏调查克林顿的绯闻时,于1993年十二月在右翼报上发表一文,引一名阿肯色州警员(trooper)的话说,当时任阿肯色州州长的克林顿在一名小姐(即Paula Jones)面前有暴露之嫌,成为轰动一时的州警员揭发绯闻案(戏称 Troopergate)。

    3. less seamy scandal 指当年不涉及桃色的阿肯色州白水镇土地开发案(Whitewater)。

    4. Case closed 讽刺新闻界喜新厌旧,有了白水案的新发现,就疏远了 Troopergate 的绯闻案。

    2. Bottom-feeding 迎合低格调的,死要钱的

    A. Philadelphia’s WIP “deals almost exclusively in opinion, innuendo and rumor,” writes SI’s1 Austin Murphy. The station “panders to bottom-feeding listeners….”

    (Gannett News Service,9/19/96)

    运动画报的墨菲写道:“费城的 WIP 广播电台几乎全是播送些民众意见、冷讽热嘲及道听途说,该电台迎合低格调的听众……”


    1. SI 即Sports Illustrated (运动画报周刊)的缩写。

    A. …the overall intent of the hour1 is both laudable and welcome. It sure beats another edition of that dumb Dateline2 or all those tawdry,bottom-feeding clip specials3 infecting Fox4 and rapidly spreading to rival networks.

    (The Dallas Morning News,12/14/98)



    1. the hour 指美国 Pax有线电视台的 Chicken Soup for the Soul(平安快乐之道)。按在美国,素以鸡汤作为轻微疾病的家庭良药,此处喻“净化灵魂的良方”。

    2. Dateline (子午线)美国电视众多新闻特写节目之一。

    3. clip specials 指穿插低级趣味镜头的新闻特写节目。

    4. Fox 指由澳洲媒体大亨默多克(Rupert Murdoch)经营的美国福克斯电视台。

    A. Keating1,visibly angered by the suit2,said it had been filed by a “bottom-feeding lawyer.” He…expressed concerns news of the suit would cause other possible donors to withhold future donations. “This lawyer never even bothered to talk to me,” Keating said… Levine3 bristled at being called a “bottom-feeder,”4 saying that he not only received no money for representing Powers5,but that he paid for the filing fees.




    1. Keating 基廷,当时的俄克拉荷马州州长。

    2. suit 指因俄克拉荷马市联邦政府大楼被炸,罹难者救济基金发放不公而兴讼。基廷是被告之一。

    3. Levine 利怀恩,是原告律师。

    4. bristle at being called a bottom-feeder bristle at…对……事而生气, being called… 是动名词短语,作at的宾语。

    5. Powers 鲍威尔,为本案之女性原告,指控州长对救济金处理不公。

      上一篇:细说英语粗话:15. Boob 下一篇:细说英语粗话:17. Broad


