17. Broad
broad 娼妓,贱女人
dumb broad 傻婆娘
raunchy broad 烂货(贬女人)
Broad 是对女人的贬称,故均为名词。它借女人上身宽肥(broad)而奚落之,通常跟随在 dumb,raunchy,stupid 等形容词之后。 Broad是轻蔑的字眼,正式社交场所不宜使用,仕人淑女尤然。
Broad 贬称女人
A. Once these labels become fashionable,they penetrate into our culture like pesky termites. So here is a warning:If you see a total stranger drive by and think,“Ah,there goes one of those annoying soccer moms1,” you’re only a short kick away from2 genuinely ugly stereotypes such as dumb broad,lazy Mexican, or drunken Irishman3. Isn’t this exactly the kind of hostile, narrow-minded attitude America’s been trying to stamp out for at least 100 years?
(The Christian Science Monitor,4/3/98)
1. soccer moms 指住郊区开车接送孩子去踢足球的一般家庭主妇。美国校园的传统运动是棒球,唯近年来,踢足球之风方兴未艾,许多中小学的棒球场改为足球场,因而产生“足球妈妈”的新名词。
2. a short kick away from 借足球术语喻“离……不远”。
3. lazy Mexican,drunken Irishman 墨西哥人多被认为(perceived as)贪玩不勤劳,而爱尔兰人则似乎开酒馆(pub)及爱酗酒闻名,这些联想实属偏见。
A. Cheryl Pranke was 43 and suffering classic symptoms of heart disease:chest pain that also radiated down her left arm. but when a stress test came back1 positive,her physicians dismissed any chance that she had heart problems. “They treated me like some dumb broad,” said Pranke,now 49.“If I hadn’t pursued2 it,I would be dead now.”
(Star Tribune,4/19/98)
1. came back 重新证明为……,可后跟形容词作主语补足语。
2. hadn’t pursued it 是过去虚拟语气(Subjunctive mood),强调“幸好当时追踪了”,I would be dead now 是现在假设语句,两句均与事实相反。
A. How’s your love life these days?
B. No new developments. Not much to choose from;they’re all a bunch of raunchy broads.
A. Not necessarily! Let me introduce one to you!
B. Spare me,will you?… Nowadays,women are overly realistic. For guys with no money,no car,no future,it’s no way,José1!
A. Oh. I get2 it…. Well, then, it’s time for another round!
1. no way,José 英、西合成语,José为西班牙语男士名,在此相当于“老兄”之意。
2. get “明白”是及物动词,常问人“你清楚了吗?”,“懂了吗?”,就可用Got it?或 Have you got it?