细说英语粗话:33. Scum
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    33. Scum

    scum 池塘等的浮垢,[引喻]人渣、废物、没用的东西

     scum of the earth 最下流的人渣,最没用的东西

     pond scum 人渣,极可恶的人

     street scum 街头痞子

    1. got sent 相当于were sent的被动式,但got的语意比were为强,也证明get有linking verb的功能。

    1. impeachment trial 指当时尚未宣判的克林顿总统被弹劾审判。

    1. scum 人渣,废物,没用的东西

    A. “The most common references for scum were to people in the drug trade,Communists and people who burn flags…” the report1 said. “Scum was used almost exclusively to describe people:vivisectors2, ninjas3, Sandinista4 friends,people who get the death penalty, looters, Trudeau’s comic strip5, violent criminals,Jews(in reference to anti-Jewish sentiment during the Gulf War),skinheads6 and pornographers7.”



    1. report 指Vulgarity Index(粗话索引)统计自1985年以来众议院议员所用的骂人语和粗话。

    2. vivisectors 指解剖活的动物者,人道主义者不齿其残忍成性。

    3. ninja 忍者(武士)的罗马拼音。

    4. Sandinistas 指里根总统任内在尼加拉瓜境内的自由游击队。

    5. Trudeau’s comic strip 杜氏的连载漫画经常讽刺美政府及其政策,颇引起反感。

    6. skinhead 白人至上主义者,排斥有色人种。

    7. pornographers 语出希腊文,是贩卖色情书画及影集者。

    A. Lucille1 has definite opinions about the press:“Treat them like the pigs they are…they’re scum. They’re the enemy—they’re what’s2 standing between us and victory3.”


    1. look like shit与look like hell相同,表示“脏兮兮”。在look后的 like shit是形容词短语,作主语补足语。用run over twice(被车压过两次)来加强语气,run是过去分词,当补语。


    1. Lucille 一本小说中的女性人物,评论家引用她的话。

    2. …they’re what’s 就是“…they are what is”的简写,they指的是新闻界。

    3. standing between us and victory 站在我们与胜利中间,喻“挡路”、“妨碍我们胜利”。

    2. scumbag 人渣

    A. We’re2 supposed to be in current-day, small-town Mississippi3, where a young white lawyer agrees to defend a black factory worker after he guns down a couple of scumbags4 who raped and savagely beat his 10-year-old daughter.

    (Wall Street Journal,7/26/96)



    1. 本文摘录自该报A Time To Kill影评。

    2. we 指观众。

    3. Mississippi 美国南部密西西比州,此地曾发生多次黑白种族冲突。

    4. scumbags 此处指的是两个白人坏蛋(人渣)。

    A. Many attributed the car crash that killed Princess Diana to the paparazzi1 who were chasing after her.


    B. They were quickly labeled as scumbags by the media.



    1. paparazzi 意大利语,指索高价出售得之不易的名人生活照片的摄影记者,港台新闻界称其为“狗仔队”。

    A. It1 reminds me of the way Dan Burton2 was hung out to dry3 for describing Bill Clinton as a scumbag…. Please:“Scumbag” just means “jerk”, too.


    由此想起布尔顿因形容克林顿为极可恶的人而挨骂……拜托: Scumbag只是未经世故者的意思。


    1. it 指纽约一个政客说他竞选对手是个putzhead(putz乃犹太土语,作“生殖器”解),引起轩然大波,记者释putzhead为jerk(乳臭未干者),认为scumbag也应该释为jerk。

    1. one more slip up slip及slip up皆是小过失(mistake,error的同义字),此处是名词:slip up亦当动词,如Don’t slip up!(不准出差错!)。 One more与another同义,是“再一个……”之意。

    3. …hung out to dry(俚) 借“洗衣服挂在外头晾干”,喻“受大家抨击”之意。

    3. scum of the earth 最下流的人渣

    A. Self-described “scum of the earth”:McQuay2 at prison in Texas

    (Newsweek,4/15/96 photo caption.)




    2. 32岁的麦氏被控玷污孩童多达240次,被判6年徒刑。

    4. pond scum 池塘浮垢

    A. Your1 attitude is that of a pompous,self-centered reprobate;you consistently obfuscate the issue; you appear to have the intellect,character, and communication abilities of pond scum.

    (National Review,9/1/97)



    1. Your,you 指National Review刊物编辑,读者来信对其臭骂。

    5. street scum 街头痞子,地痞流氓

    A. Rock1 also declared that there is a “civil war going on out here2” between civilized black people and the black street scum who terrorize their communities3, a distinction all in America need to realize.

    (Daily News,8/25/96)



    1. Chris Rock 是一位年轻黑人,是个甘草人物(comedian逗趣的人)。

    2. out here 指美国各地社区内。

    3. terrorize their communities 在社区横行。

    Scum 的戏言(无恶意)

    A. Fee,Fi,Fo,Fum,1 I see a tie2 on a yuppie3 scum,yelled bartender Sarah Isenberg on the bar with her megaphone.

    (Daily News,3/24/96)



    1. Fee,Fi,Fo,Fum 是英文童话故事“杰克与豆茎”(Jack and the Beanstalk)里巨人喊出之声音,目的在引起大家注意。

    2. I see a tie… 酒保笑某雅痞,连上酒吧这样轻松的场合居然也打领带。

    3. yuppie 雅痞(young urban professional的缩写,字尾加“ie”有另眼相看或蔑视之意)。

      上一篇:细说英语粗话:32. Idiot 下一篇:细说英语粗话:34. Scuzzbucket


