34. Scuzzbucket
1. poop 当名词另有“情报,消息”之意,如What’s the latest poop on the scandal?(丑闻案的最新消息是什么?);当动词时,作“使……精疲力尽”解,如Dealing with complaining customers all day poops him out. (整天应付唠叨的顾客使他精疲力尽);当形容词时,具“累了”之意,如I worked all day. I’m pooped. (我整天上班,好累!)
scuzzbucket 卑鄙龌龊的,手段低劣的,道德败坏的
1. shitcan 可当及物动词,作“扔弃废物”解,如Shitcan that draft. We’ve got the final version. (我们已拿到定稿,草稿可作废。)
1. take a shit 当“大解”,另do one’s business亦然,如Backpacker杂志4/1/98号所载:“scale a tree and do his business perched on a branch 15 feet in the air.”(爬到树上,蹲在15尺高的树枝上拉屎。);还有take a crap,如I can’t take a crap here because this toilet is broken. (因为这个厕所坏了,所以不能在这儿大便。);及用take a dump,如If your commode is on the fritz,you can take a dump in my place. (如果你的厕所坏了,无法大便,你可以用我家的。)
1. Scuzzbucket 卑鄙龌龊的人
A. “Last time around,I voted for Powell,” Briles1 Said. “On the business side, Clinton’s OK. Otherwise,I think he’s a scuzzbucket. I wouldn’t want him married to my sister.”2
(Rocky Mountain News,3/22/98)
1. Judith Briles 美国女作家,此处系对克林顿下的评论。
1. with your face hanging out 面部显得无可奈何状。hanging out有不同的意义,此处当“不知所措”,是现在分词作宾语face的补语。
A. Goldberg used to enjoy it when women walked all over his body with spiked heels. He…actually got his fat,zits-infested girlfriend,Elaine Rodriguez,to defecate all over him. From various indications,the man was not entirely normal in my estimation. Dusty and Lisa never wanted anything to do with him once they realized what kind of scuzzbucket he was,….
(摘录自网络小说Lonesome Squirrel(1996))
11. hot shit 了不起的人(是当着面说的讽刺话)
1. scuzzbucket 道德败坏的,手段低劣的
A. Once again,Caruso1 is playing a good man with hidden dark impulses who tries to lurch his way toward decency. In Kiss of Death,though,it’s that nagging2 human core that keeps undoing him. Schroeder3 and Price4 have concocted a pulp parable set in an immoral,scuzzbucket world—a world in which everybody lies,and so the one who clings to honor is virtually destined to become a dupe.
(Entertainment Weekly,4/21/95)
1. David Caruso 指美国影视双星卡路索,在以纽约市为背景的警探影片Kiss of Death中演男主角。
2. [sic] 表示正文是个误打字(typo),把be打成了“by”,源自拉丁文,当引用之原文有误时,在其后加注(sic),以示“原文如此”。
3. Barbet Schroeder 指该片导演史维德。
4. Richard Price 普莱斯为该片编剧。
A. Rooted in delusion and nourished by adoring relatives, egoinflating “friends” and scuzzbucket agents,the thing1 could someday choke the sports section’s agate page2, squeezing out today’s probable pitchers3.
(Sports Illustrated,6/2/97)
1. the thing 指每年六月举办的职业篮球协会二轮选秀会(NBA annual two-round draft)。
2. aping Hamptons aping(俚)借“猿猴”为“模仿”(vt)。读者来信建议模仿封面上经常刊登漂亮女人的Hamptons报刊。Hamptons是纽约州长岛的度假胜地,当地一报纸以地区为名。
3. Squeezing out today’s probable pitchers 挤掉了今天可能出场的选手。六月恰逢棒球季节,运动版以报导棒球及选手调动为主,才是正点,故有此反讽。