“A man’s ability cannot possibly be of one sort and his soul of another. If his soul be well-ordered, serious and restrained, his ability also is sound and sober. Conversely, when the one degenerates, the other is contaminated.”
— Seneca, Philosopher
「一个人的能力与心灵不可能不同调,如果他的心灵有条理、认真且严谨,他的能力也一定不错且明智。相反的,当其中一方沉伦,另一方也会被玷污。」– 塞内卡 (哲学家)
sort (n.) 种类。well-ordered (adj.) 井然有序,有条理的。restrained (adj.) 严谨的; 克制的。sound (adj.) 健康的; 健全的。sober (adj.) 清醒的,冷静的。例:a sober, hard-working young woman (一个冷静、努力的年轻女孩)。degenerate (v.) 品质变坏。例:Due to lack of funds, school education is degenerating year by year. (由于资金不足,学校教育水准正每年下滑。) contaminate (v.) 弄脏,污染。例:Water used for drinking has been contaminated. (饮水已经被污染。)